Marketing, Tourism and Innovation
The research group in Marketing, Tourism, and Innovation is an interdisciplinary team of researchers closely associated with the bachelor's program in tourism management and the master of Science in Business at HVL.
The group primarily conducts research within three main directions: Marketing, Tourism, and Innovation, but also engages in research that cuts across these three areas. The group has several PhD-candidates affiliated with these themes.
In marketing, the group mainly focuses on studies of brands and how consumers' and tourists' experiences can influence brands. The group has also researched how consumers respond to public measures, such as guidelines during the Covid-19 pandemic. For example, group members have participated in projects examining the extent to which consumer consumption patterns have changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Western Norway region is increasingly experiencing tourism pressures and must respond to questions about responsible and sustainable development for the benefit of all. Therefore, this is a theme that the group's research in tourism focuses on.
The group participates in several large international and national projects in collaboration with various stakeholders in the tourism industry, with sustainability as a focal point. An example is the group's involvement in a Nordic project to write a book on Nordic coastal tourism.
Over the years, group members have extensively researched the role of events and festivals for local residents, tourists, and the tourism industry.
In a world that is increasingly complex and rapidly changing, a multidisciplinary approach is needed to arrive at new solutions. The goal of the research program is to contribute to research and disseminate theory and knowledge from innovation research to other researchers, policymakers, and practitioners, with a focus on the responsible development of the region and business.
The group is involved in research and investigation around topics such as food, networks, and innovation in newly established businesses. For example, the group has participated in projects examining how a revitalization of our culinary heritage can be used in business development and value creation.
Contact information
- Øyvind Stokkenes Eliassen
- Tore Frimanslund
- Torbjørn Roloff Heyerdahl
- Alexander Jakubanecs
- Gurid Gjøstein Karevoll
- Gregory Kwiatkowski
- Eli Kristin Nytun Leirdal
- Hildegunn Loftesnes
- Leif Jostein Longvanes
- Helene Maristuen
- Atanu Kumar Nath
- Mona Kristin Nytun
- Parmita Saha
- Philip Toney
- Veronika Trengereid
- Torbjørn Årethun
Bagozzi, Richard P. & Xie, C. (2019). Advances in corporate social responsibility: Effects on the public and consumers. In Marketing and Humanity: Discourses in the real world. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 290-305.
Fisker, J.K., Kwiatkowski, G. & Hjalager, A-M. (2019). The translocal fluidity of rural grassroots festivals in the network society. Social & Cultural Geography. DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2019.1573437
Kurdyś-Kujawska, A., Kwiatkowksi, G., & Oklevik, O. (2019). Cities under Participatory Construction: Scale, Dynamics, and Constraints of Participatory Budgeting. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 14(5), p. 251-267.
Kwiatkowski, G., Hjalager, A-M., Liburd, J. & Saabye Simonsen, P. (2019). Volunteering and collaborative governance innovation in the Wadden Sea National Park. Current Issues in Tourism, p. 1-19. DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2019.1571022
Kwiatkowksi, G., Oklevik, O., Hjalager, A-M. & Maristuen, H. (2019). The assemblers of rural festivals: organizers, visitors and locals. European Planning Studies. DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2019.1651829
Kwiatkowski, G., Oklevik, O. & Maristuen, H. (2019). Impacts of rural festivals: Expectations among visitors and locals. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprises, Systems, Accounting, Logistics and Management, p. 159-165.
Longvanes, L. & Eikås, M. (2019). Krav, val og avgrensingar – endring av handlingsrom for leiarar under omstilling. I Modeller: Fjordantologien, p. 278-296. DOI: 10.18261/9788215034393-2019-13
Longvanes, L., Nesse, J.G. & Årethun, T. (2019). Høgskulekultur i støypeskeia: ein analyse av organisasjonskulturen i ein fusjonerande høgskule. I Modeller: Fjordantologien, p. 321-339. DOI: 10.18261/9788215034393-2019-15
Nath, A. (2019). A Framework Positioning Informal Managerial Influence and Employee Identities. I Modeller: Fjordantologien, p. 340-349. DOI: www.idunn.no/modeller/16_a_framework_positioning_informal_managerial_influence_a
Nath, A., Saha, P. & Salehi-Sangari, E. (2019). Blurring the Borders between B2B and B2C: A Model of Antecedents behind Usage of Social Media for Travel Planning. The journal of business & industrial marketing.
Oklevik, O. (2019). Innovation and Environmental Profiling as Antecedents of Corporate Image. Cruise ships as contribution to corporate profiling. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprises, Systems, Accounting, Logistics and Management, p. 85-93.
