Underviser i
  • MBA 514 Deltakelse i forskningsgrupper innenfor barnehageforskning
  • Komparativ og Interkulturell Pedagogikk (KIP)
Forskar på
  • Utdanning for Bærekraft   (ECEfS)
  • komparativ og internasjonal utdanning 
  • lærerutdanning og profesjonell utvikling 
  • Overgang 
  • Curriculum & Assessment


  • Digitalizing internationalization for cross-cultural collaboration in Early Childhood Education during COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons learned from the UTFORSK project

    Hu, Aihua, Birkeland, Åsta (2024)
  • Explore-ability as a transferable skill for high-quality research

    Hu, Aihua, Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen (2024)
  • Improving quality ECEC through collaborative exploration:A Norwegian approach

    Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen, Hu, Aihua (2024)
  • How to Prepare for the Transition from Preschool to School: From Policies to Practices in Norway

    Hu, Aihua (2024)
  • Early Childhood Education for Sustainability Jubileumsbok for BARNkunne - Senter for barnehageforskning

    Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen, Bergan, Veronica, Hu, Aihua (2023)
  • “I’ll take it with me all my life”: A case study of student teachers’ professional identity development

    Akslen, Åse Nylenna, Ohm, Modgun, Hu, Aihua (2023)
  • One Ocean Exploration Symposium - Barna ved Nordsjøen

    Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen, Oropilla, Czarecah Tuppil, Hu, Aihua, torsvik, Janne, Gustavsen, Monica, ingebrigsten, andrine Kongshaug (2023)
  • Felles utforskning som arbeidsform - en vei å vise - en vei å gå. Rapport fra en nasjonal studie om innhold og arbeidsmåter i barnehagen

    Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen, Hu, Aihua, Severina, Elena, Oropilla, Czarecah Tuppil, Birkeland, Åsta (2023)
  • Water and waterscape: Collaborative exploration and meaning-making

    Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen, Bergan, Veronica, Hu, Aihua, Ndijuye, Laurent Gabriel (2023)
  • Conditions for sustainability, children´s belonging and agency in outdoor contexts

    Sørensen, Hanne Værum, Theilmann, Birgitte Madsen, Hu, Aihua, Christenson, Lea Ann, Grindheim, Liv Torunn (2023)
  • Challenges for professional action during crisis: Mitigating factors across five countries

    Hu, Aihua, Kaveri, G., Almeida, Sylvia Christine, Gomes, Judith (2023)
  • Making visible the invisible in the ECTE:Who is and what does the teacher educator in Early Childhood Teacher Education?

    Eilifsen, Margareth, Hu, Aihua, Grindheim, Liv Torunn (2023)
  • Utforsking av nabolaget skaper tilhørighet

    Hu, Aihua, Birkeland, Åsta, Barnung, Torill (2023)
  • Traces of sustainability in food practices in a Norwegian kindergarten

    Ciren, Baizhen, Hu, Aihua, Aadland, Eli Kristin, Wergedahl, Hege (2023)
  • Partnerskap for gode overganger fra barnehage til skole: Kommunen som brobygger

    Hu, Aihua, Herheim, Brynhild Størkersen (2023)
  • Institutional conditions for exploration: Chinese kindergarten teachers’ perspectives and practices

    Hu, Aihua (2023)
  • Å skape bærekraftige barnehager – perspektiver, muligheter og utfordringer

    Wergedahl, Hege, Hu, Aihua (2023)
  • Fostering cultural sustainability in early childhood education

    Hu, Aihua, Ødemotland, Siv (2022)
  • Exploring outdoor play and activities for social and cultural sustainability in and across cultures

    Hu, Aihua, Hanne Værum, Sørensen, Birgitte Madsen, Theilmann (2022)
  • A window of opportunities: Norwegian kindergarten teachers’ experiences of organizing outdoor play during COVID period.

