University Pedagogy

The research group “University Pedagogy” is a forum where research on university pedagogical and educational issues can be shared, discussed, and developed in an interdisciplinary environment.

Increased demand for and focus on educational quality have triggered a significant need to examine issues related to the field of university pedagogy, didactics, and use of technology that enhances learning in higher education. The need is present within and across all faculties. The research group “University Pedagogy” addresses all academic staff interested in educational research in higher education, including research on their own teaching. The research group is intended to serve as a forum where research on university pedagogical and educational issues can be shared, discussed, and developed in an interdisciplinary environment.

The research group aims to contribute new knowledge in the research field of university pedagogy specifically - and educational science generally in higher education. This knowledge should be applicable in the efforts to strengthen the quality of higher education. In the short term, this means facilitating, supporting, and conducting research and development work in one's own and other educational environments. In the long term, it means contributing to strengthening the field of university pedagogy and educational science and implementing research results so that our students receive a qualitatively better education and educators undergo professional development.


The research group is anchored, and led by the research group leader, in the University Pedagogy Section. Researchers in the Division of Academic Development (ALU) are automatically members of the group, and it is open to other researchers both within and outside HVL. There are two group levels: the core group and the extended group. When meeting in the core group, there is a specific focus on university pedagogical research, and when meeting in the extended group, the focus is on more general educational scientific and didactic research. With a few exceptions, the research group holds hybrid/digital/physical meetings on Tuesdays from 14:00 to 15:30. The plan for the Spring of 2024 is as follows (agendas will be sent in meeting invitations in Outlook):

  • Tuesday, February 13 (core group only)
  • Thursday, February 29 (core group + extended group)
  • Thursday, March 21 (core group only)
  • Thursday, April 11 (core group + extended group)
  • Tuesday, April 23 (core group only)
  • Tuesday, May 7  (core group + extended group)
  • Tuesday, May 21 (core group only)
  • Tuesday, June 18 (core group + extended group)
bilde av Anja Møgelvang

Anja Møgelvang

Head of research group

Research areas

  • Teaching and learning in higher eduation
  • AI in higher education
  • Active learning
  • Case-based teaching
  • Teacher professionalism
  • Cooperative learning
  • Digital learning
  • Cultural-historical activity and psychology
  • Dialog based teaching and learning

Research projects

  • AI in higher education
  • CoChem: The chemistry lab as a learning arena (collaboration with the Department of Chemistry, University of Bergen)

Selected publications

Grassini, S., Aasen, M. L., & Møgelvang, A. (2024). Understanding University Students’ Acceptance of ChatGPT: Insights from the UTAUT2 Model. Applied Artificial Intelligence38(1).

Isaksen, K. R. 2024. 'Critical realism as a fractal philosophy'. Journal of Critical Realism

Bjelland, C., Halland, S. A., & Winje, A. K. (2024). Hvordan skrive en førstelektorsøknad? - En erfaringsbasert veileder til opprykksprosessen, HVL-Notat; 2024/8.

Isaksen, K. R. 2024. ‘Exploring Learning in Critical Realism’. I On Learning: Volume Two, David Scott. SAGE.

Bjelland, C., Ludvigsen, K., & Møgelvang, A. (2024). Unveiling the impact of AI chatbots on higher education: Insights from students. INTED Proceedings 2024; 1458-1465. 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia, Spain.

Pourhejazy, P. & Isaksen, K. R. 2024. 'Exploring the curricular and pedagogical decision criteria for research-based learning design in undergraduate studies.' Evaluation and Program Planning, 103(102409).

Møgelvang, A., Ludvigsen, K., Bjelland, C., og Schei, O., (2023) HVL-studenters bruk og oppfatninger og bruk av KI-chatboter i utdanning. HVL-rapport nr. 2023-6 ISBN 978-82-8461-02.

