
Tor-Helge Allern

Field of work

My dissertation from 2003 (The Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU, Trondheim) has the title (in translation): Drama and knowing. An examination of the relationship between dramaturgy and epistemology in drama and drama-in-education. In addition to my competence in drama and applied theatre, I am trained and has worked a few years as teacher and sport teacher. Key competences: Process drama - Dramaturgy - Aesthetic Learning Processes - Theatre Science. My main research projects the recent years are Theatre in Mathematics (TIM), funded by Erasmus+ (2018-2021), and UTFORSK, funded by the Norwegian goverment / DIKU. UTFORSK (2018-2023) is a cooperation with Shanghai Theatre Academy (STA) and East China Normal University on exchange, curriculum development and reserach. In autumn 2023 I was appointed Visiting Professor at Shandong Communication & Media College, Jinan, China.

Courses taught
  • Master in Drama and Applied Theatre
  • Bachelor in Drama and Applied Theatre

Research areas
  • Process drama and applied theatre 
  • Roles, role categories and role aspects
  • Live action role play - Larp
  • You will find some of my publications in ResearchGate.
  •  I was co-editor of a special issue of Applied Theater Research, vol 10, no 2 with articles from Utforsk, a collaborative project with Shanghai Theater Academy, East China Normal University and HVL, and with non-academic institutions in Norway and China. Here I was the main author of two articles and an interview, and contributed to an article (on educational drama in Norwegian school history).
  • I was co-editor for the book "Nord-Norge og 1814 med eller utenfor?" (Northern Norway and 1814 - included or outside?), in which I published an article about swedish agent and propaganda activities in Nordland County 1813-1814. I published two articles in the "Det utvidete læringsrommet" (The extended learning room) in 2015 "Dramaturgy in teaching and learning" and "Learning by being in role. The existencial aspect of fiction and roleplaying". In recent years, I have been cooperating with researchers in mathematics, using applied drama to change the communications patterns in teaching mathematics. A few years ago, I also partipated in a research project in hospitals, training communication skills with hospital staff and researchers in medicine.

Research groups

​​​​​​​Drama in Educational and Societal Contexts (DESC)