Oklevik, O., Gössling, S., Hall, M.C., Steen, J.J.K., Grøtte, I.P., McCabe, S. (2019) Overtourism, optimisation, and destination performance indicators: a case study of activities in Fjord Norway, Journal of Sustainable Tourism. DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2018.1533020
Pomfret, G. & Varley, P. (2019). Families at leisure outdoors: well-being through adventure. Leisure Studies, s. 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/02614367.2019.1600574
Rantala, O., & Varley, P. (2019). Wild camping and the weight of tourism. Tourist Studies. DOI: 10.1177/1468797619832308
Skrede, O., & Tveteraas, S.L. (2019). Cruise spillovers to hotels and restaurants. Tourism Economics. DOI: 10.1177/1354816619836334
Soltani, A., Rannestad, M.M. & Hofstad, O. (2019). Conditional payments for carbon sequestration as a local trading game — A case study from a Tanzanian village. Journal of Environmental Management, 350 (15), 331-342. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.03.127
Soltani, A. & Årethun, T. (2019). Cultural and touristic aspects of Gammalost, a local cheese from the Fjord of Norway. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy, 3(4), p. 271-281. DOI: 10.3727/216929719X15603602842296
Xie, C. & Bagozzi, R.P. (2019). Consumer responses to corporate social irresponsibility: The role of moral emotions, evaluations, and social cognitions. Psychology & Marketing, p. 1-22. DOI: 10.1002/mar.21197
Årethun, T., Nesse, J.G., Kolosta, S., Flaska, F. & Håvold, J.I. (2019). What can schools do to increase the entrepreneurial intentions among young women? Analysis of data from Norway and Slovakia. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprises, Systems, Accounting, Logistics and Management, p. 11-38.
Ardic, T., Pavlova, I. & Skrobanek, J. (2018). Being international and not being international at the same time. The challenges of peer relations under mobility. In Hogset, H., Berge, D.M. & Dale, K.Y. (eds.). Det regionale i det internasjonale: Fjordantologien 2018, 206-222.
De Jong, A. & Varley, P.J. (2018). Food tourism and events as tools for social sustainability? Journal of Place Management and Development, 11(3), 277-295. DOI: 10.1108/JPMD-06-2017-0048.
De Jong, A. and Varley, P.J. (2018). Foraging tourism: critical moments in sustainable consumption, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(4), 285-701. DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2017.1384831
Hatlevoll, J.A., Årethun, T. & Idsø, J. (2018). Do rural areas catch up on growth in knowledge-intensive activities? In Arnold, V., Stefanou, C.J. & Sutton, S. (eds.). Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (15th ICESAL 2018), 95-109.
Høegh-Guldberg, O., Eide, D., Trengereid, V. & Hjemdahl, K.M. (2018). Dynamics of innovation network journeys: phases and crossroads in seven regional innovation networks. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 18(3), 234-260. DOI: 10.1080/15022250.2018.1497261
Idsø, J. & Årethun, T. Crime Statistics: Modeling Theft in Favour of Victims’ Choices. Economies, 6(2), 25. DOI: 10.3390/economies6020025
Kennedy, S., MacPhail, A. & Varley, P.J. (2018). Expedition (auto)ethnography: an adventurer-researcher’s journey. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning. DOI: 10.1080/14729679.2018.1451757
Kmiotek-Meier, E., Skrobanek, J., Nienaber, B., Vysotskaya, V., Samuk, S., Ardic, T., Pavlova, I., Dabasi-Halázs, Z., Diaz, C., Bissinger, J., Schlimbach, T., Horvath, K. (2018). Why is it so hard? And for whom? Obstacles to intra-European mobility. Migration Letters, 16(1), 31-44. DOI: 10.33182/ml.v16i1.627
Larsen, Ø.L., Nesse, J.G. & Rubach, S. (2018). The public sector’s role in Norwegian network cooperation: triple helix or laissezfaire? Triple HelixA Journal of University-Industry-Government Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 5(4). DOI: 10.1186/s40604-018-0052-x
Lloveras, J., Quinn, L. and Parker, C. (2018). Reclaiming Sustainable Space: A Study of Degrowth Activists, Marketing Theory, 18 (2), pp. 188-202. DOI: 10.1177/1470593117732458
Løseth, K. (2018). Knowledge development in adventure tourism businesses: The influence of serious leisure. Annals of Leisure Research, 21(5), 575-591. DOI: 10.1080/11745398.2017.1406808
Merendino, A., Dibb, S., Meadows, M., Quinn, L., Wilson, D., Simkin, L. and Canhoto, A. (2018). Big Data, Big Decisions: The Impact of Big Data on Board Level Decision-Making, Journal of Business Research, early cite. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.08.029
Nysveen, H., Oklevik, O. & Pedersen, P.E. (2018). Brand satisfaction: Exploring the role of innovativeness, green image and experience in the hotel sector. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, online (in print 2019). DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-05-2017-0280
Oklevik, O., Nysveen, H. & Pedersen, P.E. (2018). Influence of design on tourists’ recommendation intention: an exploratory study of fjord cruise boats. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(9), 1187-1200. DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2018.1487367
Oklevik, O., Kwiatkowski, G., Nytun, M. & Maristuen, H. (2018). A primer on the assessment of economic impacts of Leisure events. Event Management, online (in print 2019). DOI: 10.3727/152599518X15299559637662
Varley, P.J., Farkic, J. & Carnicelli, S. (2018). Hospitality in wild places. Hospitality & Society, 8(2), 137-157. DOI: 10.1386/hosp.8.2.137_1
Yttri, G. (2018). Lokal von, global ambisjon. Framveksten av småkraftverk i Noreg etter 2000. Heimen, 55(02), 135-156. DOI: 10.18261/issn.1894-3195-2018-02-04
Årethun, T., Idsø, J., Syrstad, L. & Aannestad, T. (2018). Entrepreneurial Intentions among University College Students in Rural Norway. In Arnold, V., Stefanou, C.J. & Sutton, S. (eds.). Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting and Logistics (15th ICESAL 2018), 95-109.