Kjerland, G. Ø. & Lauritzen, Å. (2023) Å planlegge for studentaktiv læring i kroppsøvingslærerutdanningen. (red) Engelsrud, G.; Hallås, O.; Lundvall, S.; Nyrnes, A. Olsen Sæle, O. Didaktiske praksiser i lærerutdanningen – Steder i et landskap. Universitetsforlaget

Møgelvang, A., Bjune, A., Coelho, R., Cotner, S., Grellscheid, D., & Ellingsen., S. (2023). Initial (March 2023) uses and perceptions of ChatGPT in a sample of students and instructors at the University of Bergen (UiB), Norway. Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology. 

Møgelvang, A. (2023). Cooperative learning in oceanography. Oceanography

Møgelvang, A., & Nyléhn, J. (2023). Interdependence between perceived cooperative learning, sense of belonging, and generic skills in undergraduate STEM education. Nordic Journal of STEM Education.

Møgelvang, A., Vandvik, V., Ellingsen, S., Strømme, C. B., & Cotner, S. (2023). Cooperative learning goes online: Teaching and learning intervention in a digital environment impacts psychosocial outcomes in biology students. International Journal of Educational Research, 117, 102114.

Grøteide, H., Shaw, P.M., Solstad, T-E. og Kjerland, G.Ø. (2023). Virtual Reality-briller i didaktisk praksis. (red) Engelsrud, G.; Hallås, O.; Lundvall, S.; Nyrnes, A. Olsen Sæle, O. Didaktiske praksiser i lærerutdanningen – Steder i et landskap. Universitetsforlaget

Egelandsdal, K., Ludvigsen, K., & Ness, I. J. (2023). Clicker interventions in large lectures in higher education. In Learning, Design, and Technology: An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy (pp. 1237-1258). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Kjerland, G. Ø. (2022). Søknad om staus som merritert underviser. HVL

Ludvigsen, K. & Morlandstø, M. (2022). Evaluering av pilot for meritteringsordningen ved HVL 2021-22 HVL-rapport nr. 2022-7 ISBN 978-82-8461-002-3 

Møgelvang, A. & Nyléhn, J. (2022). Co-operative learning in undergraduate mathematics and science education: A scoping review. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

Isaksen, K. R. 2022. ‘Special Issue: Judgemental Rationality.’ Journal of Critical Realism, 21(5): 589-591.

de Boer, R. N., Frederiksen, A. B., Rau-Andersen, P. G. & Isaksen, K. R. 2022. ‘Recognising Psychoactive Drug Users.’ Nordic Journal of Social Research, 13(2): 1-15.

Kjerland, G. Ø., & Annerstedt, C. (2021). Applying learning theories in learning how to teach physical education: a study of teacher education students collaborative learning processes in a project. Sport, Education and Society, 1-14.

Bjelland, C., & Haugsgjerd, A. (2021): Lærerstudenters arbeid med planlegging av utforskende undervisning i skolen ­– Erfaringer med bruk av 5E-modellen for utforskende læring. I Berdinesen, H. (2021). Ny pedagogisk praksis: eksempler på praksisorientert forskning i fagfornyelsen. Dreyers forlag.

Bjelland, C., & Kulild, M. (2021): Å øve på observasjon som kjernepraksis i lærerutdanningen – Lærerstudenters erfaringer med observasjon som verktøy i første studieår. I Berdinesen, H. (2021). Ny pedagogisk praksis: eksempler på praksisorientert forskning i fagfornyelsen. Dreyers forlag.

Myreng, C., Engelsrud, G., & Kjerland, G. Ø. (2021). Kroppen i lærebøker i videregående skole – et innblikk i kroppsøvingsfagets ideologiske kamp. Journal for Research in    Arts and Sports Education. Vol. 5 | No. 3 | 2021 | s. 103–116

Ludvigsen, K., Johan Krumsvik, R., & Breivik, J. (2020). Behind the scenes: Unpacking students discussion and critical reflections. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(6), 2478-2494.  

