Reading, Writing and Language Development

The group explores various aspects of written language learning and written language practices with an emphasis on questions that are particularly relevant for the less used of the two Norwegian languages.

The approach ranges from anticipatory written language learning in pre-school age to language change in adolescence, and from didactic issues to the overall perspective on learning, cultural understanding and cognitive development.

Award from the Research Council

In January 2020, the research project Multilectal Literacy in Education (MultiLit), anchored in the research group, received an award of 12 million from the Research Council. The project examines whether and how mastering and using different related written languages ​​contributes to learning, both language learning and learning more generally.

The project is based on the Norwegian language situation, with many students who develop a high level of competence in both written Norwegian languages ​​and with many who also always write dialectically in private. Furthermore, the project has a similar side view of the situation for Frisian in Friesland in the Netherlands. Øystein Vangsnes is project manager.

Two anthologies

The research group has been heavily involved both as editor and author in two anthologies published in recent years: Nynorsk med dei minste (2017) (Bjørhusdal, E. and Budal, I. B., eds.) and Å skrive Nynorsk og Bokmål: New interdisciplinary perspective ( 2018) (Bjørhusdal, E., Bugge, E., Fretland, J. O. and Gujord, A. K. H., editors).

The group also continues the language-related issues in the PRAKUT project Learning regions (2012-2015).


Etablering og forhandling av skriftnormer i unges skrivepraksisar

Det språklege vegvalet - ei gransking av språkskiftesituasjonen i norsk skule

Språkspor i by og bygd

Multilektal kompetanse hos førskuleborn i nynorskområde

Multilectal Literacy in Education

Å skrive nynorsk og bokmål: Nye tverrfaglege perspektiv

Nynorsk med dei minste

Featured publications


Bjørhusdal, Eli, Gudrun Klæve Juuhl & Jorunn Simonsen Thingnes (2023). An ethnographic study on Nynorsk in Norwegian kindergartens: Findings and challenges. Linguistics and Education Volume 81 , June 2024, 101294

Head of Research Group

bilde av Jorunn Simonsen Thingnes

Jorunn Simonsen Thingnes

Associate Professor