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MBAS514 Participation in research groups in kindergarten research

Course description for academic year 2025/2026

Contents and structure

The course is compulsory and offered in the 4th semester of the master's program.

In the course, students participate in two research groups on early childhood education and care (ECEC).

The course is organized as follows:

  1. Three 2-days gatherings of intensive seminars and hands-on supervision. The seminars cover three topics 1) how to write a literature review, 2) how to analyze qualitative data, & 3) how to disseminate their professional knowledge to different audiences through writing a popular science article, making a podcast, or giving lectures to bachelor students, kindergarten staff or parents. In addition, students need to lead and take part in research group meetings. Moreover, they need to either be a co-supervisor of bachelor students or review three abstracts submitted to conferences or other relevant academic tasks within the research groups they participate in.
  2. Furthermore, the course entails completing a learning portfolio consisting of six elements including 1) two literature reviews, 2) two articles presenting findings of their data analysis, & 3) two reflection notes one on the dissemination and one on participation in research group meetings. Students will get supervision on how to accomplish the six elements.

The course is offered to international students.

Learning Outcome

On successful completion of the course, the students should have the following learning outcomes:



  • have knowledge of relevant theoretical perspectives within topics of selected ECEC research groups
  • have knowledge of relevant methodologies within selected ECEC research groups



  • can carry out empirical work for a research project
  • can analyze empirical materials

General competence


  • can formulate and communicate relevant topics and issues in ECEC research to researchers and a wider audience
  • can participate in and contribute to developing professional networks
  • are capable of reading, analyzing, evaluating, and writing academic texts

Entry requirements


Teaching methods

The teaching mainly takes the form of seminars/workshops and participation in research group meetings.

Supervision is given in connection with coursework requirements and preparation of the learning portfolio.

Compulsory learning activities

Individual learning portfolio.

The learning portfolio consists of 6 elements. The elements are distributed equally between the two research groups.

Those who do not have the compulsory learning portfolio approved will have one more chance to accomplish this.

Approved learning portfolio is valid for two (2) years after approval.


Exam portfolio.

The exam portfolio consists of a continuation of two of the elements in the learning portfolio (one literature review and one data analysis). The elements must be linked to their own research groups.

The texts in the portfolio should have approximately the same scope and be a total of 5000-6000 words.

Guidelines for the portfolio will be given at the start of the semester.

Grades are given on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail.

For those who do not pass, the same portfolio can be resubmitted for evaluation after revision within 2 years.

Examination support material


More about examination support material