Multidisciplinary research group on Health, Sports and Function
The research group is positioned in an exciting field between sports, health, science and engineering, enabling innovative research of high quality and societal relevance.
The research group is positioned in an exciting field between sports, health, science and engineering, enabling innovative research of high quality and societal relevance.
This is in line with the international focus on multidisciplinary efforts to meet the challenges in «The Future of Health» (MIT-report). The diverse and complimentary competencies in the research group strengthens HVLs research activity and possibilities directed towards health challenges in the future.
Members of the research group comes from Faculty of Education, Arts and Sports, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences and Faculty of Engineering and Science. Hence, there is a large potential for innovative and multidiciplinary student projects, from bachelor to PhD to meet future challenges.
Research projects
Ongoing projects
Project title: KI literacy (Erasmus + Teacher academy - application pending)
Project leader: KU Leuven and Vives in Belgium
Project participants/collaboration partners: Gro Røsland and Jon Øivind Hoem (HVL), 8 European partners
Externally funded: Erasmus + expected response H24
Project title: ART – AI in education (NFR AI centre. Sketch approved, application deadline 15 Jan 2025)
Project manager: Gro Vatne Røsland (FLKI) and Robert Isaksen (ALU)
Project participants/collaborators: HVL, UiT, KU Leuven (BE), Vives (BE)
Externally funded: Application is planned to be sent to NFR
Project title: Cardiovascular reactivity to physical stress: strategies and mechanisms
Project manager: Ann-Katrin Grotle
Project participants/collaborators: Hege R. Eriksen (internal, Co-PI), Øystein Wiggen (external, SINTEF. Trondheim), Håkon Johansen (Nordnes sjøbad), Sigurd Mydske (external, UIB, doctor), Vegard Iversen (internal), Arild Hafstad (internal), Bendik Sierra (internal).
Student involvement: Simen Nordheim (FHA, bachelor), Viljar Sjuve (FHA, bachelor), Michael Vesterlid (Sports master, Autumn 24).
External funds: GC Rieber foundation
Project title: Dietary competence and health status among students in higher education
Project leader: Iselin Thowsen Vildmyren
Project participants/collaborators: Annette Hjartåker, Ingrid Laukeland Djupegot, Trond Brattelid, Bodil Bjørndal, Eli Kristin Aadland.
Student involvement: No
Externally funded: No
Project title: Beetroot juice: A Natural Boost for the Cardiovascular Health of Women after Menopause?
Project manager: Ann-Katrin Grotle
Project participants/collaborators: Oddrun Gudbrandsen (UIB)
Student involvement: Kathrine Furnes (Master's clinical nutrition, UIB), Maria Lundbrekke (Master's clinical nutrition, UIB).
Externally funded: Ongoing application
Project title: Gene modification of HNF1B in zebrafish to identify the disease mechanism of MODY5
Project manager: Lise Bjørkhaug Gundersen
Project participants/collaborators: Eunice kabanyana Mchaina, Ståle Ellingsen (UIB), Elsa Denker (UIB), Anna Gloyn (Standford University)
Student involvement: Rosemari Hoff (former Master molecular biology, UIB), Pernille Juuhl (BIO bachelor), June Vestbø Steien (BIO bachelor), Karin Glesne (BIO bachelor)
Externally funded: The Swedish Diabetes Association, Fulbright scholarship (Eunice Mchaina)
Project title: Transition towards balance (OMBAL)
Project manager: Lise Bjørkhaug Gundersen
Project participants: Bente Karin Hoddevik Ulvestad (HVL), Faculty of Technology, Environmental and Natural Sciences (HVL)
Externally funded: The Norwegian Research Council
Project title: Effect of using creatine supplements for reduced risk of muscle damage, and length of recovery, in strength training in women
Project manager: Lise Bjørkhaug Gundersen
Project participants/collaborators: Camilla Nundal, Benjamin Clausen, Morten Kristoffersen
Student involvement: Maria Nyvoll (BIO bachelor), Milena Kokosz (BIO bachelor), Agathe Knudsen (BIO bachelor), FHS (master's student), FLKI (bachelor's group)
Externally funded: No
Project title: Disease and Aging Biomarker Identification from multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (DABI)
Project manager: Ivan I. Maximov
Project participants/collaborators: Max Korbmacher, Arvid Lundervold, Lars T. Westlye, Eli N. Eikefjord
Student involvement: -
Externally funded: No
Project title: Health effects of exercise and nutrition in wheelchair users
Project leader: Kristin Lundanes Jonvik (NIH)
Project participants/collaborators: Vegard strøm, Pia Wedege (Sunnaas hospital HF), Jorunn Sundgot-Borgen (NIH), Jan-Willem van Dijk, Vera Weijer (Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen), Marte Bentzen (NIH), Jula Kathrin Baumgart (NTNU ), Linn Christin Risvang (NIH), Hannah Rice (NIH), Emilie Moberg (UIO), Øyvind Bucher Sandbakk (NTNU), Ingeborg Beate Lidal (Sunnaas hospital HF), Amund Lund (NIH), Svein Olav Kolset (UIO), Lars Peder Vatshelle Bovim (HVL), Anja Margrethe F. Liljegren (HVL).
