Law, Democracy and Welfare
Political, civil and social rights for citizens are a prerequisite for a well-functioning democracy. The law is also an important tool for implementing welfare services.
The legal development in various areas of the welfare state has important implications for the design of social citizenship, meaning the institutional framework that ideally ensure citizens' opportunities to participate in society as equal and free citizens.
The theoretical basis for the research group's work is rooted in social science. The research group focuses both on the effects of different legal constructions on the freedom and social/political participation of vulnerable groups and on how the performance of services and decisions take place in practice.
The interplay between the welfare state's services and juridification processes is a key feature of today's societal development. The knowledge base is weak in this area and the research group contributes new research-based knowledge.
Research projects
Ongoing research
- On Equal Grounds? Migrant Women’s Participation in Labour and Labour Related Activities (EQUALPART)
- Barneperspektiv i Nav: Mot en helhetlig tilnærming i arbeidet med lavinntektsfamilier? (2024-2027)
- Kvalifiseringsprogrammet som virkemiddel for arbeidsinkludering (2024-2027).
- Promising practices: Holistic Work Inclusion of Young Adults.
Recently completed project
- Priority guidelines as a link between law, politics and medicine – how priority guidelines are shaped, understood and used.
- Supported Employment in NAV. The job specialists and work inclusion
- Migrant Women and Their Aspirations in the Norwegian Welfare State
- Job-supporting practices. A study of institutional conditions for cooperation between services in Individual Job Support (IPS)
- Knowledge and competence in environmental therapeutic work with young people and substance abuse in care institutions
- Migrant women's experiences of participating in a new labor market initiative
- Migrant Women working in the Public Healthcare Sector- intersectionality, inclusion or exclusion
Lundberg, K. G. og L. J. Syltevik (2024). Welfare stigma in a social democratic welfare regime during a decade of national public debate: production, contestation and continuities. European Societies, 1–24.
Lundberg, K. G. og H. Danielsen (2024): “The flexibility of family co-ordinators in complex family interventions: Building relations over time with families living in sustained poverty”. European Journal of Social Work. The flexibility of family co-ordinators in complex family interventions: building relations over tim (
Aase-Kvåle I. (2023). Successfully changing the mode of regulation in clinical priority setting: how organisational factors contributed to establishing the Norwegian priority guidelines for specialist health care services. Health Economics, Policy and Law. 2023;18(3):234-247. doi:10.1017/S1744133123000014
Sundsbø, A. O., Fagertun, A., & Førland, O. (2023). Contested care: gendered renegotiations of care needs for the frail elderly population in Norway. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 6(2), 205-221.
Mølland, E., K. G. Lundberg, K. Haralstad, K. Vigsnes, T. Bøe, H. Danielsen, T. A. Ask, P. Wilson og E. Abildsnes (2023) Economic composition and income volatility of Norwegian low-income families – a mixed method study of its implications. Nordic Journal of Social Research, vol. 14, nr. 1: 1–22.
Nøkleberg, M. (2023). Securing Norwegian maritime ports Navigation in a complex regulatory regime. In: Maritime Crime and Policing. ImprintRoutledge
Nøkleberg, M. and Helene I. Gundhus (2023). Schengen as a European criminal justice instrument – the power of evaluation. I: Brandariz, J.A., Klaus, W., & Martynowicz, A. (Eds.). (2023). Forced Mobility of EU Citizens: Transnational Criminal Justice Instruments and the Management of 'Unwanted' EU Nationals (1st ed.). Routledge.
Siv-Elin L. Carlsen, Lars Thore Fadnes, Birthe Unneland Napsholm, Lennart Lorås, "Perceived Change in Quality of Life Related to Treatment of Hepatitis C Infection among People with Substance Use Disorder: A Qualitative Study", Health & Social Care in the Community, vol. 2023, Article ID 4073080, 9 pages, 2023.
Napsholm, B., I. Voll og I. B. Tysnes (2023): «Vi snakker ikke om utdanning her». Nav-ansattes vektlegging av utdanningens betydning for å utføre arbeidsoppgaver i Nav. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, Vol.26, Utg.3: 1-15.
Sundsbø, Astrid (2023). Strukturelle hindre for innovasjon i et kommunalt introduksjonsprogram. I: Bugge, Edit og Cecilie Hamnes Carlsen (red.): Norsk som andrespråk - voksne innvandrere som utvikler skriftkyndighet på et andrespråk. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Øygarden, O., Nøkleberg, M. & Gressgård, L.J. Reforming for trust and professionalism in municipal healthcare services: implications for human resource management. BMC Health Serv Res 23, 991 (2023).
Skjold, Mbatudde S., & Munkejord, M. C. (2023). Enabling Teams to Implement Innovative Personalized Activation in a Public Sector Context: Why and How Frontline Leadership Matters. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 27(4), 37–51.
Skjold, S. Mbatudde & K. G. Lundberg (2022). Accountability in personalized Supported Employment-based activation services. Journal of Social Policy (2022), p. 1-17. doi:10.1017/S0047279422000915
Ekenes, M. og A.-M. Magnussen (2022). Organisasjonsstruktur og informasjonsutveksling: Tjenestetildeling i overgangen fra rehabilitering i sykehus til kommunal rehabilitering. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, Side 1–15