PhD in Responsible Innovation and Regional Development


The PhD in Responsible Innovation and Regional Development (RESINNREG) is a doctoral programme in innovation studies founded on professional and societal perspectives. The programme is aimed at candidates who want to qualify for research and scientific work at a high international level, and will enable graduates to pursue a career related to responsible innovation efforts in academia, industry or the public sector.

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    Admission and how to apply

    Admission requirements

    Admission to the PhD programme normally requires a relevant Master of Science degree of 120 credits such as a Master of Science in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, in Innovation Management, in Community Work, in Business, in Organization and Leadership or in Climate Management. However, candidates from other Master of Science Programmes in e.g. Engineering, Social Sciences, Humanities, or in Health and Care Sciences, may also qualify for admission into the programme.

    The applicant must document completion of their master’s studies with strong results. A grade of B or higher (according to the Norwegian grading scale) on the master’s dissertation, and an average higher than C on associated coursework, are normally required for admission into the programme. The master’s dissertation should be of at least 30 credits.

    More information on application and admission to this programme.

    Further information on application and admission at HVL.

    Admission to HVL

    Industry Innovation, Public Sector Innovation, and Green Innovation

    The RESINNREG programme encompasses the research fields of Industry Innovation, Public Sector Innovation and Green Innovation. The programme represents a broad understanding of responsible innovation, drawing upon a diverse foundation of literature, such as the evolutionary perspective, innovation as a relational phenomenon, institutional theory, sustainable development, sustainable transitions, and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).

    The programme will stimulate research that investigates how innovation can meet social, economic and environmental challenges in regional contexts. The regional dimension is emphasised in RESINNREG, not just at a practical level, but also when it comes to theoretical foundations. Similarly, RESINNREG encourages critical reflections of the normative dimensions of the role of researchers engaged in innovation processes.

    RESINNREG candidates will learn how to act as change agents in processes of regional development through insight into innovation studies and principles for RRI, reflecting critically on its application to research and practice. Thus, independent of the specific area of specialisation, PhD candidates graduating from the programme will have state-of-the-art research knowledge, skills and competences relating to how to understand and implement innovation processes.

    bilde av Ole Andreas Brekke

    Ole Andreas Brekke

    Head of PhD programme

    Further information on the PhD programme in Responsible Innovation and Regional Development.

    Do you want to take single courses?

    Courses related to the PhD program Responsible Innovation and Regional Development (RESINNREG) are primarily for candidates who are admitted to the PhD program, but will also be open to other applicants.

    How to apply for single courses.

    Student exchange

    PhD students are strongly encouraged to spend a period of up to six months abroad as a visiting scholar in a relevant department/research group. Such visits can accredit up to 5 ECTS, subject to approval by the programme committee.

    Where can I travel?