Research area 1: Framing early childhood education – ‘Bildung’ – cultural historical and future scenario practices
The main purpose of this research area (RA) is to integrate the results from the other work packages in order to provide a comprehensive overview of research into education for diversity (EfD) and education for sustainable futures (ESF) in kindergartens.
In doing so, it will build on previous work about the dialectic between the biological and cultural human being and the material and ideological world of education and familiy. The research milieu has a solid track record on empirical and conceptual work with Bildung (e.g. Cultural formation, Danning, Becoming).
We argue that Bildung and its ongoing conceptualisation has much to offer further knowledge for early childhood and high-quality educational practices. New knowledge must go beyond the dichotomy of child-centered versus teacher-centered pedagogies and consider pedagogical practices as co-constructed. With a special attention to diversity and sustainable futures, we offer knowledge of relevance for high quality early childhood education and care (ECEC). High-quality ECEC is an essential foundation for all children’s personal development, crucial for societies at large and in a long-term ecological perspective, for planet earth.
We anticipate that these objectives will be achieved through:
- generating new theoretical knowledge - particularly for considering how kindergartens face challenges in new times, with significant changes in societies
- developing new participatory methodologies, which provides enriched understandings about Indigenous dimensions, child development, play and learning in everyday life as well as leadership and systemic knowledge for diversity and sustainability
- theorising historical understandings of the Norwegian kindergarten in new and old international relations
- researching how content education can be incorporated respectfully into children’s play and explorations.
This research area will undertake the following sets of tasks:
- Establish activities such as participatory workshops, future scenario, think tank, seminars and conferences
- Bring together the researchers in the centre and guests to develop interdisciplinary understandings through horizontal and vertical workshops.
- Establish KINDknow-noteseries and multi-media presentations which will be made available on the centre’s website
- Implement and share expertise, capacity building, and exchange of research both intra- and internationally, including receiving feedback from advisory boards
- Collect data, share findings; prepare themed issues of journals, develop relevant book series and symposia
- Multi-media resources will be produced, particularly for supporting KTE programmes and to develop visual and narrative pedagogy
- Develop close connections with PhD programmes with a ECEC profile. We will collaborate with called FILIORUM research center at UiS on several areas.
This research area will undertake the following sets of tasks:
- Establish activities such as participatory workshops, future scenario, think tank, seminars and conferences
- Bring together the researchers in the centre and guests to develop interdisciplinary understandings through horizontal and vertical workshops.
- Establish KINDknow-noteseries and multi-media presentations which will be made available on the centre’s website
- Implement and share expertise, capacity building, and exchange of research both intra- and internationally, including receiving feedback from advisory boards
- Collect data, share findings; prepare themed issues of journals, develop relevant book series and symposia
- Multi-media resources will be produced, particularly for supporting KTE programmes and to develop visual and narrative pedagogy
- Develop close connections with PhD programmes with a ECEC profile. We will collaborate with called FILIORUM research center at UiS on several areas.
Ødegaard, E. E. & Borgen, J. S. Eds.. (2021). Childhood Cultures in Transformation. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Sense. doi:
Hedegaard, M. & Ødegaard, E.E ed (2020). Exploration and cultural formation. Dortrecht: Springer.
Ødeaard, E.E. (2020). Dialogical engagement and the co-creation of cultures of exploration. In Hedegaard, M. & Ødegaard, E.E. (ed). Exploration and Cultural Formation. Dordrecht: Springer. Chapter 6.
Eikset, A. & Ødegaard, E.E. (2020). Historical roots of ‘exploration’ - Through a Fröbelian ‘third space’. In Hedegaard, M. & Ødegaard, E.E. (ed). Exploration and Cultural Formation. Dordrecht: Springer. Chapter 7.
Schei, T.B. & Ødegaard, E.E. (2020). Children as Music and Musical Explorers– Identifying Transition Points in Musicking. In Hedegaard, M. & Ødegaard, E.E. (ed). Exploration and Cultural Formation. Dordrecht: Springer. Chapter 10.
Birkeland, Åsta; Li, Minyi (2019). Building a sustainable future through international ECE partnership programmes. ECNU Review of Education (2096-5311) Vol. 2 (4), s. 458-474.
Gradovski, Mikhail, White, Jayne E.; Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen; Rutanen, Niina; Sumsion, Jennifer & Mika, Carl TH; (2019). Beginning Becoming The First 1000 Days. Singapore: Springer Nature (978-981-329-655-8), s. 1-15
Foss, Vigdis; Fimreite, Hege; Fossøy, Ingrid Karin & Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen (2019) Fra stamme til satellitt – kva metaforar kan fortelje om korleis ei lararutdanningsreform vert forstatt og iverksett. Forskning og Forandring (2535-5279) Vol. 2 (1), s. 4-24
Pramling-Samuelsson, I., Li, M., & Hu, A. (2019). Special issue on Building a sustainable future for our young children: Voices from China and Nordic Countries in ECE Context. ECNU Review of Education.
Sadownik, Alicja R. & Baraldsnes, Dziuginta(2019) Lithuanian and Polish educators’ learning during a short study trip to Norwegian early childhood education and care. Culture & Psychology (1354-067X) Vol. 25 (4), s. 559-588
Sataøen, Svein Ole; Fossøy, Ingrid Karin (2019). Val av studielitteratur i barnehagelararutdanninga. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift (0029-2052) Vol. 103 (2-3), s. 83-95
White, Elizabeth Jayne; Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen (2019). Ocular Becomings in Dangerous Times. Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy 2019 (2364-4583
White, Jayne E.; Rutanen, Niina; Sumsion, Jennifer; Mika, Carl TH; Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen; Gradovski, Mikhail (2019). Conclusion: Discourses and Dreams on Becoming. Singapore: Springer Nature (978-981-329-655-8), s. 123-132
Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen (2019). Norway ‘Danning’ and the infant – local conditions for the early formation as persons. Singapore: Springer Nature 2019 (978-981-329-655-8), s. 33-54
Sadownik, Alicja R.; Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen. (2018) Early Childhood Education and Care in Norway: Cultural historical context, new regulations and perceived quality. I: International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Care - Early Childhood Education in the 21st Century vol 1. Routledge ISBN 9781138303935. s. 143-153.
Garvis, Susanne; Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen. (2018) Introduction. I: Nordic Dialogues on Children and Families. Routledge ISBN 9781138673397. s. 1-12.
Media productions
Visualising epistemological perspectives
På let etter utforskning gjennom det Fröbelske tredje rommet.
Kindergarten history from the perspective of the pioneers. [mini documentaries on kindergarten professionalism in historical light]