Innovation and entreprenurship

Our research on innovation and entrepreneurship investigates how value creation and profitability can be realized in parallel with a green shift and a continuation of the welfare society.

This research is also the foundation for the Mohn centers work on facilitating for and teaching about innovation, entrepreneurship and regional development.

Our research on responsible innovation, entrepreneurship and regional development aims for both excellence and relevance. We have a specific regional focus in our research, and example of research questions are:

  • What are the drivers and obstacles for responsible regional industry restructuring?
  • What are the main challenges for introducing sustainable technology?
  • How is responsible innovation enacted in different geographical contexts?
  • How can we promote good innovation management? 
  • When will investors and entrepreneurs venture into new industries, and what affects the survival and growth of new firms?
  • Which type of policy is needed to promote sustainable industry transformation?

Key research topics

A) Innovation Systems

  • Regional and technological innovation systems, industry clusters, value chains
  • Sustainable transformation 
  • Innovation policy

B) Innovation Management and Product Development

  • Development and implementation of technological and non-technological innovations
  • Innovation management and organization of innovation processes
  • Marketing of innovations
  • Digitalization

C) Entrepreneurship and Business Development

  • Start ups, sustainable business models
  • Commercialization of research
  • Entrepreneurial learning

Head of Research Group

Research Group Members

bilde av Nora Geirsdotter Bækkelund

Nora Geirsdotter Bækkelund

Associate Professor

bilde av Simon Norheim Colclough

Simon Norheim Colclough

Associate Professor

bilde av Arnt Fløysand

Arnt Fløysand


bilde av Tone Larsen

Tone Larsen

Postdoctoral Fellow

bilde av Svein Gunnar Sjøtun

Svein Gunnar Sjøtun

Associate Professor

bilde av Radina Hristova Trengereid

Radina Hristova Trengereid

Assistant Head of Department

bilde av Maria Tsouri

Maria Tsouri

Associate Professor

bilde av Natalia Mæhle

Natalia Mæhle


bilde av Nanthini Nagarajah

Nanthini Nagarajah

Postdoctoral Fellow

bilde av Faraimo Jay Vai

Faraimo Jay Vai

Postdoctoral Fellow

PhD Candidates

bilde av Karin Margareta Coenen

Karin Margareta Coenen

PhD Candidate

bilde av Frida Olsen Engedahl

Frida Olsen Engedahl

PhD Candidate

bilde av Kaya Haugland Færøvik

Kaya Haugland Færøvik

PhD Candidate

bilde av Kelvin Wade Ivankovic

Kelvin Wade Ivankovic

PhD Candidate

bilde av Emil Tomson Lindfors

Emil Tomson Lindfors

PhD Candidate

bilde av Oda Camilla Rykkje

Oda Camilla Rykkje

PhD Candidate

bilde av Therese Skarlo

Therese Skarlo

PhD Candidate

bilde av Julia Noelle Winslow

Julia Noelle Winslow

PhD Candidate