Anita Tvedt Crisostomo
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Arbeids- og kompetanseområde
Utdannet barnehagelærer med master i barnehagepedagogikk. Har lang erfaring i ulike stillinger innen barnehagefeltet.
Forsker på utdanning for bærekraft gjennom posthumanistiske teorier
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- Utdanning for bærekraft
Grappling with the children`s contributions in early childhood educations digital practices.
Becoming Child and Sustainability — The Kindergarten Teacher as Agency Mobiliser for Sustainability Through Keeping the Concept of the Child in Play
EcoTechnoDataPhilosophical workshop with wood as/and knowledgeconstructions
Children as eco-citizens – field work experiences and quandaries with the participatory design
EcoTechnoDataPhilosophical Workshops - KnowledgeConstructions in/as Education for Sustainability
Technology and sustainability for/in early childhood education and care
EcoTechnoDataPhilosophical workshop with wood as/and knowledgeconstructions
Bærekraftige barnehagepraksiser - eksperimenterende posthumane utforskninger
Bærekraftige barnehagepraksiser - Affektive tilblivelser i naturkulturrelasjoner
Å være og bli øko-borger
Utdanning for bærekraft i barnehagen