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LU2-NA130 Nature and Science 1, 5-10.

Course description for academic year 2017/2018

Contents and structure

 The subject is intended to give an academic and didactic basis for teaching natural science in year stages 5 - 10 of primary and lower secondary school. The education will be linked to the practice field and give students a basis for developing their skills and working methods both alone and together with others. Emphasis is placed on research-based knowledge of the pupils' academic development throughout primary and lower secondary school. The education is intended to provide experience of varied forms of work and didactic reflection in preparation for a teacher's role that promotes the pupils' learning and development of basic skills: verbal expression, written expression, reading, arithmetic and using digital tools. The subject should also stimulate curiosity, interest in and positive experiences of natural science. The primary and lower secondary teacher will be able to take the pupils' day-to-day experiences into account in planning teaching and to use local learning arenas in such a way that the course material is specified and supports the development of a natural science language. The teacher will also be able to maintain a multi-cultural perspective in natural science teaching and foster respect for the traditional knowledge about nature and use of natural resources of the Sami and other indigenous peoples.

Natural science and technological innovation have been a basic prerequisite for the development of our civilisation. Today we are facing challenges to our society and the environment in which knowledge of the natural science subjects will be decisive, both nationally and globally. Education for sustainable development requires primary and lower secondary teachers who have knowledge of both local and global environmental issues. They must be able to facilitate learning that promotes the pupils' delight in nature and feelings of responsibility, which will gradually develop into knowledge about and commitment to the environment. The discipline will demonstrate that scientific and technological assessments are made in relation to ethical values and ideals. The discipline will lay the foundation for looking upon the global picture of natural science as a cultural product, in which observations, experiments, discussions and theory can gradually change our comprehension.

Natural science obtains its knowledge from didactics, biology, physics, chemistry, geosciences, astronomy and technology. Teachers of the 5-10 year stages in primary and lower secondary schools must be able to plan and implement teaching as a total subject adapted to all pupils.

The topic should provide academic confidence in some relevant areas of the primary and lower secondary subject for years 5-10. Emphasis is on developing knowledge about sustainable development and competence in introducing the pupils to new topics in natural science and to facilitate further academic development. Being capable of developing the pupils' perception, pleasure in discovery, sense of wonder, pleasure in nature and natural science vocabulary, is an important part of this competence. The subject should provide the basis to use pupil-active learning methods on different learning stages. The subject does not cover the entire academic range of the subject for years 5-10. This may be achieved by supplementing with the next 30 credits in natural science

There will be great emphasis on basic skills during the course of study. Students will read natural science texts in books and periodicals in both Norwegian and English. In the area of physics especially, they must make calculations. They must present laboratory activities to the other students verbally and write texts for written papers in the tradition of natural science. ICT will be used where this is relevant to the subject. This applies in particular to measurements, registrations in databases, simulation, animations, documentation and publishing. Learning platforms such as Fronter will be use for communication and submission of written papers. Scientific websites will be important learning resources, while the students will be trained in the critical use of information on the internet.

This subject comprises four main areas with different weighting.

Didactic elements will be drawn into the various subjects where this is natural and relevant, but in such a way that all the didactic knowledge and skills are covered.

Biological diversity: 10 cr

Human biology: 5 cr

Weather and climate: 5 cr

Physics I: 10 cr

Learning Outcome




The student

  • has knowledge of common justifications for the place of natural science in school
  • has knowledge of methodology and ways of thinking in natural science
  • has knowledge of everyday conceptions related to relevant subject matter


Biological diversity

The student

  • has an overview of the names and properties of certain species/groups of plants and animals
  • has knowledge of the general system and classification of species
  • has knowledge of the characteristics of seed plants, seedless vascular plants and fungi
  • has knowledge of the characteristics of selected invertebrate animal groups
  • has knowledge of and experience with the freshwater and mountain nature types
  • understands how interaction takes place within and between the ecosystem's biotic and abiotic factors
  • has insight into how ecosystems can change over time, both as a result of natural and human factors, as well as the consequences of this for biological diversity


Human biology

The student

  • has knowledge of the body's organ systems, foetal development and birth

the following organ systems are emphasized: the senses, circulation, respiration, digestion and excretion

  • has knowledge of health aspects related to human physiology
  • has knowledge of puberty, sexuality and health topics related to these



Weather and climate

The student

  • has knowledge of ordinary weather elements and local weather phenomena
  • is familiar with the major weather systems that determine much of the weather and climate in Norway, and how weather and the climate affect nature and society
  • has an overview of the greenhouse effect, global warming and ozone issues
  • is familiar with our own solar system
  • is familiar with how the universe has come into existence and developed, and how space travel and space research has contributed to knowledge on the solar system and the universe


Physics I

The student

  • has knowledge on mechanics with particular focus on energy and various forms of energy, and is familiar with relevant experiments and simple calculations
  • has good knowledge on energy preservation, energy quality, renewable and non-renewable energy sources
  • has knowledge on physical phenomena at the macro and micro levels related to water, air, sound and light
  • has knowledge on basic electronics, magnetism, the electrical energy system and is familiar with relevant experiments and simple calculations



The student

  • can plan, implement and assess teaching in natural science
  • can apply natural science knowledge in discussions with pupils on nature and natural science phenomena
  • can use relevant natural science equipment, models and practical activities to support pupils' learning
  • can apply varied teaching methods indoors and outdoors, which promote pupils' wonder and learning in natural science
  • can facilitate natural science teaching that promotes all basic skills
  • can evaluate pupils' goal fulfilment with and without marks and to give reasons for the assessments
  • has strategies to reveal and if necessary change pupils' everyday conceptions
  • can discuss problems in natural science teaching related to adapted training and teaching in a multicultural environment
  • can use the results form natural science didactic research in planning, implementing and evaluating teaching
  • can use natural science as a support subject in cross-disciplinary and multidisciplinary contexts
  • can use natural science as a point of departure for developing pupils' competence on sustainable development and global environmental challenges


General competence:


  • has insight into how the current curriculum for primary and lower secondary school can be used as a basis for teaching natural science
  • has a good understanding of own role and practice as natural science teacher
  • has insight into relevant subject and profession-related ethical issues and is aware of requirements to safety in natural science teaching, and can apply these in teaching

Entry requirements


Recommended previous knowledge


Teaching methods

Emphasis will be placed on varied forms of work. Outdoor activities, excursions, fieldwork and laboratory work will be central.

Folder work will be used for some subjects and will be part of the exam.

Some of the teaching may be organised as seminars and study groups.

Students will contribute to problematising the course material and themselves participate in practical tasks and investigations in the field. Analysis and reflection will also be important elements in this regard.

Students will help to problematise didactic/methodical approaches to subjects in school. Research-based teaching will form the basis for the students' work with certain folder assignments.

Compulsory learning activities

Oral examination:

Participation in excursions, fieldwork, workshop and laboratory work. Certain excursions may last up to 5 days

Written examination:

Participation in workshop and laboratory work

Students who fail to meet the requirements toward participation in workshop and laboratory work must present themselves for an oral hearing and prove that study requirements and skills related to the study requirement are met.


Oral examination and Written examination:

Examination support material


More about examination support material