
Adam Cziboly

Arbeids- og kompetanseområde

Dramalærer, psykolog og kultur-manager.

Han har vært prosjektleder for flere titalls internasjonale prosjekter innenfor drama / teater i utdanning.

Han initierte og ledet forskningsprosjektet DICE med deltakelse fra 12 land, det første dyptgående forskningprosjektet på effekten av drama / teater i utdanning, som var knyttet til nøkkelkompetanser (www.dramanetwork.eu).

Han var hovedforfatter av to sentrale ungarske håndbøker om teater i utdanning og teaterpedagogikk.

Underviser i
  • Master i Kunstfag
  • Drama og anvendt teater BA
  • GLU
Forskar på
  • Teater i Utdanning, klasseromsteater
  • dramapedagogikk, prosessdrama
  • teaterpedagogikk
  • anvendt teater


  • Hogyan változott a magyarországi színházi nevelési és színházpedagógiai nagykép egy évtized alatt?

    Cziboly, Adam (2024)
  • Drama and Applied Theatre in Norway

    Cziboly, Adam (2023)
  • Results of the national mapping of educational theatre and theatre pedagogy programmes in 2023

    Cziboly, Adam (2023)
  • Addressing bullying with process drama. Workshop series

    Cziboly, Adam (2023)
  • Learning patterns and risks in distance learning during the COVID-19 lockdown – the pupils’ perspective in drama pedagogy-based focus groups

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Ádám, Németh, Szilvia, Rajnai, Richárd (2023)
  • Editorial

    Allern, Tor-Helge, Cziboly, Adam, Gong, Baorong (2022)
  • Exploring ancient Greek dramas and mythologies with Drama in Education

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam (2022)
  • Addressing gender-based violence with Drama in Education

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam (2022)
  • From fairy tale to action: exploring fairy tales with Drama in Education

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam (2022)
  • Norway Country Report

    Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • Gender-based violence and drama education

    Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • DICE 2008 – 2011

    Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • Káva 25 - Rólunk

    Cziboly, Adam, Balassa, Zsofia, Jaszay, Tamas (2022)
  • KIS LÉPÉSEKBEN ELŐRE (Small steps forward)

    Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Cziboly, Adam, Fabian, Gabor, Garai, Judit, Golden, Dániel, Milovits, Hanna (2022)
  • comment duel

    Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • I am Malala

    Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • «TELAVÅG» Av Stig Amdam Det Vestnorske Teateret Bergen 2022 «Frå tekst til teater» Undervisningsforløp for 10. trinn og vgs

    Folkedal, Silje Birgitte, Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • Editorial

    Allern, Tor-Helge, Cziboly, Adam, Baorong, Gong (2022)
  • What can the translation of key terms reveal about the understandings of drama education in China?

    Zheng, Sisi, Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • SITE A#9 Online Process Drama during/after Covid-19

    Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • A drama-based examination of Hungarian kindergarteners’ activities, knowledge & attitudes relating to digital communication

    Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • Antigone: a project to address gender-based violence with drama

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Lyngstad, Mette Bøe, Folkedal, Silje Birgitte, Eriksson, Stig Audun (2022)
  • Exploring the possibility of designing process dramas for online platforms

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam (2022)
  • A Drama Centred Approach to Genderbased Violence. Teacher’s Handbook. Antigone Project.

    Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Cziboly, Adam, Mörner, Ninna (2022)
  • Is This Art or Vandalism?: An Online Process Drama

    Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • The influence of the "conventions approach" on the practice of drama in different cultures

    Cziboly, Adam, Lyngstad, Mette Bøe, Zheng, Sisi (2022)
  • ILSA in Arts Education: The Effect of Drama on Competences

    Gjærum, Rikke Gürgens, Cziboly, Adam, Eriksson, Stig Audun (2022)
  • How does onlineization transform participation? - round table discussion moderation

    Cziboly, Adam (2021)
  • Drama/Theatre Pedagogy In Education - A Golden Bridge Between Normalities

    Milosavljević, Sunčica, Cziboly, Adam, Mojca, Redjko, Kržanić Tepavac, Diana, Mitranić, Nevena (2021)
  • Qualitative "Digimini" pilot research aimed at exploring the activities, knowledge, ideas and attitudes of preschoolers related to digital devices and communication

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Ádám, Julcsi, Szabó (2021)
  • Dear recipient

    Sivertsen, Christine, Cziboly, Adam, Hovik, Lise, Sørensen, Merete, Junttila, Kristina (2021)
  • Influence of the ‘conventions approach’ on higher education in drama

    Cziboly, Adam, Lyngstad, Mette Bøe, Zheng, Sisi (2021)
  • DIVERSE: Guidance book for teachers

    Cziboly, Adam (2021)
  • A karanténoktatás tapasztalatai szegregátumban és azon kívül

    Németh, Szilvia, Rajnai, Richárd, Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam (2021)
  • The question is, do they have the power to harm?