Student involvement: Yes, master's students from NIH, UIB and UIO.
Externally funded: Yes
Project title: Quality assurance of reference material for computerized three-dimensional gait analysis
Project manager: Ånen Aarli (Health Bergen HF – Haukeland University Hospital)
Project participants/collaborators: Rolf Moe-Nilssen (UIB), Lars Peder Vatshelle Bovim (Health Bergen/HVL), Merete Aarsland Fosdahl (Oslo University Hospital), Beate Eltarvåg Gjesdal (HVL), Merete Andersen Malt (Health Bergen), Siri Meete Brændvik ( NTNU), Bård Erik Bogen (HVL/UIB), Anja Margrethe F. Liljegren (HVL),
Student involvement: No
Externally funded: No
Project title: Coping week for children and young people with long-term illness
Project manager: Mette Engan (Helse Bergen)
Project participants/collaborators: Arne Kodal (Health Bergen), Haakon Kvidaland (Health Bergen), Lars Peder Vatshelle Bovim (Health Bergen/HVL), Anne Berit Guttormsen (Health Bergen), Merete Malt (Health Bergen), Asle Hirth (Health Bergen) , Maria Vollsæter (Bergen Health) ++
Student involvement: Master's project for 6 students per summer -24
Externally funded: Includes a PhD scholarship (UiB) from autumn -24
Project title: How to rig a mobile device for simulation
Project manager: Liv Irene Ruud
Project participants: Beate Eltarvåg Gjesdal and Anja Margrethe F.Liljegren (HVL)
Student involvement: No
Externally financed: No
Project title: Biological maturation level, cognitive function, physical capacity and performance level in soccer
Project manager: Morten Kristoffersen (HVL)
Project participants/collaborators: Hilde Gundersen, Heger Randi Eriksen
Student involvement: FLKI (master's student), FLKI (bachelor students)
Externally funded: No
Project title: Peak human performance
Project manager: Morten Kristoffersen
Project participants: Bent Rønnestad (INN), Olav Aleksander Bu, Marcus Daasa, Øyvind Sandbakk (NTNU), Joar Hansen (INN), Lise Gundersen (HVL), Hilde Gundersen (HVL)
Student involvement: No
Externally financed: No
Project title: Physical and cognitive effects of Taekwon-Do training for the elderly over 60 years of age
Project manager: Vegard Iversen
Project participants/collaborators: Anne Henriksen (HVL) Arild Hafstad (HVL), Morten Kristoffersen (HVL), Bård Erik Bogen (HVL), Coral Falco (HVL) Ann-Katrin Grotle (HVL), Hilde Stokwold Gundersen (HVL), Hege Randi Eriksen (HVL).
Student involvement: Yes
Externally funded: No
Project title: Physiological profile of the Norwegian national team in Taekwon-Do
Project manager: Vegard Iversen
Project participants/collaborators: Arild Hafstad (HVL), Morten Kristoffersen (HVL), Coral Falco (HVL).
