PedLab aims to make room for new ways of theorizing, practicing, examining and teaching pedagogy.
PedLab examines educational practice from three perspectives.
Participatory perspective
Firstly, educational practice is explored from a participatory perspective, referred to research in educational practice. With research in educational practice, the researcher is portrayed as a subject, where practice is regarded as a place for systematic and reflexive knowledge production. Whilst members of PedLab interact closely with teachers as researchers so as to acquire educational knowledge derived directly from the field of practice, they also conduct independent research from within educational practice, e.g. through action research.
Spectator perspective
Secondly, research is conducted about or on educational practice, meaning a spectator perspective where the research object is examined to a greater extent from a distance. Quantitative methods are often used in this kind of research, where the data is obtained, inter alia, by way of surveys or from secondary sources (e.g. meta-analysis).
Intersubjective perspective
Thirdly, it is about researching into educational practice, where the participant and spectator perspectives are combined. Research into educational practice thus appears as an intersubjective perspective, between the participatory research and the distant observation.
PedLab also has a strong focus on the language of pedagogy (pedagogikk) and the discipline’s basic forms of knowledge, as well as problem areas that lack prescriptive goals, such as existential and unforeseen perspectives.
The Annual Bergen Educational Conversation
PedLab hosts The Annual Bergen Educational Conversation (founded in 2009), which is an annual forum that sustain conversations taking place in full courtesy, politeness and mutual respect, where the participants manage to have fruitful discussions on several issues and, if possible, engage in projects that reach to a wider audience.
Forthcoming (Postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic): The 12th Annual Bergen Educational Conversation
Indirect Pedagogy. Some Lessons in Existential Education. Berlin: Springer. ISBN 978-94-6209-193-1. (2013)
Existentialism and Education. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 32(5). ISSN 0039-3746. (2013)
Eksistens & pedagogikk. En samtale om pedagogikkens oppgave. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 978-82-15-02314-4. (2015)
Lesson study i en nordisk kontekst. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 9788205490888. (2016)
The Struggle for Teacher Education. International Perspectives on Governance and Reforms. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 978-1-4742-8553-7. (2017)
Pedagogikkvitenskap. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-450-1932-2. (2017)
Pedagogikkens språk. Kunnskapsformer i pedagogikkvitenskap. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 9788205493902. (2017)
Comparing conceptual text and documenting photos Researching Outdoor Education in the Context oReichwein’s Progressive Teaching and Rousseau’s Émile. International Journal of Research & Method in Education 42(4), 358-373. (2018)
Education and the Limits of Reason. Reading Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Nabokov. New York & London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-83414-8. (2018)
Scenariodidaktikk, debatt og didaktisk risiko. I: Demokratisk danning i skolen. Tverrfaglige empiriske studier (s. 51-71). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 9788215031637. (2019)
Undervisningspraksis. Profesjonalitet i skolen. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 9788205520899. (2019) · Rasisme og antisemittisme i skolen? Bedre Skole, nr. 2 2019, s. 22-26.
Meeting the Challenges of Existential Threats through Educational Innovation: A Proposal for an Expanded Curriculum. New York & London: Routledge. ISBN 9780367894856. (2021)

- Ane Malene Sæverot
- Anita Solberg Torsvik
- Bodil Kjesbo Risøy
- Christine Hope
- Ingibjørg Kristin Jonsdottir
- John Baldacchino
- Ketil Langørgen
- Knut Eriksen Eide
- Kristin Knudsen
- Linda Hjemgård
- Marianne Leikvoll Eide
- Marie Oen Valset
- May Britt Revheim Brekke
- Paul Otto Brunstad
- Siv Kristin Yndestad Borgen
- Solveig Kalgraf
- Stine Ravnå
- Vibeke Solsvik Foldnes
- Vigdis Stokker
- Åshild Berg-Brekkhus