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MACREL-VIT Research Methods and Philosophy of Science

Course description for academic year 2017/2018

Contents and structure

In the work with the subject candidates will gain insight into scientific theory and methodological issues relating to R&D activities linked to schools and arts and culture and society in general. The subject will provide the candidates with a basis for reading and interpreting didactic academic and research literature, particularly for the purpose of critically evaluating whether the didactic knowledge is valid, reliable and usable. Artistic development work and qualitative and quantitative research methodology approaches will be discussed. The subject will be closely linked to the candidate's own master's work.

Learning Outcome

  • Has knowledge of key scientific theory directions
  • Has knowledge of key research methods within didactic research
  • Has insight into what scientific knowledge is and how this is developed
  • Has practical and theoretical knowledge of the phases of an R&D project
  • Has knowledge of research ethics

  • Be able to select relevant theory and develop a research design
  • Be able to formulate research questions and relate these to relevant methods
  • Be able to use relevant technological tools for collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data

  • Be able to evaluate the quality of existing research literature
  • Be able to plan, implement and evaluate a limited R&D project

Entry requirements

Completed first year of the master's course of study.

Recommended previous knowledge

Completed first year of master degree.

Teaching methods

The programme includes lectures, supervision, internet-based discussions, internet-based resources and work with folder elements Subject teachers and students will collaborate using the Fronter learning platform.

Compulsory learning activities

Participation in two mandatory meetings. Specified in more detail in the semester plan



Examination support material

All written and printed aids

More about examination support material