Student involvement: No
Externally funded: No
Project title: Physical form in childhood cancer survivors
Project leader: Truls Raastad (NIH)
Project participants/collaborators: Multisenter, from HVL: Lars Peder Vatshelle Bovim
Student involvement: 9 master's projects/main theses
Externally funded:
Completed research project
Training methods for increased power development in cycling
Treadmill walking in an immersive virtual environment
Dietary strategies for long-term reversal of obesity and diabetes
Computational medical imaging and machine learning – methods, infrastructure and applications
Innovation in image-based personalized medicine - the next generation of the radiography profession
Imaging biomarkers for precision medicine in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
Current publications
Anita Ryningen, Kari Rostad, Elisabeth Ersvær, Gry Sjøholt, Gøran Paulsen, Hilde Gundersen, Morten Kristoffersen and Lise Bjørkhaug. (2024). Acute response in circulating microRNAs following a single bout of short-sprint and heavy strength training in well-trained cyclists. Front Physiol, Mar 12:15:1365357.doi: 10.3389/fphys.2024.1365357. fphys-15-1365357.pdf (nih.gov)
Stone AJ, Grotle AK, and Stachenfeld (2024). Call for papers: “Cardiovascular regulation during exercise: role of biological sex and consequences of aging” Editorial. American Journal of Physiology, Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. https://doi.org/10.1152/ajpregu.00285.2023
Grotle, A. K., & Stone, A. J. (2024). Are we finally starting to unravel the mystery of the mechanically sensitive component of the exercise pressor reflex?. The Journal of physiology, 10.1113/JP286327. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1113/JP286327
Korbmacher, M.*, van der Meer, D., Beck, D., Askeland-Gjerde, D. E., Eikefjord, E. N., Lundervold, A., Andreassen, O.A., Westlye, L. T., Maximov, I. I. (2024). Distinct longitudinal brain white matter microstructure changes and associated polygenic risk of common psychiatric disorders and Alzheimer's disease in the UK Biobank. Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science. 4(4).
Svendsen, K., Leithe, S., Trewin-Nybråten, C. B., Balto, A., Nes, L. S., Meland, A., Børøsund, E., Kiserud, C. E., Reinertsen, K. V., Eriksen, H. R., Gjelsvik, Y. M., & Ursin, G. (2024). How Did Breast Cancer Patients Fare during Different Phases of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Norway Compared to Age-Matched Controls?. Cancers, 16(3), 602. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers16030602
Carlsen, Petter Helø; Muralitharan, Praveen; Fenne, Hilde; Jansrud, Ida; Engan, Mette; Vollsæter, Maria; Bovim, Lars Peder Vatshelle; Røksund, Ola Drange; Halvorsen, Thomas; Clemm, Hege Synnøve Havstad. 2024 Laryngeal response to high-intensity exercise in healthy athletes. BMJ Open sport & exercise medicine. HAUKELAND, UIB, HVL
Kodal, Arne; Muirhead, Fiona; Reilly, John J.; Wergeland, Gro Janne Henningsen; Thorsen, Paul Joachim Bloch; Bovim, Lars Peder Vatshelle; Elgen, Irene Bircow. 2024, Feasibility of a physical activity intervention for children and adolescents with anxiety and depression BMC Pilot and Feasibility Studies. NORCE, UoS, HAUKELAND, UIB, HVL
Dasa, M. S., Friborg, O., Kristoffersen, M., Pettersen, G., Sagen, J. V., Torstveit, M. K., ... & Rosenvinge, J. H. (2024). Risk and prevalence of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs) among professional female football players. European Journal of Sport Science. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ejsc.12129
Artikkel i BT, 09.04.2024 (REACT prosjekt v/Grotle AK og Eriksen HR): Er isbading og badstu egentlig bra? To Bergens-forskere vil finne svar. To forskere i Bergen vil finne ut hvilke helseeffekter kombinasjonen har. Grotle AK https://www.bt.no/byliv/i/dw6pOw/er-isbading-og-badstu-egentlig-bra-to-bergens-forskere-vil-finne-svar
Artikkel i Khrono 13.03.2024 (REACT prosjekt v/Grotle AK og Eriksen HR): “Då forskarane søkte etter frivillige vinterbadarar, fekk dei så mange at prosjektet måtte utvidast. Kostnad til marknadsføring: Null kroner” https://www.khrono.no/i-sjoen-er-det-fire-grader-martin-har-meldt-seg-frivillig-for-forskinga/856581
Previous publications
Grendstad H, Nilsen A-K, Rygh CB, Hafstad A, Kristoffersen M, Iversen VV, Nybakken T, Vestbøstad M, Algrøy EA, Sandbakk Ø, Gundersen H. Physical capacity, not skeletal maturity, distinguishes competitive levels in male Norwegian U14 players. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2020 Feb;30(2):254-263. doi: 10.1111/sms.13572. Epub 2019 Nov 27. Level 2
Fretheim-Kelly, Zoe; Halvorsen, Thomas; Heimdal, John-Helge; Strand, Eric; Vollsæter, Maria; Clemm, Hege Synnøve Havstad; Røksund, Ola Drange. Feasibility and tolerability of measuring translaryngeal pressure during exercise. The Laryngoscope 2019; Volum 129. s. 2748-2753 HAUKELAND UiB NMBU Article level 2.
