Assisterande instituttleiar

Kristin Lofthus Hope

Arbeids- og kompetanseområde

Kristin Lofthus Hope har en doktorgrad i teknologi og vitenskapsstudier fra NTNU (2006). Hope arbeider som førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for økonomi og administrasjon ved HVL, og er programansvarlig for masterutdanningen i Innovasjon og ledelse som gis ved instituttet. Videre har hun arbeidet med forskning innen områdene omorganisering og reformer av høgskoler og universitet, ledelse og styring av tiltak for gjennomføring av videregående opplæring, endringer i helsetjenesteprofesjoner, kunnskapskulturer, arbeidsvilkår og identitet.

Underviser i
  • MOØ222
  • MOØ204
  • HMS002
  • ØØA110
Forskar på
  • Organisering, styring og ledelse


  • Governing School Choice in Norway: Why Local Educational Government Capacity Matters

    Homme, Anne, Eide, Helene Marie Kjærgård, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2022)
  • Keeping Talents in the Region? Educational Internships and Their Impact on Regional Development

    Berg, Laila Margaret Nordstrand, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2022)
  • Governing School Choice in Norway – Why local educational government capacity matters

    Homme, Anne, Eide, Helene Marie Kjærgård, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2021)
  • How to become complete responsible universities? Or not to become complete?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2018)

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2018)
  • The Core Curriculum – Interpretations and Stories About an Essential Document for the Norwegian School

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2017)
  • Policy Instruments in European Universities: Implementation of Higher Education Policies

    Nyhagen, Gigliola Mathisen, Bleiklie, Ivar, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2017)
  • Mia Vabø,Signy Irene Vabo (red.): Velferdens organisering

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2017)
  • Innovative government initiatives to prevent upper secondary school dropout: organisational learning and institutional change at the local level

    Homme, Anne, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2017)
  • Prevention of early school leaving. How local policy enactment plays out in four Norwegian county municipalities.

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Homme, Anne (2017)
  • Governance capacity for reducing dropout from upper secondary education

    Helgøy, Ingrid, Homme, Anne, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2016)
  • Dropout policies in the transition between lower and upper secondary school in Norway

    Helgøy, Ingrid, Homme, Anne, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2016)
  • Reconfiguring health workforce: a case-based comparative study explaining the increasingly diverse professional roles in Europe

    de Bont, Antoinette, Van Exel, Job, Coretti, Silvia, ökem, Zaynep Güldem, Janssen, Maarten, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2016)
  • Dropout prevention policies in the transition between lower and upper secondary school.

    Helgøy, Ingrid, Homme, Anne, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2016)
  • Innovation and government initiatives: Organisational learning at the local level?

    Homme, Anne, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2015)
  • The Architecture of New Knowledge Factories: A Mode 2 Design?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2015)
  • Little skill mix – a problem for whom?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2015)
  • Forankring av internasjonalisering i læreplanverket

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2015)
  • A Need for New Methodological Communication in Comparative Higher Education Reseach Projects?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2015)
  • European Universities as Complete Organizations? Understanding Identity, Hierarchy and Rationality in Public Organizations

    Seeber, Marco, Lepori, Benedetto, Montauti, Martina, Enders, Jurgen, De Boer, Harry, Weyer, Elke (2015)
  • Implementation and governance: Current and future research on climate policies

    Rykkja, Lise H., Neby, Simon, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2014)
  • Mer makt til universitetstopper

    Bergstrøm, Ida Wevling, Nyhagen, Gigliola Mathisen, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2013)
  • Sterkere styring på toppen

    Aadland, Camilla, Nyhagen, Gigliola Mathisen, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2013)
  • Administrative traditions and implementation of higher education policies in European universities

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Nyhagen, Gigliola Mathisen (2013)
  • Insights on method and culture in an international higher education project

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2013)
  • Insights on method and culture in an international transdisciplinary project

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2013)
  • Science Transformed? Debating Claims of an Epochal Break

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2013)
  • Klimatiltak på Vestlandet. En innledende kartlegging

    Neby, Simon, Rykkja, Lise Hellebø, Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Olsen, Henning S (2012)
  • The Development and Implementation of Higher Education Policies

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2012)
  • The Development and Implementation of Higher Education Policies: Current Reforms and their Effects in four European countries

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2012)
  • Kvaliteten der blev væk. Kvalitetsreform og modernisering af den offentlige sektor

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2012)
  • Reforms of higher education systems in Europe – after 2007

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2011)
  • Reforming the unwillingly? Reform activities in higher education

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2011)
  • Presentasjon: Kartlegging av familie- og barnevernets tilbud til lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner

    Neby, Simon, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2011)
  • States, policy networks and academic power in higher education governance – the Changing Scope and Form of State-University Relationships

    Bleiklie, Ivar, Michelsen, Svein, Mathisen, Gigliola, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2011)
  • The Development and Implementation of Climate Change Policies: Current Research and Future Perspectives

    Rykkja, Lise Hellebø, Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Neby, Simon (2011)
  • Hvilke forventninbger har doktorgradskandidatene til arbeidslivet?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2011)
  • Configuring designers? Using one agile project management methodology to achieve user participation

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Seim, Eva Amdahl (2011)
  • Mer slagkraftige og effektive universiteter? Innføringen av enhetlig ledelse i universitetssektoren

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2011)
  • En kartlegging av karriereveier og erfaringer blant midlertidig vitenskaplig ansatte og nyansatte i vitenskaplig stilling ved UiB

