Stories and events

This is KINDknows´newspage. Stay tuned for more updates.

News at KINDknow

The 1st Global Forum on Child Development and Family Education

The 1st Global Forum on Child Development and Family Education, co-hosted by Beijing Normal University and University College London, took place on 14-15th May 2021 in Shenzhen, China. 1700 participants from across China attended the event physically, and 98000 international audiences joined from across the world virtually. KINDknow´s centre leader Elin Eriksen Ødegaard´s held a KeyNote entitled 'Collaborating on the formative development of the child  —Nordic Dialogues on Children and Families in increasingly complex societies'. Her KeyNote was highly received by the audiences.

Exploring Visual Worlds of Education
in Context of Crises and new Spaces of Opportunities

Exploring Visual Worlds of Education in the Context of Crises and New Spaces of Opportunity is an international conference arranged by KINDknow - Kindergarten Knowledge Centre in cooporation with UiB Slate og Association for Visual Pedagogies – AVP. 

We move forward together after postponing our 2020 conference planned for in June 2020 with the same main theme Exploring Visual Worlds of Education and by widening the strands, opening up for addressing our ever-shifting global context. This is a 

Our 2021 hybrid conference will feature both asynchronous and synchronous events. The asynchronous events will consist of pre-recorded presentations from the key notes and artistic events. The paper sessions, symposiums and workshops will be synchronic events following a time and place schedule. A limited number of workshops will be held on site (Norway, Bergen campus) and can be attended virtually. Detailed information of the conference can be found here.

Norwegian Kindergarten research conference 2021

The Norwegian Kindergarten research conference will be held 26th - 28th of October. Like last year the conference will be held digitally. Visit Filiorum - UiS webpages for more information. Please note that new dealine for sending in an abstract is 23rd of April. 

IRECE 2022

Diversity in early childhood education - global and local arctic perspectives

International research conference on Early Childhood Education´s theme this year is Diversity in Early Childhood Education - Global and Local Perspectives. The conference will be situated in the arctic region, and muitit ja muitalit* transformative and innovative research, practices and stories is encouraged.  

The Arctic University of Norway arranges this conference in partnership with Monash University in Australia, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, and Sámi University of Applied Sciences, Sápmi. The conference is held in collaboration with KINDknow, research centre for systemic research on diversity and sustainable futures funded by the Norwegian Research Council. IRECE 2022 is partly funded by the Norwegian Research Council.

* remembering and narrating in North Sámi

Call for papers

Call for Papers 2021 in Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy (VJEP) with guest editors from KINDknow, inviting articles exploring visual worlds of education in times of crises and opportunities.

International PhD event 

On the 26th and 27th of November KINDknow and Conceptual PlayLab in Monash University in Australia arranged an international online event for PhD students. In 2018 KINDknow and Conceptual PlayLab started the planning of an event where PhD students and their supervisors were going to meet in Oxford University. Since we were not able to meet physically the event was made into a digital event.The event was designed to open up space for dialogue on concepts used in culturalhistorical research. Presenters and participants collectively discussed concepts in relation to their empirical studies. The event aims to advance thinking on cultural-historical concepts. In keeping with the oral tradition of the cultural-historical community, this event was designed to focus on the theoretical concepts of crisis, learning and development and crisis, play and learning. 

Childhood Cultures in Transformation

We are proud to announce that the KINDknow team with Nordic authors has a new book out addressing UNCRC, childagency, and childhood entitled "Childhood Cultures in Transformation 30 Years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Action towards Sustainability."

The 1000 first days

Watch this beautiful animation video made by KINDknow - Research Center and Medielab at Western Norway University of Applied Sceince. The video is inspired by research done in the first book examining "becoming" in relation to children from birth to three-year-olds; Gradovski, M., Eriksen Ødegaard, E., Rutanen, N., Sumsion, J., Mika, C., White, J. (2019) The First 1000 Days of Early Childhood: Becoming. Singapore: Springer

For the first time in Norwegian

Songs from Friederich Fröbels songbook Mutter-, Spiel und Koselieder were translated into Norwegian and performed by the Norwegian artist Vilde Tuv at the national Kindergarten research conference in 2020. Now you can watch them on KINDknows YouTube channel. 

500 people participated in KINDknow and FILIORUM´s first digital kindergarten research conference. The conference with the theme "how to create sustainable kindergartens" was a national conferences and reached a wide audience. Read more about the sucsess here.


National kindergarten research conference

For the first time KINDknow and Filiorum will be arranging an interactive digital conference. Read more about the conference that takes place on September 28th - 30th here:  

"Å skape bærekraftige barnehager - perspektiver, muligheter og utfordringer"

National kindergarten research conference 2019

Watch Elin Eriksen Ødegaard and Liv Torunn Grindheim from KINDknow talk about the conference here.

Feature interviews

bilde av Read KINDknows feature interview with Marilyn Fleer

Read KINDknows feature interview with Marilyn Fleer

Marylin Fleer is a Laurate Professor at Monash University in Australia and professor II at KINDknow, HVL.

bilde av  Read the feature interview with guest researcher Helen May

Read the feature interview with guest researcher Helen May

Helen May, Professor ay University of Otago.

bilde av  Read the feature interview with E. Jayne White

Read the feature interview with E. Jayne White

E. Jayne White is a professor at RMIT University in Australia and a professor II at Western Norway University of Applied Science

Lectures and seminares

Guest lecture by Helen May

In August 2019 we had the honor of welcoming Professor Emeritus Helen May all the way from New Zealand. During her short stay she held a guest lecture for PhD students and researchers. Watch the lecture here: 

See Helen Mays lecture here: 

Annual schedule

See KINDknows annual schedule here.