Andersen, Tiina Maarit; Halvorsen, Thomas; Fondenes, Ove; Heimdal, John-Helge; Røksund, Ola Drange; Vollsæter, Maria. Larynx: The Complex Gateway to the Lungs. Respiratory care 2019; Volum 64.(7) HAUKELAND. Article level 1
Fretheim-Kelly, Zoe Louise; Halvorsen, Thomas; Clemm, Hege Synnøve Havstad; Røksund, Ola Drange; Heimdal, John-Helge; Vollsæter, Maria; Fintl, Constanze; Strand, Eric. Exercise induced laryngeal obstructions in humans and equines. A comparative review. Frontiers in Physiology 2019; Volum 10:1333. s. 1-10 HAUKELAND HVL NIH UiB NMBU Article level 1
Kolnes, Liv-Jorunn; Vollsæter, Maria; Røksund, Ola Drange; Stensrud, Trine. Physiotherapy improves symptoms of exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction in young elite athletes: A case series. BMJ Open sport & exercise medicine 2019; Volum 5:e000487. s. HAUKELAND HVL NIH UiB UiT . Article level 1
Sandnes, Astrid; Andersen, Tiina Maarit; Clemm, Hege Synnøve Havstad; Hilland, Magnus; Vollsæter, Maria; Heimdal, John-Helge; Eide, Geir Egil; Halvorsen, Thomas; Røksund, Ola Drange. Exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction in athletes treated with inspiratory muscle training. BMJ Open sport & exercise medicine 2019; Volum 5.(1) s. 1-8 HAUKELAND HVL SI UiB Article level 1
Sandnes, Astrid; Hilland, Magnus; Vollsæter, Maria; Andersen, Tiina Maarit; Engesæter, Ingvild Øvstebø; Sandvik, Lorentz; Heimdal, John-Helge; Halvorsen, Thomas; Eide, Geir Egil; Røksund, Ola Drange; Clemm, Hege Synnøve Havstad. Severe exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction treated with supraglottoplasty. Frontiers in surgery 2019 ;Volum 6.(44) s. 1-9 HAUKELAND HVL SI UiB. Artikkel level 1
Curry FE, Taxt T, Rygh CB, Pavlin T, Bjønrstad R, Døskeland SO, Reed RK. Epac1-/- mice have elevated baseline permeability and do not respond to histamine as measured with dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging with contrast agents of different molecular weights. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2019 Mar;225(3):e13199. doi: 10.1111/apha.13199. Epub 2018 Nov 2. Level 1 2019.
