Formation – Nature, Body and Movement (Dannkb)
The research group Formation – nature, body, movement has an interdisciplinary profile including various research projects focusing on a wide range of didactic research questions. Formation (Bildung) and education (learning) are at the core of the research projects.
The concept of 'formation' captures some of the diversity of the issues and topics associated with these subjects that cut across the discipline. The concept of formation is not clear-cut, and is influenced by the discipline-specific academic traditions, discourses and paradigms.
The concepts of nature, body and movement provide the main focus for the work carried out in the research project.
Research projects connected to the group
- Kvalifisering til profesjonsutøver i kroppsøving
- Uteskole og fysisk form / Outdoor Education - didactic practices
- Undervisningspraksis og lærerprofesjonalitet / Teaching practices and teacher professionality
- Grunnleggende ferdigheter i alle fag / Basic skills in all school subjects
- Blågrønne strukturer - Arenaer for danning, didaktiske praksiser og økt fysisk aktivitet / Blue-green structures
- Naturfagundervisning – praktisering og synspunkter hos lærerstudenter og lærere og elever i grunnskolen / Natural science teaching
- Friluftslivsundervisning – didaktisk praksis og undervisningsmetodikk / Outdoor life education
- Praktisk-estetiske fag i skole og lærerutdanning / Practical-aesthetic subjects in teacher training studies
- Landskap og væren i formative praksiser / Landscapes and Beings in Formative Practices
- Pedagogic Creed
- Physical Education and the Ideal Body
- Kroppsøving og idrettsfag - læreprofesjonalitet og vurdering / Physical Education and Sports - Teacher Professionalism and Assessment
Heads of Research Group
External participants
Students at Physical Activity and Diet in a School Environment.
Further reading
An overview of chosen publications is available at our Norwegian website.