Ludvigsen, K. (2020). Creating Spaces for Formative Feedback in Lectures: Understanding how use of educational technology can support formative assessment in lectures in higher education. Avhandling. Universitetet i Bergen. 

Jacobsen, A. M & Diseth, Å. (2020). Why choose psychology? An investigation of Norwegian high school students. Psychology Learning & Teaching (PLAT),19 (2),128-142.

Bjelland, C., & Haugsgjerd, A. (2019): Vårt doble dilemma – luper og speil i arbeid med refleksjon i lærerutdanningen. Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk5

Ludvigsen, K., Ness, I. J., & Timmis, S. (2019). Writing on the wall: How the use of technology can open dialogical spaces in lectures. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 34, 100559.   

Leirhaug, P.E. & Kjerland, G. (2019) Physical education teacher education in Norway. I: European Physical Education Teacher Education Practices: Initial, Induction, and Professional Development. Aachen: Meyer & Meyer Sports 2019 ISBN 978-1782551775. s. 259-277

Isaksen, K. R. 2018. ‘Without foundation or neutral standpoint: Using immanent critique to guide a literature review.’ Journal of Critical Realism, 17(2): 97-117.

Kjerland, G. Ø. (2018) PRAKTISK-PEDAGOGISK UTDANNING (PPU) I KROPPSØVING Sluttrapport –periodisk evaluering. Norges Idrettshøgskole. Rapport. 16 s. 

Rudra, A., Jæger, B., & Ludvigsen, K. (2018). Decision-making supported by virtual-world systems vis-à-vis enterprise systems’ uncertainty and equivocality. Authentic Virtual World Education: Facilitating Cultural Engagement and Creativity, 175-197. 

Kulild, M, Frugård, K. A., Vogt, J, Jenssen, E. S., Kjerland, G. (2018) Vektlegging av kvarandrevurdering/medstudentvurdering i grunnskulelæratutdanninga. Rapport ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet 2018 48 s.  HVL

Isaksen, K. R. 2016. ‘Reclaiming Rational Theory Choice as Central: A Critique of Methodological Applications of Critical Realism.’ Journal of Critical Realism, 15(3): 245-262.

Bjelland, C. (2016). Læreres fortellinger om kulturelt mangfold – monokulturelle eller interkulturelle? I Bakken, Y., & Solbue, V. (2016). Mangfold i skolen: fra politisk vilje til flerkulturell virkelighet? Fagbokforlaget.

Ludvigsen, K. og Egelandsdal, K. (2016). Formativ e-vurdering i høyere utdanning. I Krumsvik, R (Red). Digital læring i skole og lærerutdanning (2. utg., s 256-273). Universitetsforlaget. Sider: 256 – 273 ISBN: 9788215020495 

Kjerland, G. Ø. (2015). Å lære å undervise i kroppsøving. Design for teoribasert undervisning og kritisk refleksjon i kroppsøvingslærerutdanningen. Doktoravhandling. Gøteborg: Göteborgs universitet. Utbildningsvetenskapliga fakulteten.

Ludvigsen, K., Krumsvik, R., & Furnes, B. (2015). Creating formative feedback spaces in large lectures. Computers & Education, 88, 48-63. 

Kjerland, G. Ø. (2013). Å lære å undervise for elevenes læring i kroppsøving. I: I takt med tiden? perspektiv på idrottslärarutbildning i Skandinavien. Studentlitteratur AB 2013 ISBN 9789144086682. s. 127-142

Ludvigsen, K., & Jæger, B. (2011). Roller og rolleforventninger ved bruk av avatarer i en fjernundervisningskontekst. Working Paper 2011:1 Høgskolen i Molde / Molde University College Molde, juni / June 2011. ISBN-13 (trykt/print) 978-82-7962-134-8 

Krumsvik, R. J., & Ludvigsen, K. (2011). Digital kompetanse i lærerutdanning og skole. I M. B. Postholm (red.). Lærerarbeid for elevenes læring 510