Food and meals in kindergartens
KINDknow research area 5
The meals in kindergarten constitute a significant part of children’s daily food intake as children usually eat three meals in Kindergarten, five days a week. Hence, the Kindergarten is an important setting for children’s food- and meal practices. According to ecological models, children’s food and meal practices will be influenced by varying aspects, from the individual child, to the kindergarten as an institution and to bigger societal aspects. The research area is based on ecological models, and explores nutritional, social and societal understanding for, or influence on, food and meal in kindergarten from children’s and staff’s perspectives. The focus areas are children’s food intake and food choice, children’s perception of food and meals in the kindergarten and influence on their food choices, the staffs perception and influence on which food is offered, the staff as role models during the meals, and kindergarten staffs work with projects with the theme “from farm to fork” (cooperation with research area 2). Sustainable perspectives are a base for the research project.
The research area is a part of the research group Food and meals in schools and kindergartens.
Publikasjoner og konferanseinnlegg
Publications and conferences
Ciren, Baizhen (2021), Food and meal policies and guidelines in kindergartens in Norway and China: a comparative analysis. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 2021
Ciren, Baizhen (2021), Mat er viktig, barn er viktige, helsen deres er viktig i unge år. 2021
Wergedahl, H., Fossgard, E., Aadland, E. K. & Holthe, A. (2020). Children’s Food Choices during Kindergarten Meals. I: Childhood Cultures in Transformation 30 Years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Action towards Sustainability (p.138-161). Brill/Sense ISBN 978-90-04-44566-6.
Kamisaka, Y. & Wergedahl, H. (2020). Variasjon i mattilbud og håndvaskrutiner i praksisbarnehager. Norsk Barnehageforskningskonferanse 2020; 28-30.09.20
Wergedahl, H. (2019). Forskning på mat og måltider i barnehagen. Barnehagekonferansen 2019 - Mat og måltid i barnehagen, Helsedirektoratet og Nasjonalt senter for mat, helse og fysisk aktivitet; 30.10.20
Wergedahl, H., Aadland, E. K. & Bjørkkjær, T. (2018). Mat og måltider i barnehagen. Åpningskonferanse for BARNkunne - senter for barnehageforsking; 29.08.18
Wergedahl, H., Bjørkkjær, T. & Aadland, E. K. (2018). Hvorfor spiser vi ikke mere grønnsaker? Bærekraftige og helsefremmende måltider i barnehagen. Åpningskonferanse for BARNkunne - senter for barnehageforsking; 29.08.18