De Jong, A. and P. Varley (2017). Food tourism policy: deconstructing boundaries of taste and class. Tourism Management
Nath, A. and P. Saha (2017). A Theoretical Positioning of Self and Social Identities as Antecedents in Cultural Experiential Tourism. Academica Turistica - Tourism and Innovation Journal, 10(2), 115-128.
Kwiatkowski, G., M. Diedering and O. Oklevik (2017). Profile, patterns of spending and economic impact of event visitors: Evidence from Warnemünder Woche in Germany. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 18(1), 56-71.
Kwiatkowski, G. & O. Oklevik (2017). Primary Economic Impact of Small-Scale Sports Events. Event Management, 21(3), 269-280.
Lloveras, J. and Quinn, L. (2017). Growth and its Discontents: Paving the Way for a More Productive Engagement with Alternative Economic Practices, Journal of Macromarketing, 37 (2), pp. 131-142. DOI: 10.1177/0276146716670213
Quinn, L., Dibb, S., Simkin, L., Canhoto, A. and Analogbei, M. (2016). Troubled Waters: The Transformation of Marketing in a Digital World, European Journal of Marketing, 50 (12), pp. 2103-2133. DOI: 10.1108/EJM-08-2015-0537
Saha, P. and A. Nath (2017). A Conceptual Framework of Festival Visitors’ Behavioral Intentions. In S. Laporzek, S. Sedmak and D. G. Omerzel (eds.). Management International Conference, MIC 2017 Conference Proceedings, 275-284.
Soltani, A., P. L. Sankhayan, O. Hofstad, F. Eshraghi and A. Arabmazar (2017). Consequences of an Improved Road Network in Rural Iran: Does it Lead to Better Livelihoods and Forest Protection? Small-scale Forestry, 16(3), 347-365.
Årethun, T., J.G. Nesse and J.I. Håvold (2017). Rekruttering av arbeidskraft til utkantane. Ein analyse av likskapar og ulikskapar mellom avgangselevar i vidaregåande skule og ferdig utdanna kandidatar. In Nesse, J.G. (ed.) Innovasjonsøkosystem. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 209-228.
Saha, P. and J. Idsø (2016). New hydropower development in Norway: Municipalities' attitude, involvement and perceived barriers. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 61, 235-244.
Skogseid, I., J.G. Nesse, Ø.H. Larsen, K. Skarbø, F. Ekstrøm and K. Løseth (2017). Tango for tre - korleis kan innovative nettverk vekse fram i rurale strøk? In Ø. Strand, E. Nesset and H. Yndestad (ed.) Fragmentering eller mobilisering? Regional utvikling i Nordvest. Fjordantologien 2014. Oslo: Forlag1, 195-239.
Soltani, A., P.L. Sankhayan and O. Hofstad (2016). Theory of non-cooperative games as a tool to understand state-local conflicts in forest management. Scandinavian Forest Economics, 46, 208-216.
Strandberg, C., A. Nath,, H. Hemmatdar and M. Jahwash (2016). Tourism research in the new millennium: A bibliometric review of literature in Tourism and Hospitality Research. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 18(3), 269-285.
Soltani. A., P. L. Sankhayan and O. Hofstad (2015). A recipe for co-management of forest and livestock - Results of bio-economic model at a village level in Iran. Agricultural Systems, 140, 74-86.
Varley, P. and T. Semple (2015). Nordic slow adventure: Explorations in time and nature. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 14 (4).
Yttri, G. (2015). Læraren som bygdehøvding. In Langfeldt, G. (ed.) Skolens kvalitet skapes lokalt: Presentasjon av funn fra forskningsprosjektet «Lærende regioner». Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 66-96.
O’Brien, L. and P. Varley (2012). Use of ethnographic approaches to the study of health experiences in relation to natural landscapes, Perspectives in Public Health, vol. 132 no. 6 305-312.
Vik, M.L. and J. Idsø (2012). Rørosmat : the development and success of a local food brand in Norway. In Hall, M. and S. Gössling (2012). Sustainable culinary systems: local foods, innovation, tourism and hospitality. Routeledge, 85-98.
Varley, P. (2011). Sea kayakers at the margins: the liminoid character of contemporary adventures, Leisure Studies, vol. 30 issue 1, pp. 85-98.
Varley, P. and D. Medway (2010). Ecosophy and tourism: rethinking mountain resorts, Tourism Management vol. 32 issue 4 pp. 902-911.