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ABLU-SRLE Society, Religion, Ideology and Ethics

Course description for academic year 2017/2018

Contents and structure

 This area of knowledge is particularly directed at giving kandidates insight into the kindergarten's social mandate and the special basic values of a society that is characterised by diversity. Ethics and values will be the main themes of this area. A key aspect will be to give kandidates an insight into the community around the kindergarten and the kindergarten's place in society. In this context, it is important that the kandidates gain an understanding of the kindergarten as an organisation and as an educational operation. This area will also emphasise the conditions in which children grow up and their place in society, family structures, social differences and children's rights, in addition to the personnel's tasks and responsibilities in respect of children in difficult life situations. Focus area This area of knowledge will have a major multi-disciplinary collaboration on social knowledge and ethics, different religious and non-religious life philosophies and the stories and traditions of the cultures.    Consistent themes for all the areas of knowledge in the course of study are:

  • educational management
  • diversity and equality
  • the youngest children
  • child's involvement
  • didactics

  Practice in the area of knowledge 15 days Autumn The content and tasks of practice must be in line with the learning outcome of the area of knowledge.   

Learning Outcome

Knowledge:  After completing the subject, the student will have:

  • knowledge about the kindergarten's special basic values and what these mean in practice in a multi-cultural society, as well as knowledge about the culture and rights of Sami children
  • knowledge about the kindergarten as an organisation and as an educational operation and the didactic conditions and educational leadership connected with this
  • knowledge about social development, with the emphasis on the welfare state, diversity, equality, equal opportunity and social differences, as well as knowledge about childhood, the kindergarten and the family in historical, present and future perspectives 
  • knowledge about the reactions of children at different age levels and adults' responsibility for children in difficult life situations, as well as knowledge of how adults can support children and work with other help organisations 
  • knowledge about the Christian faith and cultural heritage, about the other world religions and life philosophies and ethical theory, basic thinking and ethical guidance 
  • knowledge about children's rights, international conventions and the laws and regulations that govern kindergarten activities and other work connected with children 

Skills:  After completing the subject, the student will:

  • be able to work with and lead children and personnel from different backgrounds and give ethical guidance
  • be able to justify, communicate and practise the kindergarten's social mandate and basic values 
  • be bale to critically reflect on his or her own values, attitudes and demeanour and act in accordance with the kindergarten's mission statement
  • be able to communicate the stories of different cultures and work with the home to enable the marking of holidays and celebrations 
  • be able to talk with children about ethical, religious and philosophical issues 
  • be able to stimulate democratic understanding by exercising democracy in practice by promoting involvement by the children

General competence:  After completing the subject, the student will: 

  • be able to meet ethical challenges in the daily life of the kindergarten and be able to critically reflect on ethical issues and provide reasons for his or her choices
  • have acquired an academic and professional basis for being able to work in an inter-disciplinary and inter-agency manner in the kindergarten 
  • be able to collaborate with the children's parents 
  • be able to see connections between individuals, groups and society and relate this to practice
  • be able to communicate verbally and in writing, as well as using digital tools

Entry requirements

Passed practice 1st study year

Recommended previous knowledge


Teaching methods

Teaching and learning forms is this area will be based on lectures, seminars, discussion fora, individual work, group tasks, presentations, guidance and excursions.

Compulsory learning activities

  • 80 % participation in teaching (practical and theoretical)
  • 100% participation in excursions 
  • Mandatory tasks
  • Pre-work in practice

All study requirements will be shown in more detail in the semester plan.


 Part 1: Practical training in kinder garden with assessment approved/not approved - 0%

Part 2: Written home exam, 3 days, graded assessment A - F - 100% 

Examination support material

Home exame: All

More about examination support material