Academic writing for researchers
The library invites you to a talk on the topic academic writing. It is intended for PhD candidates and early career researchers, but anyone interested is welcome.
Academic writing is conversation, and finding your own voice and perspectives can often be challenging. The talk will discuss strategies and look at examples of how you may develop your own argument in a productive way, also from an ethical point of view, through a dialogue with others.
I will focus on "rewriting", that is your active use of others’ texts and theories, as a feature of all academic writing as well as of your entire text, and important things to keep in mind when referencing previous research. And in times when the issue of “self-plagiarism” raises concern for many, I also address the question: can I really “rewrite myself” or do I always have to come up with something completely new?
Language: English
Please remember to register in advance. A zoom link will be sent out when the deadline is passed.