    Hu, Aihua, Sjursen, Kjerstin (2022)
  • What are children singing in kindergartens?: A comparative study

    Hu, Aihua, Grindheim, Maria (2022)
  • What matters: Being better pedagogical leaders through listening to children’s voices

    Hu, Aihua, Sjursen, Kjerstin (2022)
  • Crisis and adaptability: a model of early childhood teacher resilience across five countries

    Kaveri, G., Hu, Aihua, Almeida, Sylvia Christine, Gomes, Judith (2022)
  • Alternative Perspectives on Environmental and Sustainability Education: A Study of Curriculum Policies across India, China and Japan

    Almeida, Sylvia Christine, Hu, Aihua, Inoue, Michiko (2022)
  • Wash from the start: Inquiry of local conditions for children’s access to water

    Hu, Aihua, Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen, Ndijuye, Laurent Gabriel (2022)
  • Building culturally strong kindergartens

    Hu, Aihua, Birkeland, Åsta (2022)
  • Early Childhood Educators’ experiences responses to Covid-19: An impact study across five countries.

    Almeida, Sylvia Christine, Kaveri, G., Gomes, Judith, Hu, Aihua, Gupta, Prachi, Mannan, Farhana (2022)
  • ‘A long way to get here and a long way to go': a case study on changing lunch meal practices in a Norwegian kindergarten

    Ciren, Baizhen, Aadland, Eli Kristin, Hu, Aihua, Wergedahl, Hege (2022)
  • Komparativ analyse av rammeplaner i Norge, Finland, Kina, Hong Kong

    Hu, Aihua, Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen (2022)
  • Students' Dialogical Formation in an International Programme within Kindergarten Teacher Education

    Skoglund, Ruth Ingrid, Hu, Aihua, Birkeland, Åsta (2022)
  • Parental involvement in early childhood education in Hong Kong: Critical analysis of related policies

    Hu, Aihua (2021)
  • Early Childhood Educators as COVID Warriors: Adaptations and Responsiveness to the Pandemic Across Five Countries

    Gomes, Judith, Almeida, Sylvia Christine, Kaveri, G., Mannan, Farhana, Gupta, Prachi, Hu, Aihua (2021)
  • What to prepare for transition from kindergarten to school: From policy to practices in Norway

    Hu, Aihua (2021)
  • “This was eye-opening for me”: A case study of student teachers’ professional identity development in an international course in a Norwegian early childhood teacher education institute

    Akslen, Åse Nylenna, Ohm, Modgun, Hu, Aihua (2021)
  • Quality ECEC-the case of Norway-securing quality from 0-3 through practice and teacher education

    Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen, Hu, Aihua (2021)
  • Fostering cultural sustainability in early childhood education through neighborhood projects

    Hu, Aihua, Ødemotland, Siv (2021)
  • What Matters?:A Case Study of Primary School Teachers’ Perspectives on Transition to School

    Hu, Aihua (2021)
  • Designing a rich numeracy task in early childhood mathematics education: Teaching addition in a kindergarten in Macao

    Lei, Huey, Hu, Aihua (2021)
  • Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Response to COVID-19 in Norway

    Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen, Hu, Aihua (2020)
  • Policy Review on the Norwegian Initiative of Offering Free Homework Assistance in Schools

    Hu, Aihua, Huang, Lihong (2020)
  • Lived Stories of Gaining Resilience through Music

    Schei, Tiri Bergesen, Hu, Aihua (2020)
  • Fostering cultural sustainability in early childhood education (ECE) through neighborhood projects

    Hu, Aihua, Ødemotland, Siv (2020)
  • Institutional conditions for exploration: Chinese kindergarten teachers’ perspectives and practices

    Hu, Aihua (2020)
  • Building a Sustainable Future for Our Young Children in China and Nordic Countries

    Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid, Minyi, Li, Hu, Aihua (2020)
  • Early Childhood Education for Sustainability: A Driver for Quality

    Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid, Li, Minyi, Hu, Aihua (2020)
  • Play and/or learning: Comparative analysis of dominant concepts in national curriculum guidelines for early childhood education in Norway, Finland, China, and Hong Kong

