Comparative perspectives in education in Southern Africa and Northern Europe

COMPARE is a multidisciplinary research group that aims to strengthen research within the broad context of education in different geographical context. The research group has a primary empirical focus on Southern Africa and the Nordic countries. However, research projects are not limited to the two respective regions.

The research group aims to promote comparative and thematical cutting edge research in relevant publications. The group is also active in participation in national and international networks and conferences, and emphasizes also dissemination outside academia. 

COMPARE aims to play an active part in the SANORD Teacher Education Partners (STEP) in  

Selected research topics

  • Climate and sustainability in education. 

  • Textbook studies 

  • Curricula studies (policies and politics of knowledge 

  • Topical studies: how is climate, history, geography, language, religion and gender taught and communicated? 

  • Gender and education 

  • The role of the teacher 

  • The Role of History in Post-Conflict Society and Education

Networks and conferences


Lindhardt, Eva Mila; Ruus, Olav Christian (2019): “Jeg har egentlig aldri tenkt på forskjeller mellom kjønn”: en undersøkelse av lærerstudenters forståelse av kjønn og likestilling. In Afset, B and Redse, A.: Religion og etikk i skole og barnehageOslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk 201. s. 95-115 

Jarvis, JanetMthiyaneNcamisileRuus, Olav ChristianLindhardt, Eva Mila (2018): Which Right is Right? An Exploration of the Intersection between Religious Identity and the Human Right to Gender Equality in Two Different Teacher Education Contexts: South Africa and NorwayJournal of Religion and Society, Vol 20, 5. 

Vågenes, Vibeke; Christophersen, Jonas (2018): Uhuru na Umoja. Samfunn og utdanning i Tanzania. (ISBN 978-82-303-4128-5) 152 s. 

MaistrySuriamurtheeEidsvik, Erlend (2017): Academia in the context of constraint and a performative SDG agenda: A perspective on South Africa (2017). In:Halvorsen, T., Ibsen, H., Evans, H., Penderis, S. (eds): Knowledge for Justice. Critical perspectives from southern African-Nordic research partnerships. Cape Town: African Minds  

Rosland, Sissel (2017) Norway as an Example in the UK Women’s Suffrage Campaign (2017). NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Volum 25.(3) s. 195-210 

Bergersen, Ane (2017) Global forståelse. Barnehagelæreren som kulturell brobygger. Fagbokforlaget 2017  

This research group is a part of the research program Sustainability, Participation and Diversity.

Head of research group

bilde av Erlend Eidsvik

Erlend Eidsvik
