Arbeids- og kompetanseområde
Underviser i Medisinsk laboratorieteknologi ved Institutt for sikkerheit, kjemi- og bioingeniørfag.
Er involvert i ulike FoU-prosjekt for utvikling av nye undervisningsformer som tilrettelegg for studentaktive læringsformer.
Har kompetanse i universitets- og høgskolepedagogikk med verv som pedagogisk utviklar ved Fakultet for helse- og sosialvitskap.
Prosjektleiar for Erasmus+ Strategisk partnerskap, BioTriCK.
Underviser i
- Bio206 - Medisinsk laboratorieteknologi III
- Bio207 - Ekstern praksis 1
- Bio304 - Medisinsk laboratorieteknologi IV
- Bio306 - Ekstern Praksis 2
- Bio302 - Avanserte biomedisinske analysemetoder
- Digital sikkerhet
Forskar på
- Utdanningsforskning med fokus på bioingeniørfag
- Bruk av digitale spill for læring
- Praksis og ulike veiledningsmodeller i praksis
- BIO304, Medisinsk laboratorieteknologi IV - Avanserte laboratorieanalysar, Høst 2024
- MAMET1MLT, Vitskapsteori, etikk og metode, Høst 2024
Acute response in circulating microRNAs following a single bout of short-sprint and heavy strength training in well-trained cyclists
Functional characterization of HNF4A gene variants identify promoter and cell line specific transactivation effects
Teaching and Learning in clinical practice and laboratory training in Europe
Exploring 360°-videos as Realistic Game-based Learning Environments for Work Placement Preparation
Blended learning in biomedical laboratory science
Praksisstudienes omfang og organisering i bioingeniørutdanningen
Digital Game-Based Support for Learning the Phlebotomy Procedure in the Biomedical Laboratory Scientist Education
Merging 360°-videos and Game-Based Virtual Environments for Phlebotomy Training: Teachers and Students View
State-of-the-art and Future Directions for Using Augmented Reality Head Mounted Displays for First Aid Live Training
Games on mobiles via web or virtual reality technologies: How to support learning for biomedical laboratory science education
mSTIKKapp og wSTIKKapp - Mobil- og web-applikasjon for innlæring av prosedyrer rundt venøs blodprøvetaking
Open online E-learning resources at as preparation for hands-on laboratory practice
Presentasjon av ePraksis, vinner av KDs utdanningskvalitetspris 2018
wStikk – Web-based Phlebotomy Learning
mStikk–A Mobile Application for Learning Phlebotomy
E-learning facilitates flipped learning and portofolio assessment in biomedical laboratory science
Modulation of phospho-proteins by interferon-alpha and valproic acid in acute myeloid leukemia
combination of interferon-alpha and valproic acid in acute myeloid leukemia cells in vitro and in vivo
Clinical proteomics of myeloid leukemia
FLT3 internal tandem duplication involving its libiquitin dependent endocytosis motif suspend modulation by HDM2 and are associated with inferior survival in AML
Flt3 mutations in proximity to an ubiquitin dependent endocytosis motif suspend its Hdm2 modulation
Pre-apoptotic response to therapeutic DNA damage involves protein modulation of Mcl-1, Hdm2 and Flt3 in acute myeloid leukemia cells
Flt3 Mutations in Proximity to an Ubiquitin Dependent Endocytosis Motif Suspend Its Hdm2 Modulation
Proteomic strategies for individualizing therapy of acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
Proteomic strategies for individualizing therapy of acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
Adaptive contrast enhancement of two-dimensional electrophoretic protein gel images facilitates visualization, orientation and alignment
Proteomics in acute myelogenous leukaemia (AML): Methodological strategies-and identification of protein targets for novel antileukaemic therapy
Proteomics in acute myelogenous leukaemia (AML): methodological strategies and identification of protein targets for novel antileukaemic therapy
Examination of IMPA1 and IMPA2 genes in manic-depressive patients: association between IMPA2 promoter polymorphisms and bipolar disorder
Examination of IMPA1- and IMPA2 genes in manic-depressive patients: Association between IMPA2 promoter polymorphisms and bipolar disorder
A study of myo-inositol monophosphatase-encoding genes in manic depressive illness
Characterization of two genes, Impa1 and Impa2 encoding mouse myo-inositol monophosphatases
IMPA1 and IMPA2 - Candidate genes for disease susceptibility and variation in drug response in lithium-treated bipolar disorder
A human myoinositol monophosphatase gene (IMPA2) localized in a susc eptibility region for bipolar disorder on chromosome 18p11.2: genomic structure and polymorphism screening in manic-depressive patients
A human myoinositol monophosphatase gene (IMPA2) localized in a susc eptibility region for bipolar disorder on chromosome 18p11.2: genomic structure and polymorphism screening in manic-depressive patients
A human myoinositol monophosphatase gene (IMPA2) localized in a susc eptibility region for bipolar disorder on chromosome 18p11.2: genomic structure and polymorphism screening in manic-depressive patients
The role of gene mutations of the inositol phospholipid signaling system in lithium-treated bipolar disorder
The role of gene mutations of the inositol phospholipid signaling system in lithium-treated bipolar disorder
The role of gene mutations of the inositol phospholipid signaling system in lithium-trated bipolar disorder
Gene mutations of the inositol phospholipid signaling system in lithium-treated manic-depressive illness
Searching for genetic variations in inositol monophosphatase genes in lithium-treated manic-depressive patients
Searching for genetic variations in inositol monophosphatase genes in lithium-treated manic-depressive patients
Gene mutations of the inositol phospholipid signaling system in lithium-treated manic-depressive illness
Searching for genetic variations in inositol monophosphatase genes in lithium-treated manic-depressive patients
Searching for genetic variations in inositol monophosphatase genes in lithium-treated manic-depressive patients
The role of gene mutations of the inositol phospholipid signaling system in lithium-treated bipolar disorder
Gene mutations of the phosphatidylinositol signaking system in lithium-treated manic-depressive patients
Genomic characterization of genes encoding human myo-inositol monophosphatase enzymes
Genomic characterization of genes encoding human myo-inositol monophosphatase enzymes
Gene mutations of the phosphatidylinositol signaling system in lithium-treated manic-depressive patients
Genomic structure and chromosomal localization of a human myo-inositol monophosphatase gene (IMPA)
PCR-based amplification and characterization of a human myo-inositol monophosphate gene (cand scient)
PCR-based amplification and characterization of a human myo-inositol monophosphatase gene
Gene mutations in the phosphatidylinositol system in bipolar patients
Gene mutations in the phosphatidylinositol system in bipolar patients
Gene mutations in the phosphatidylinositol system in bipolar patients