    Hu, Aihua, Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen (2019)
  • Brukes sang i norske og kinesiske barnehager forskjellig? Det vil Aihua finne ut

    Hu, Aihua (2019)
  • Forest kindergarten: Norwegian model

    Hu, Aihua (2019)
  • What are children singing in kindergartens?:A comparative study

    Hu, Aihua (2019)
  • What to prepare?:Insiders’ perspectives on transition from kindergarten to primary school from Norway and China

    Hu, Aihua, Økland, Magli Sofie (2019)
  • ECE and transition from kindergarten to primary school in Norway

    Hu, Aihua (2019)
  • Exploration: Chinese kindergarten teachers’ perceptions and practices

    Hu, Aihua (2019)
  • International continuous professional development of kindergarten principals and government officials within ECE: A collaboration between China and Norway

    Hu, Aihua, Li, Minyi, Birkeland, Åsta (2019)
  • What predicts adolescents’ critical thinking about real-life news? The roles of social media news consumption and news media literacy

    Ku, Kelly, Kong, Shirley Qiuyi, Song, Yunya, Deng, Liping, Kang, Yi, Hu, Aihua (2019)
  • International continuous professional development of kindergarten principals and government officials within ECE: A collaboration between China and Norway

    Hu, Aihua, Minyi, Li, Birkeland, Åsta (2019)
  • Student teachers' dialogical formation revealed in exam texts from an international program within Kindergarten teacher education

    Skoglund, Ruth Ingrid, Birkeland, Åsta, Hu, Aihua (2019)
  • Teachers’ professional development and an open classroom climate:A comparative study of Norway, Sweden, South Korea, and Taiwan

    Hu, Aihua, Huang, Lihong (2019)
  • Tur - retur, Norge - Kina

    Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen, Birkeland, Åsta, Ødemotland, Siv, Hu, Aihua, Skoglund, Ruth Ingrid, Greiner, Svein-Erling (2018)
  • Workshop on Chinese and Norwegian meals

    Wergedahl, Hege, Hu, Aihua (2018)
  • Identifying crucial aspects for students’ formation as glocal teachers in an intercultural program within ECE: A pilot study

    Skoglund, Ruth Ingrid, Birkeland, Åsta, Hu, Aihua (2018)
  • ESL/EFL student teachers’ professional development in an international immersion program: A university in Hong Kong as a case

    Hu, Aihua (2018)
  • Student teachers' dialogical formation as glocal Teachers in an international program within ECE

    Birkeland, Åsta, Skoglund, Ruth Ingrid, Hu, Aihua (2018)
  • Play and/or learning:Comparative analysis of two dominant concepts in curriculum guidelines for ECE in Norway, Finland, China and Hong Kong

    Hu, Aihua, Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen (2018)
  • Positioning children, staff and families in four curricula: A study of transition from kindergarten to primary school in Norway, Finland, China, and Hong Kong

    Hu, Aihua, Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen (2018)
  • Hong Kong students' critical news literacy in the age of social media

    Ku, K. Y. L., Deng, L., Kang, Y., Song, C., Kong, S., Hu, Aihua (2018)
  • Teachers’ continuous professional development and students’ civic and citizenship knowledge

    Hu, Aihua, Huang, Lihong (2018)
  • A Preliminary Study of the Internal Consistency and Validity of the Traditional Chinese Adaptation of the Impact on Family Scale

    Tait, K., Sweller, N., Carter, M., Fung, F., Hu, Aihua, Djajic, J. (2018)
  • Hai Gui or Hai Dai?: Chinese student migrants and the role of Norwegian ‘mobility capital’ in career success

    Hu, Aihua, Cairns, David (2017)
  • Understanding Hong Kong Chinese families’ experiences of an Autism diagnosis

    Tait, K., Fung, F, Hu, Aihua (2016)
  • Designing and implementing a two-level community of practice project to develop a teaching portfolio framework

    Sivan, Atara, Tam, Vicky, Hu, Aihua (2016)
  • An analysis of teacher education policies in China

    Hu, Aihua, Verdugo, R (2015)