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2010)
  • Drømmejobben

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Oppegård, Guri Gunnes (2010)
  • Kartlegging av familievernets og barnevernets tjenestetilbud til lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Neby, Simon (2010)
  • En kartlegging av karriereveier og erfaringer blant midlertidig vitenskapelig ansatte og nyansatte i vitenskapelig stilling ved UiB

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2010)
  • Akademisk karriereforventning - karrierer i en ny tid?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2010)
  • Changing working roles, but no effect on the chain of command?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2010)
  • The Development and Implementation of Climate Change Policies: Current Research and Future Perspectives

    Rykkja, Lise Hellebø, Neby, Simon, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2010)
  • Mellom lokalisme og kompetanse. Evaluering av familieverntjenesten i Bufetat, region vest

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Loga, Jill M, Neby, Simon (2009)
  • Governing Stem Cell Research. Shaping Politics trrough Extreme Cases?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2009)
  • Årsmøte i Nettverk for organisasjonsforskning i Norge

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Neby, Simon (2009)
  • Den kunnskapsintensive arbeidsplass: Må vi dele?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2008)
  • Evaluering av styring og ledelse ved NTNU

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Ringkjøb, Hans-Erik, Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2008)
  • The Healing Potential as a Persuasive Creator?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2008)
  • Den kunnskapsintensive arbeidsplassen: Må vi dele?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2008)
  • Shaping politics through extreme cases and a state of exception?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2008)
  • Evaluering av styring og ledelse ved NTNU

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2008)
  • Bedre styring ved universitetene - er enhetlig ledelse svaret?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2008)
  • Shaping politics through extreme cases

    Sivertsen, Silje Espeland, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2008)
  • Årsmøte i Nettverk for organisasjonsforskning i Norge

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Neby, Simon, Kristin, Rubecksen, Vidar, Rolland (2007)
  • Håp på vandring? Visjonsproduksjon innenfor stamcelleteknologi

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • Changes in the performance of engineering work?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2007)
  • Hope and/or Hype? How Stem Cell Research Shape Expectations of the Future

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • Stem Cells Expectations – to Materialize Hope and Faith?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • Hope and Hype? How visions of the future connects to innovations in the biotechnology market

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • Håp på vandring? Visjonsproduksjon innenfor stamcelleteknologi

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • Changes in the performance of engineering work?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2007)
  • Hope and/or Hype? How Stem Cell Research Shape Expectations of the Future

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • Hope and Hype? How visions of the future connects to innovations in the biotechnology market

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • Stem Cells Expectations – to Materialize Hope and Faith?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • New Knowledge Objects? Exploring Cultures of Representation in Knowledge-Intensive Work

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • New Knowledge Objects? Exploring Cultures of Representation in Knowledge-Intensive Work

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Sørensen, Knut Holtan (2006)
  • Doktoren svarer

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • Doktoren svarer

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • In the market for experts of technology

    Amdahl, Eva, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • The production of knowledge within engineering and the role of transdisciplinarity

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2006)
  • Who Configures Who?

    Amdahl, Eva, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • New Interactional Expertise?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2006)
  • Hope and Hype framstilling av forskning? Tanker om hvordan undersøke visjoner og visjonsproduksjon innenfor stamcelleforskning

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • The hopeful industry? Vision creation connected to stem cell research

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Sivertsen, Silje (2006)
  • Hope and Hype framstilling av forskning? Tanker om hvordan undersøke visjoner og visjonsproduksjon innenfor stamcelleforskning

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • The hopeful industry? Vision creation connected to stem cell research

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Sivertsen, Silje Espeland (2006)
  • The production of knowledge within engineering and the role of transdisciplinarity

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2006)
  • Who configures who?

    Amdahl, Eva, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • New Interactional expertise?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2006)
  • In the market for experts of technology

    Amdahl, Eva, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • The hopeful industry? Exploring vision production associated with stem cell research

    Sivertsen, Silje, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2005)
  • Polytechnical production of knowledge: What role for transdisciplinarity

    Amdahl, Eva, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2005)
  • Body and soul of knowledge - how to dress knowledge

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2004)
  • Socializing the tehnology using a recipie?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2004)
  • Socialize the technology, using a recipe?

    Amdahl, Eva, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2003)
  • Consulting in practice - knowledge work in the world of AI

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2003)
  • Consulting in practice - cross border working

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2003)
  • Forskingskultur og laboratoriestudiar: ei samanlinkning av tre ulike vinklingar

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2002)

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2002)

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2002)
  • Hvorfor er testing i systemutviklingsprosjekter utfordrende?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2002)
  • På leiting etter eit system?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2001)
  • En prøve på etnografisk metode i sosiologi?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2001)
  • Kva seier Karin Knorr Cetina om epistemiske kulturar?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2001)
  • Kunnskapskultur i kunnskapsintensive organisasjonar

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2001)
  • Får en endring i kunnskapskultur med nye organisasjonsformer?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2001)
  • The Desire for a System? Image and Knowledge Creation in ICT- Consulting

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2001)
  • The Dilbert Experience? On Knowledge Culture in ICT- Project Work

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2001)
  • Individualitet vs. kollektivitet i Sintef Teknologiledelse

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2000)
  • Standardisation or Creativity? Are co-ordination, communication and control important for the understanding of methods in knowledge intensive firms?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2000)
  • Innanfor eller utanfor? Korleis kan ein analysera kunnskapskultur i kunnskapsintensive bedrifter?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2000)
  • Getting high on hightech

    Amdahl, Eva, Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Lea, Charlotte (1999)
  • ...og bakom ligg metoden. Konstruksjon av kultur i IKT-konsulentselskap. Rapport nr.45

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (1999)