
På denne siden finner du oversikt over nyhetssaker og andre oppdateringer i prosjektet Empowering girls through football.

– Vi forskar på jentene si utvikling, særskilt med omsyn til Empowerment. Det seier prosjektleiar og førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for idrett, kosthald og naturfag, Christian Frøyd. Empowering girls through football-prosjekt (EGP) er eit studentutvekslingsprosjekt mellom Høgskulen på Vestlandet og Federal University of Paraná i Curitiba, Brasil.

The Federal University of Parana (UFPR) has subscriptions open to participate in the project FutDelas, an initiative from the Physical Education Department, that has as a goal to improve the development of girls from the ages of 10 to 15 through football.

Follow FUTDELAS UFPR on Facbook! The project is coordinated by Professor Dr. Gleber Pereira and Professor Dr. Paulo Cesar Barauce Bento, both from the Department of Physical Education at UFPR. The activities are developed by undergraduate, Master, Doctorate and Post-Doctorate programmes students in Physical Education, with the annual participation of exchange students from the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, a higher education institution in Norway.