Conditions for children as explorers
KINDknow research area 6
In this research area, the dialogical nature of children’s play, learning and cultural formation and the conditions for it are investigated. Children’s activities are seen as relational, institutional, culturally and contextually constructed. Families, kindergartens and kindergarten teacher education are seen as the main arenas/conditions for providing quality for children’s exploration.
The dialogical nature of the research area is captures in the concept of exploration in studies of children, teachers and KT students in institutional settings. The research area will use an inquiry research approach, where a variety of stakeholders will participate in shaping the research questions, the data collection and the analysis.
The main objective is to describe, analyze and disseminate knowledge about the conditions for children’s explorations in kindergartens, and thereby indicate what to preserve, challenge and/or indicate the need for new practice methodologies to meet children as explorers.
This research area will undertake the following sets of tasks:
- undertake a survey to gain general parent and teacher perspectives on kindergarten methodologies
- undertake observation of children in activities involving interaction among students, and children and staff, artefacts and themes, in daily life, in Nordic and Asian countries.
- undertake field-material of KTE students in activities involving interaction among children, students and and teachers, artefacts and themes, in daily life.
- undertake videotaped workshops in which participants will be asked to present their personal histories, using photo as a visual self-representation of themselves related to a chosen artefact.
- Exploration and Cultural Formation. Springer.
Articles by Hu, Birkeland, Grindheim, Minyi, Ødegaard in Building a Sustainable Future for Our Young Children in China and Nordic Countries In Hua, A., Miny, L & Pramling, I. S. (eds) special issue) ECNU Review of Education.
Schei, T. B. (2020). Understanding an Arts-Based Project with Children in Kindergarten Through the Lenses of A/r/tography. In: Smith T., Hendricks K. (eds) Narratives and Reflections in Music Education. Landscapes: the Arts, Aesthetics, and Education, vol 28. Springer, Cham
- Skoglund, R.I. and Åmot, I. (2020). When Anger Arises in the Interaction with Children in Kindergartens – The Staff’s Reactions to Children’s Resistance. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research,
- Birkeland, Åsta Temporal settings in Kindergarten: a lens to trace historical and current cultural formation ideals. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 2018 (1350-293X) Volum 27.(1) s. 53-67.
- Birkeland, Åsta; Ødemotland, Siv Disorienting Dilemmas - The Significance of Resistance and Disturbance in an Intercultural Program within Kindergarten Teacher Education. Integrative Psychological and Behavioural Science 2018 (1932-4502) Vol. 52 (3), s. 377-387.
- Grindheim, Liv Torunn Beyond uniform reproduction: Exploring children's imaginative play through the lenses of their teacher. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 2018 (1463-9491), s. 1-12.
- Sadownik, Alicja R. Belonging and participation at stake. Polish migrant children about (mis)recognition of their needs in Norwegian ECECs. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 2018 (1350-293X), s. 956-971.