Mental health and diabetes
Project owner
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Project period
March 2010 - December 2016
Project summary
The relationships between mental health factors and glycemic control in adult persons with type 1 diabetes are examined in cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses in this project. 235 adults with type 1 diabetes accepted to participate and answered questionnaires about depression, anxiety, psychological well-being, quality of life, fear of hypoglycemia and diabetes-specific distress. In addition HbA1c values over a three year period of time were collected.
Results showed that diabetes-specific emotional distress was significantly related to glycemic control in adults with type 1 diabetes. This emphasize the importance that health care providers discuss how diabetes and its self-management is experienced for the individual in clinical consultations.
Regresjonsanalyser, mediatoranalyser og linear mixed effect model analyser er anvendt som hovedanalyser i dette prosjektet. Complete case analyse ble anvendt på alle analyser, i tillegg er hovedanalysene også utført med multiple imputasjonanalyser.