Change of Name
What should I do if I change my name while I’m a student at HVL?
You name must be up to date in our student registers at all times, and it is your responsibility to notify us if you change your name. There is no automatic connection between the National Population Registry Office’s system and our own. We cannot change your name in our system without valid documentation. Valid documentation of any name changes must be sent to Høgskulen på Vestlandet, postbox 7030, 5020 Bergen.
What is considered valid documentation?
- Confirmation from the National Population Registry Office/the Norwegian Tax Administration (via Altinn)
- A valid copy of a marriage certificate where applicable
Documentation must include your full name and birth number (11 digits).
Passport, bank cards, certificates or other such documents do not count as valid documentation, as they do not show your name before your name change.
Will I need a new student card after I change my name?
Yes. Get in touch with Student Services to get a new student card for free. You must send in your old student card for shredding before your new one is sent out to you.
Which name will appear on my diploma?
Your diploma is only sent out to you once, and will always bear the name we have registered in the system at the time that your diploma is printed. If you have changed your name, make sure to get in touch with us well before your diploma is printed.
Any questions?
Contact Student Services on your campus