National Video Corpus with teaching examples to strengthen professional training in teacher education (NAVIKO-LU)
Project owner
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Project categories
Academic Development
Project period
January 2023 - December 2024
Project summary
NAVIKO-LU is about systematizing and sharing authentic video-based teaching examples among Norwegian teacher education institutions. The national video corpus will be used in the practice preparation work of teacher education with the overarching aim of strengthening the connection between theory and practice. The project activities also include developing procedures to ensure privacy and consent, in accordance with guidelines from SIKT, so that secure sharing becomes possible. An overarching goal is to develop models for categorizing teaching examples and designing metadata to increase accessibility and user-friendliness within and across teacher education programs. In this way, the project will contribute to national quality development of practice in teacher education through strengthening the didactic foundation for teaching practice, reflection, and guidance.
Through the project, new collaboration models will be developed between three of the largest Norwegian teacher education institutions, the University of Oslo, the University of Stavanger, and the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, with the aim of sharing knowledge and resources. At the same time, the activities will build on established collaboration relationships with the practice field, through the university/teacher education school scheme, and close collaboration with a school owner, Sunnfjord municipality, where both the owner, school, and teacher perspectives are taken into account.