Field of work
Appointed at Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane / Sogn og Fjordane University College, Faculty for Teching Education in 1993 as an Assistant Professor in Sociology. Main topic has all years been social inequality, gender, diversity, global understanding, socialisation, power-relations and social sciences for preschool teachers and teachers. Teaching practice in the following subjects: Social Science/ICT/ Diversity/ Organisation Theories & Leadership for preschool teacher students, Social Science/ Gender and Leadership/ ICT/ Intercultural competence and diversity/ Didactics/Education and Sustainability for Teacher students. Global Knowledge for social worker -, teacher, preschool teacher-, nurse- and health/sports-students. Several publications describe some of the experiences and learning outcome both students’ groups have achieved (Bergersen, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Bergersen & Muleya, 2019) and four chapters in Klein, Larsen & Bergersen (2022). In-service programmes like Adult Education and Diversity, Women and Leadership, Intercultural facilitation in international projects etc. Developed and coordinated most of these subjects.
Since 2015 worked as an associate Professor in Sociology based on three main competences: gender & Leadership, Intercultural competence, and contextual learning. Coordinating student mobility between Zambia (93 students) and Norway (400 students), been international coordinator in ten years at faculty level and initiated a lot of projects and agreements. International projects and advisor in Namibia in 2005 - 2007, in Zambia since 2002 - 2024 and ongoing projects in cooperation with Teacher Education and University in Zambia. Leader- team for research group (FLEKS) and have presented and published at international and national level for several years. See details below.
Courses taught
- Global Knowledge
- Education and Sustainability
- Leadership and Diversity in Preschools
- Social Sciences in Teacher Education
- Leadership, cooperation and development
- Diversity in vocational education (in-service)
- Intercultural competence before/after student mobility
Research areas
- Intercultural competence in kindergartens and schools
- International studentmobility and learning outcome
- Norwegian students' transformative learning from a three month stay in Zambia
- Education and sustainability
- Whiteness theory and studentmobility
- Cultural-sensitive teaching
- Intercultural competence and bildung
- Pedagogical leadership
- Ethical dilemma and Scial Science Didactics
Research groups
- COMPARE - Comparative perspectives in education in Southern Africa and Northern Europe
- Fleirkultur og interkulturell kommunikasjon i utdanningssystemet (Diversity and intercultural communication in Education)
- Global International Practice in South -GIPS See more here: Global Intercultural Practice in the South (
- GKB301, Global Knowledge, 24/25, subject responsible
- LSU301, Leadership, collaboration and development, 24/25
- MDIP550C, Master's thesis, 24/25
- MGUUB101, Theoretical perspectives on education and sustainable development in Africa, 24/25
- MGUUB201, Teaching practice in Africa, 24/25
- PPUA305, Postgraduate Certificate in Education 1, 24/25
- YFL814, Inclusive education and motivation in multicultural and multilingual student groups, 24/25
- YFL815, Inclusive education and motivation in multicultural and multilingual student groups (part 2), 24/25
Lærer i en globalisert verden. Langtidseffekt på internasjonal praksis og læreres profesjonelle utvikling
Preparative intercultural course for exchange students across professionals/diciplins and geographical destination from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Global awareness and professional teacher competence through student mobility from Norway to Global South
Professional teaching and global awareness. Long term impact for Norwegian teachers' student mobility from Norway to Zambia through "Global Knowledge"
(De)Coloniality in Teacher Education: Reflections on Student Teachers’ Mobility from the Global North to the Global South