FD10 Specialization in Subject Didactics Module | Open Enrollment

The module aims for further development of personal teaching practices through in-depth study related to one of the subject didactics modules offered at HVL. The in-depth work should be documented through reflective academic writing.


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    This optional module is part of HSPED802 Optional modules.

    The reflective text should be based on your self-chosen problem topic, which is contextualized in relation to concepts or phenomena discussed in the chosen module. You can incorporate examples/data/cases from your own teaching practice, examined in light of relevant academic literature. The text can be theoretical or empirical.

    Parts of the text can be included in the pedagogical portfolio.

    Key Concepts

    • Scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education
    • Pedagogical development work
    • Explorative teaching
    • Reflective writing

    Learning Outcomes

    The learning outcomes of the in-depth work are an extension of the learning outcome descriptions in the subject didactics module to which it is related.

    Learning Activities

    • Self-study
    • Guidance to be arranged with the module coordinator for the subject didactics module the work is related to.

    Work Requirements

    Write a reflective text of 2000 words (plus or minus 10%) discussing a self-chosen problem topic that is related to a subject didactics module you have participated in.


    • The assignment must be completed and approved to pass the module.
    • The assignment is submitted on Canvas.

    Assessment Criteria

    • The self-chosen problem topic addresses central themes relevant to the subject didactics module the work is related to.
    • The text discusses the self-chosen problem topic using relevant pedagogical/didactics literature.
    • The text must follow research ethical guidelines and general academic writing standards.

    Organization of the Module

    Independent work with the possibility of guidance. Learning platform: Canvas has a dedicated space for the module with resources and information.