Submission of home exams and assignments

You can find information here about submitting home exams and assignments.

For a home exam, you will find the assignment text in WISEflow. You will be given guidelines on semester assignments, project assignments, etc. from your subject teacher in Canvas.  All home exams and assignments must be submitted digitally in WISEflow

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You can find more information about bachelor’s theses and master’s theses on these pages.

WISEflow User guide for participants

Submission deadline

The deadline for submitting an exam is absolute, so plan your time well, to make sure you submit it on time. Start the submission process well before the submission deadline.

If you experience technical issues during the submission process, it is important for you to do the following:

Send your answer paper as an attachment to before the submission deadline expires.

If you are unable to attach your answer paper, send us an explanation of what submission issues you are experiencing.

You will see the deadline for submission in WISEflow. Usually the deadline is at 14.00 PM, but in some cases it may be a different time, so always check what applies to you.

Removing author information from files

You can find information here about how to remove author information from files that will be submitted for the exam in WISEflow.

We recommend that you remove this information in Word before saving as a PDF.

You do not need to remove author information in submissions that are not anonymous.

For Windows – removing author in Word in Office 365

Click on the File tab at the top left of your document.

  • Click on Information -> Check for Issues -> Inspect Document
  • The window Document Inspector appears. Click on Inspect at the bottom of the window.
  • The information in the box will be updated, and where there is a warning, this will be shown with an exclamation mark. Click on Remove all in any section where a problem was found.

Your name has now been removed, and you can save the file as a PDF with no author information included.

For Windows – removing author in Excel

  • Click on the File tab at the top left of your document.
  • Click on Information -> Check for Issues -> Inspect Document
  • The window Document Inspector appears. Click on Inspect at the bottom of the window.
  • The information in the box will be updated, and where there is a warning, this will be shown with an exclamation mark. Click on Remove all in any section where a problem was found.

Your name has now been removed, and you can save the file as a PDF with no author information included.

For Mac – removing author in Word for Office 365

  • Click on Tools from the menu bar at the top of the document, and select Protect Document.
  • Check the option Remove personal information on save and click OK to keep this setting in this document.
  • The document now has no author information and can be saved as a PDF before submission.

For Mac – removing author in Excel

  • Click on Excel from the menu bar at the top of the document and select Settings.
  • Then select Security
  • Check the option Remove personal information in this file on save and click OK to keep this setting in the document.

Removing author in PDF

If you have saved a PDF without removing the author information in Word, you can still remove the author information directly in the PDF.

  • Right-click on the PDF file. Select Open with and then Google Chrome.
  • Click on the printer at the top right corner in Chrome.
  • Select Save as PDF under Destination. Click Save.

How to submit in WISEflow

When you submit assignments in WISEflow, a front page (cover) is automatically created. This contains the date, course name, candidate number and any other information needed. Enter any information required in order to submit the assignment, such as number of words.

The document you submit must have headers and footers containing the following information: Course code, candidate number and date of submission deadline. You can find this information in Studentweb. 

  • For home exams and assignments (FLOWassign), you need to upload your assignment as a PDF file. 
  • Other kind of files can be delivered attachments.

There is a demo exam (demo flow) at the bottom of the home page in WISEflow. We recommend that you try out a demo exam before sitting your digital exam. You can open this as many times as you like. FLOWassign and FLOWmulti- Advanced are the test types relevant for home exams.

Information about forming groups in WISEflow.

Log into WISEflow


We recommend that you use the latest versions of the Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari browsers. 

How to make a PDF

Universal design

How to form a Group and Submit a Group Paper

File size


  • You can upload 100 MB as the main file
  • You can also upload a total of 5 GB as an attachment


  • You can upload a total of 5 GB as an attachment


  • You can upload a total of 5 GB as an attachment in the attachment tool
  • On other assignments, the size of files you can upload may vary.

How to prepare video files

Number of words

On the cover in WISEflow, you must often fill in the number of words when submitting. If you have not received other information from your subject teacher, you must count the number of words in the assignment itself, including tables and tables and figures in the text. Title page, table of contents, summary, reference list and any attachments are added and are not to be counted.


A tick on the self-declaration is required to be allowed to deliver in WISEflow

By ticking the box, you confirm that you have familiarized yourself with the regulations for studies and exams and the guidelines on dealing with cheating at HVL.

About writing and using references

When you write an assignment, we recommend that you have a look at the library’s web pages on writing and using references

The course plans tell you which requirements apply to the assignments for that course.

Artificial intelligence

If all aids are allowed in the exam, you can use artificial intelligence (AI) such as ChatGPT. GPT UiO is HVL's privacy-protected service for students.

Remember that it is not a knowledge database. If you retrieve information from ChatGPT, you must still verify the content. You must refer to other sources and provide references. You are the responsible author. Do not let text given by a language model stand alone. Your texts must be based on your own thoughts and reflections.

GPT UiO and other AI tools can be useful for certain forms of text production, but only if you use them critically.

  • AI does not produce error-free text in either Bokmål or Nynorsk, but it is clearly better in Bokmål than Nynorsk.
  • English formulations shine through in several places.
  • The choice of form is largely conservative.
  • The choice of form is inconsistent.

If the use of AI affects the outcome of your findings, method of analysis, or data processing, you must account for this use in your text.

Guidelines for the Use of AI at HVL

See also Cheating policy guidelines

Guidelines for home exams and assignments

If you will be collecting personal data as part of your assignment, you must follow HVL’s research ethics guidelines regarding the recording and handling of personal data. 

A home exam is individual, unless otherwise specified in the course plan or exam assignment. This means that every student must submit their own, independent work. This applies even if you are allowed to collaborate during the exam.

You may have all your support material at hand during a home exam or when writing an assignment. However, it is important for you to be aware of which rules apply to this, so that there can be no suspicion of cheating or plagiarism.

When you refer to or reproduce material from course textbooks, other books, journal articles, assignments written by yourself or others, government publications, websites or other sources, you must state that you have done so in your answer paper. Provide a brief reference to the source in your text. You must also include the entire reference in a list of references at the end of the assignment, and this list must be in alphabetic order. We recommend that you read the library’s web page on good practice in the use of sources when you write an assignment.

In short home exams of one day, you are not expected to spend too much time on writing extensive source references. However, when you use written sources, it is important for you to refer to the source and follow the guidelines provided by your subject teacher. Unless you have been otherwise instructed, it is enough to write, for example, Per Knudsen, 2019 p. 45 as a source reference. Every source must be shown in a bibliography at the end.

It is important for the work you submit to be your own independent work. If the work is anyone else’s, it is important for you to state this clearly in the text and bibliography, as otherwise this could be classed as plagiarism or attempted plagiarism.

All home exams and assignments are put through the Ouriginal plagiarism software. 

We ask you to pay special attention to HVL's Cheating policy guidelines.


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