LU2-RLE1B215 Christianity, religion, philosophies of life and ethics 1b (5-10)
Course description for academic year 2017/2018
Contents and structure
KRLE 1b provides historical and current knowledge of religions, philosophies of life, philosophy and didactics. KRLE 1a is divided into two subject areas where disciplinary didactics is a separate area. KRLE 1b provides knowledge and skills directed at KRLE teaching in years 5¿10.
KRLE 1b provides the students with the necessary cultural and religious competence in the interaction with pupils, homes and colleagues. The course consists of the following subject areas:
- Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, neo-religiosity and non-religious philosophies of life
- Disciplinary didactics
Learning Outcome
- has knowledge of religions and philosophies of life: diversity and different directions, belief content and views, practices, ethics and aesthetic expressions, with particular emphasis on Norwegian traditions
- has knowledge about what religious ceremonies and holidays mean to young people
- has knowledge about comparisons between religious traditions and secular philosophies of life
- has knowledge of humanism as a philosophy of life in a historical context and as a philosophical perspective in different variants in contrast with other views on human life throughout history
- has knowledge of the discussions on cognitive confusion in the encounter with religious and other cultural diversity
- has knowledge of the main features of the subject's history, justification, content and methods in compulsory primary and lower secondary education
- has knowledge of central working methods and forms of assessment in the subject with regard to the relevant years
- has knowledge of the concept of god among children and young people, religious notions and experiences
- has knowledge of the rules for exemption for religious and philosophical reasons
- is able to plan, implement and assess KRLE teaching in an independent and academically reasoned manner with emphasis on cultural formation and multicultural challenges
- is able to understand children's thoughts and conceptions about religious and philosophical questions and to speak with them about such matters
- is able to speak with young people about issues that arise in difficult situations in life
- is able to use central working methods with emphasis on dialogue, investigation, comparison and critical and analytical work in teaching and learning
- is able to collaborate with other teachers, pupils and the home on the subject
- is able to conduct adapted teaching in KRLE, out of consideration to pupils with backgrounds from different beliefs and philosophies of life
- is able to facilitate development of the basic skills in teaching
- is able to combine the requirement for objective, critical and pluralistic teaching in KRLE with varied, pupil-activating and involving teaching methods
- is able to critically reflect on the content of the subject and the value objectives for the subject, and on the relationship between subject, teaching and own development in practising the profession
- is able to use the Internet and digital teaching aids in a critical and educational manner in teaching
General competence:
- has occupational ethical competence and can view this in connection with religious and philosophical traditions
- is able to facilitate collaboration between the home, school and local community
- understands the role as a communicator of values in a multicultural society
Teaching and work forms
session-based, written assignments
Course requirements
- have passed one knowledge test within the stipulated deadline
- have had approved three written assignments of 1,500 words within the stipulated deadline
- 80% participation
Entry requirements
Recommended previous knowledge
Teaching methods
The student will encounter different forms of exemplary teaching; lectures, class labs, discussion/reflection sessions, various assignments in groups and individually.
Compulsory learning activities
- have passed one knowledge test within the stipulated deadline
- have had approved three written assignments of 1,500 words within the stipulated deadline
Examination support material
More about examination support material