Department of Computer science, Electrical engineering and Mathematical sciences
The Department of Computer science, Electrical engineering and Mathematichal sciences has a strong research environment and offers study programmes at bachelor, master's and PhD level.
Our department has about 1100 students and over 100 employees. We offer study programmes in Bergen, Førde and Haugesund.
Central to our work is technology that is crucial for the digitalization of society and technology that enables the green transition.
We have a total of 6 study programmes in computer technology and electrical engineering. Additionally, we provide teaching in mathematics, statistics, and physics to the entire faculty.
The institute has several strong research groups in software development, robotics, artificial intelligence, graphics and user interaction, and sensor networks. Many of these groups have excelled significantly in their fields and participate in large research projects with both national and international partners.
We also have important academic groups in electrical power and electronics that collaborate with the local industry and provide expertise and educate candidates who are highly sought after in the job market.