Diversity and intercultural communication in education (FLEKS)
The research group is interdisciplinary with a main focus on social sustainability.
The research group is interdisciplinary and emphasizes social sustainability. The focus areas are, among other things, children and adults with a minority language background and their everyday life in kindergarten, school, and higher education.
Ongoing projects
- Sustainable design in kindergarten sector through ‘Exploration and Pedagogical Innovation Labroratory’ (EX-PED-LAB)
- The early childhood teacher as a critical actor in multicultural parental cooperation
- How to improve student mobility through culture and structure in teacher education at HVL
- An ideal Zambian teacher and the impact of cultural background from Zambian student’s point of view
- Professional leadership and intercultural competences in four Preschools in Norway.
- (De)colonial lenses: Reflections from the Norwegian and Global South teacher educators facilitating student mobility
- Birkeland, J., Fimreite, H., & Sønsthagen, A. G. (2022). Den kompetente barnehagen. Tre tilnærmingar til leiing og kunnskapsutvikling. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
- Massao, P. B. & Bergersen, A. (2024). (De)Coloniality in Teacher Education: Reflections on Student Teachers’ Mobility from the Global North to the Global South. Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk: Special Issue on Education and Coloniality in the Nordics, 10(3), 144–157
- Pedersen, L., Bjørnestad, E., Nornes-Nymark, M., Engesæter, M., & Aadland, E. (2022). Kvalitet i samspelet mellom barn og personale i norske barnehagar . Nordisk barnehageforskning, 19(3). https://doi.org/10.23865/nbf.v19.321
- Sønsthagen, A. G. (2021). Den lærande linjeleiaren i fleirkulturell kompetanseheving. https://www.barnehage.no/flerkulturell-kompetanseheving/den-laerande-linjeleiaren-i-fleirkulturell-kompetanseheving/215841
- Sønsthagen, A. G. (2021). Dette påverkar tilsette sitt syn på foreldre med flyktningbakgrunn. https://www.utdanningsnytt.no/fagartikkel-flerkulturell-flerkulturell-pedagogikk/dette-paverkar-tilsette-sitt-syn-pa-foreldre-med-flyktningbakgrunn/299898
- Sønsthagen, A. G. (2021). Leadership and responsibility : a study of early childcare institutions as inclusion arenas for parents with refugee backgrounds Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway]. Horten. https://hdl.handle.net/11250/2838377
- Sønsthagen, A. G. (2023). The learning early childhood education and care institution as an inclusion arena. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/1350293X.2023.2254533
- Sønsthagen, A. G. (2024). Lærande linjeleiarar si rolle i utviklinga av barnehagen som ein lærande organisasjon. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 108(2), 140-152. https://doi.org/10.18261/npt.108.2.5
- Norsk nettverk for bærekraft og utdanning
- The Nordplus network Global & Intercultural competence through practicum in the global south (GIPS)
- Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication (NIC)
- David Livingstone College of Education, (DALICE), Zambia
- University of Zambia, School of Education, Department of Language and Social Sciences , Zambia
For more information visit Cristin