Lene Kristiansen, Liv Heide Magnussen, Kjersti Thulin Wilhelmsen, Silje Mæland, Stein Helge Nordahl, Richard Clendaniel, Birgit Juul-Kristensen (2019). Efficacy of intergrating vestibular rehabilitation and cognitive behaviour therapy in persons with persistent dizziness in primary care- a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial, Trials. NVI-level 1
H.N. Weerdesteijn, Frederieke G. Schaafsma, Allard J. van der Beek, Suzanne L. Merkus, Silje Mæland, Rob Hoedeman, Birgit I. Lissenberg-Witte, Erik L. Werner, Johannes R. Anema (2018). Sick leave assessments of workers with Subjective Health Complaints: A cross-sectional study on differences among physicians working in occupational health care. Disability and Rehabilitation. NVI-level 1
Klepaczko A, Szczypiński P, Strzelecki M, Kociołek M, Wasilewska M, Eikefjord E, Lundervold A. Combining automated arterial input function determination, motion correction and denoising for reliable estimation of glomerular filtration rate from DCE-MRI recordings of the healthy kidney. PLOS ONE, level 1
Research group leaders
- Ann-Katrin Grotle
- Morten Kristoffersen
- Anne Henriksen
- Arild Bratten Hafstad
- Gro Vatne Røsland
- Hilde Stokvold Gundersen
- Eivind Johannessen Wengaard
- Eivind Holsbrekken
- Elisabeth Straume Haugland
- Erlingur Sigurdur Johannsson
- Even Bjoarvik
- Maria Coral Falco Perez
- Kine Melfald Tveten
- Tom Erik Jorung Solstad
- Hege Randi Eriksen
- Cecilie Brekke Rygh
- Ola Drange Røksund
- Merete Salveson Engeset
- Lars Peder Vatshelle Bovim
- Eli Nina Hølleland Eikefjord
- Haakon Kristian Kvidaland
- Anja Margrethe Fjellanger Liljegren
- Liv Irene Ruud
- Tobba Sudmann
- Gunnar Slettaløkken
- Ivan Maximov
- Max Korbmacher
- Lise Bjørkhaug Gundersen
- Alvhild Alette Bjørkum
- Trond Brattelid
- Robyn Jones
External members
Associated members
External partners
- Phd Beate Eltarvåg Gjesdal
- Master's student Simon A. Simonnes
- Master's student Jonas Langlo
- Michael Vesterlid, Master of Sports Science, HVL
- Kathrine Furnes, Master's Clinical Nutrition, UIB
- Maria Lundebrekke, Master's Clinical Nutrition, UIB
- Jesper Holmøy, Master of Sports and Physical Education (LUPE), Bergen
International research collaborations
Interested in participating in a research project?
We are looking for research participants for ongoing projects:
BEETBOOST: Beetroot juice, a natural boost for the cardiovascular health of women after menopause?
Inclusion criteria: Under 65 years of age, women who have undergone menopause (1 year since last menstruation), generally healthy
REACT: Cardiovascular reactivity to physical stress: strategies and mechanisms
Criteria: 8-50 years, men and women, generally healthy
Are you a student who wants research experience?
We are always in need of committed students who want research experience. Below you will find researchers with ongoing projects that accept students:
Research project for students
Contact person: Ann-Katrin Grotle
Projects: BEETBOOST and REACT (see ongoing projects for more info)
Email: akgr@hvl.no
Contact person: Morten Kristoffersen
Project: Football and biological maturation
Email: Morten.kristoffersen@hvl.no
Contact person: Hilde Gundersen
Project: Performance development among children and young people
Email: Hilde.stokvold.gundersen@hvl.no
Contact person: Vegard Iversen
Project: Physical and cognitive effects of Taekwon-Do training for the elderly over 60 years of age
Email: Vegard.vereide.iversen@hvl.no
Research methods
1) Physiological measurements and analyses
- Non-invasive finger plethysmography for continuous blood pressure, heart rate and estimation of stroke volume and total peripheral resistance
- Evaluation of stress responses and mechanisms for blood pressure regulation at rest and under stress
- Isometric and rhythmic hand grip training
- Cold Pressor Test (CPT)
- Heart and blood pressure variability
- Isolation of metabolite-induced blood pressure elevation (metaboreflex)
- DXA measurement of body composition and bone density
- Bioimpedance analysis body composition measurement (Tanya?)
- Non-Invasive brain imaging with functional near-infrared spectroscope.
- Electromyography for measuring electrical activity in muscles.
2) Exercise and movement
- Keiser measurement of maximum strength and power in legs and chest
- Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET)
- Lactate threshold testing
- Wingate test of anaerobic capacity
- Motion analysis with Motion Capture system.
- Accelerometer for continuous monitoring of activity, mobility and sleep.
3) Cognitive tests
- IMotion analysis program
- Eye tracking system
4) Biological measurements
- Capillary measurement of blood sugar and lactate (Biosen)
- Metabolic parameter
- Flow cytometry
- Molecular biological analyses
- Urine analyses
Follow us!
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook:
- Instagram: @hvlrehablab and @hvl.performancelab
- Facebook: @tverrfaglig forskningsgruppe idrett, helse, og funksjon-hvl and @HVL human health & performance laboratory