    Lyngstad, Mette Bøe, Cziboly, Adam (2021)
  • GlobalKids pupil focus groups with dramatic methodology. Research report.

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Ádám (2020)
  • Do we need participation? Can theatre address the generation of social media?

    Cziboly, Adam (2020)
  • Living Through Extremes in Process Drama - online book launch

    Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Davis, David, O'Neill, Cecily, Cooper, Chris, Cziboly, Adam (2020)
  • Response to COVID-19 Zooming in on online process drama

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam (2020)
  • Nincsenek szavaink (?)

    Cziboly, Adam (2019)
  • Democracy through drama: Open Education Resources

    Bolton, Christopher, Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Bloor, Emma, Cherouvis, Stephanos, Colvill, Robert (2019)
  • Democracy through drama: Conceptual and Pedagogical Framework

    Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Bolton, Christopher, Scaramuzzo, Gilberto, Cziboly, Adam (2018)
  • Democracy through drama: Methodological Framework

    Scaramuzzo, Gilberto, Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Bolton, Christopher, Cziboly, Adam (2018)
  • Alkalmazott színház, színházi nevelés és színházpedagógia Magyarországon

    Novák, Géza Máté, Golden, Dániel, Cziboly, Adam (2018)
  • Színházi nevelési és színházpedagógiai kézikönyv. Recenzió.

    Cziboly, Adam (2018)
  • A Handbook of Hungarian Theatre in Education and Theatre Pedagogy

    Cziboly, Adam, Novák, Géza Máté, Golden, Dániel (2018)
  • Színház ez egyáltalán? Bevezetés a színházi nevelési és színházpedagógiai programok sokszínűségébe.

    Cziboly, Adam (2018)
  • Droghasználat a peremhelyzetben élő általános iskolás gyerekek körében

    Judit, Szécsi, Judit, Lannert, Szilvia, Németh, Cziboly, Adam, Dániel, Vince (2017)
  • Miért színház? (Why is that theatre?)

    Cziboly, Adam (2017)
  • Insight into Educational Drama and Theatre - a practical suggestion for categorization and terminology

    Cziboly, Adam (2017)
  • Színházi nevelési és színházpedagógiai kézikönyv (Handbook of educational theatre and theatre pedagogy)

    Cziboly, Adam (2017)
  • Drama Improves Lisbon Key Competences in Education – introduction to a robust international research project.

    Cziboly, Adam (2016)
  • DICE - The impact of educational drama and theatre on key competences

    Cziboly, Adam (2015)
  • The DICE has been cast. + Educational theatre practices in Hungary – an overview

    Cziboly, Adam (2015)
  • Educational theatre and educating towards civic engagement

    Ádám, Bethlenfalvy, Cziboly, Adam (2014)
  • ‘Rolling the DICE’. Introduction to the international research project Drama Improves Lisbon Key Competences in Education

    Eriksson, Stig A., Heggstad, Kari Mjaaland, Heggstad, Katrine, Cziboly, Ádám (2014)
  • Színházi nevelési programok kézikönyve (Handbook of educational theatre programmes)

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam (2013)
  • Research Report - Educational theatre and drama as a tool to facilitate Roma inclusion. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia

    Cziboly, Adam (2012)
  • Roma Mentor Project Evaluation Report. School year 2011/2012, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Slovakia.

    Cziboly, Adam (2012)
  • A drámapedagógia hatása a diákok pszichológiai fejlődésére

    Attila, Varga, Szilvia, Németh, Cziboly, Adam, Ildikó, Danis (2011)
  • The Validation and Accreditation of Artistic Skills (VAAS) in Hungary. Overview and needs analysis.

    Cziboly, Adam (2011)
  • Roma Mentor Project Training Manual. An Innovative Approach to Culture, Tradition and Modernity

    Cziboly, Adam (2011)
  • A kocka magyar oldala. A DICE kutatás magyar eredményei (Hungarian results of the DICE research)

    Cziboly, Adam (2011)
  • Terningen er kastet. En DICE-ressurs. Forskningsresultater og anbefalinger for drama og teater i undervisning

    Eriksson, Stig A., Heggstad, Kari Mjaaland, Heggstad, Katrine, Cziboly, Ádám (2010)
  • The DICE has been Cast. A DICE resource. Research findings and recommendations on educational theatre and drama

    Cziboly, Ádám, Eriksson, Stig A., Heggstad, Kari Mjaaland, Heggstad, Katrine (2010)
  • Making a World of Difference. A DICE resource for practitioners on educational theatre and drama

    Cziboly, Adam, Eriksson, Stig A., Heggstad, Kari Mjaaland, Heggstad, Katrine, Cooper, Chris (2010)
  • White paper

    Cziboly, Adam (2009)
  • Subcultures - The cultural segment of the Hungarian Civil Society

    Cziboly, Adam (2008)
  • The basics of Non-profit management. Education pack, part of the project of Birdlife Hungary „Strengthening the civil basis of environmental protection in Serbia-Montenegro”

    Cziboly, Adam (2006)