Energy and environmental technologies

The research group energy and environmental technologies works with a wide range of energy-related topics.

We conduct research on alternative fuels, recovery of waste heat, hybrid propulsion systems, energy harvesting and conversion processes as well as system analysis. Much focus is currently on hydrogen technology, which many members of the group are working with in one way or another.

On the experimental side, we can carry out tests on Otto and Diesel engines, a Stirling engine, a pyrolysis and gasification system for biomass. We also have a set of measuring and analysis equipment for general mechanical testing and exhaust gas analysis.

Of the laboratories that the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Maritime Studies has at the Bergen campus, we mainly use the engine laboratory and the solar energy laboratory.

Feel free to take a closer look at the websites related to the solar energy laboratory:

Several members in the group work with modelling and simulation of energy systems and energy conversion processes. For this we use several simulation and calculation tools, everything from 3D CFD to process technology software. Among others, we use the following tools: StarCCM+, Ricardo WAVE, Ricardo IGNITE, TRNSYS and Sage of Athens to investigate different types of gas engines, combustion and flow processes, hybrid propulsion systems (interaction between and assessment of conventional and alternative technologies), the syngas composition from biomass gasification and calculation of the waste heat recovery potential using organic Rankine cycles.

The members of the research group are, to varying degrees, involved in either the bachelor's and/or master's study programmes in energy at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. Meetings and/or seminars are usually closely linked to presentations of bachelor's and master's theses. In addition, there are some half-day seminars and events together with external partners.

Collaborators from industry, academia and the public sector are welcome both as project partners, sponsors of bachelor’s and master’s theses or as guest lecturers.

For international students: Semester programme and international year in energy technology

Research Projects

  • H2CoVE – Erasmus+ (2023-2027) with partners from Estland, Netherlands, Ukraine and Austria.

  • FME HyValue - Norwegian centre for hydrogen value chain research (2022-2030; NFR, 333151)

  • StirLH2 - Stirling-cryocooling for smallscale-liquefaction of hydrogen (2022-2024; RFF Vestland)

  • Safety culture in green maritime industries - competence and capacity building for green transition (2022-2026; Rogaland fylkeskommune, 2021/47798)

  • Mass balance and energy optimisation in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), with focus on diurnal variations in water quality – RAS-EN (2020-2025; NFR, 301828)

  • Cryokjøler for liquefaction of hydrogen (2020; Mobiforsk)

Head of Research Group

bilde av Norbert Lümmen

Norbert Lümmen

Associate Professor

Research Group Members

Associated Members



  • Sustainable spaceflight – Halvdagsseminar, 4. mai 2022; i samarbeid med Bergen Energy Lab.
  • Sustainable aviation? – Halvdags webinar, 7. oktober 2020; i samarbeid med Bergen Energy Lab.

  • Sustainable Marine Transport – Halvdagsseminar, 25. april 2019; i samarbeid med Bergen Energy Lab og Bergen Næringsråd.

  • Vehicles for a sustainable future – Halvdagsseminar, 19. april 2018; i samarbeid med Bergen Energy Lab og Klimapartnere Hordaland.