
Liv Grethe Kinn

Arbeids- og kompetanseområde

Underviser, veileder og forsker på temaene kvalitativ metode, psykososial rehabilitering og arbeidsinkludering for personer med alvorlige psykiske lidelser, og profesjonsutøving innen ergoterapi og psykisk helsearbeid. 


  • Struggling with Fitting in: Clients Mixed Experiences of Receiving Job Support and Getting a Job When Participating in Individual Placement and Support in Norway

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Davidson, Larry, Oedegaard, Ketil Joachim, Langeland, Eva (2024)
  • Brukererfaringer med IPS

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2023)
  • Forhold som fremmer og hemmer arbeidsinkludering for personer med alvorlige psykiske helseproblemer

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2023)
  • Patients' experiences of day surgery and recovery: A meta-ethnography

    Thoen, Cathrine Ween, Sæle, Monica, Strandberg, Ragnhild Bjarkøy, Eide, Petrin Hege, Kinn, Liv Grethe (2023)
  • Hvordan kan isfjellmetaforen hjelpe oss til å forstå hvilke utfordringer IPS klienter ofte støter på i arbeidslivet? Hvordan kan jobbspesialister bidra med best mulig hjelp?

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2022)
  • Hva sier forskning om jobbspesialisters rolle og sentrale bidrag i tiltaket individuell jobbstøtte (IPS)?

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Costa, Mark, Voll, Ingrid, Austrheim, Gunhild, Aas, Randi Wågø, Davidson, Larry (2021)
  • Conceptualizing participation in the community mental health context: Beginning with the Clubhouse model

    Tanaka, Kimiko, Stern, Eric, Craig, Thomas, Kinn, Liv Grethe, Williams, Julie (2021)
  • Recovery at the Clubhouse: challenge, responsibility and growing into a role

    Fekete, Orsolva Reka, Langeland, Eva, Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes, Davidson, Larry, Kinn, Liv Grethe (2021)
  • Hva er kjernen i jobbspesialisters støtte?

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Costa, Mark, Voll, Ingrid, Aas, Randi Wågø, Davidson, Larry (2020)
  • “Navigating Between Unpredictable Icebergs”: A Meta‑Ethnographic Study of Employment Specialists’ Contributions in Providing Job Support for People with Mental Illness

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Costa, Mark, Voll, Ingrid, Austrheim, Gunhild, Aas, Randi Wågø, Davidson, Larry (2020)
  • Salutogenesis as a Theoretical Framework for Psychosocial Rehabilitation: The Case of the Clubhouse Model

    Fekete, Orsolya Reka, Kinn, Liv Grethe, Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes, Langeland, Eva (2020)
  • Hva hemmer og fremmer arbeidsinkludering i IPS tiltaket? Hvordan følger jobb spesialister og psykiske helsearbeidere opp underveis? Invitert plenums foreleser

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2019)
  • Drinking culture and drinking situations in Norwegian Working Life. The WIRUS culture study

    Sagvaag, Hildegunn, Rimstad, Silje Lill, Kinn, Liv Grethe, Aas, Randi Wågø (2019)
  • “Finally, I Belong Somewhere I can be proud of” – Experiences of Being a Clubhouse Member in Norway

    Fekete, Orsolya Reka, Langeland, Eva, Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes, Kinn, Liv Grethe (2019)
  • Six shades of grey: Identifying drinking culture and potentially risky drinking behaviour in the grey zone between work and leisure. The WIRUS culture study

    Sagvaag, Hildegunn, Rimstad, Silje Lill, Kinn, Liv Grethe, Aas, Randi Wågø (2019)
  • Workplace Interventions preventing Risky alcohol Use and Sick leave – The WIRUS project results

    Sevic, Aleksandra, Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus, Nordaune, Kristin, Skarpaas, Lisebet Skeie, Sagvaag, Hildegunn, Haveraaen, Lise (2019)
  • Workplace Interventions preventing Risky alcohol Use and Sick leave – The WIRUS project results

    Sevic, Aleksandra, Hashemi, Neda, Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus, Sagvaag, Hildegunn, Nordaune, Kristin, Skarpaas, Lisebet Skeie (2019)
  • “Watch your steps”–Community mental health professionals’ perspectives on the vocational rehabilitation of people with severe mental illness

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Holgersen, Helge, Borg, Marit, Davidson, Larry (2018)
  • "Som hjelp til å få båten på vannet" -subjektive opplevelser av klubbhusmodellen

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2018)
  • ‘‘We are Actually Colleagues’’: Clubhouse Staffs: Experiences of Working Side-by-side with Members

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Langeland, Eva, Kimiko, Tanaka, Davidson, Larry (2018)
  • Walking children through a minefield: how professionals experience exploring adverse childhood experiences

    Albæk, Ane Ugland, Kinn, Liv Grethe, Milde, Anne Marita (2018)
  • "Pushing the Boat Out": A Meta-synthesis of How Members, Staff and Family Experience the Clubhouse Model

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Tanaka, Kimoko, Bellamy, Chyrell, Davidson, Larry (2018)
  • "Pushing the Boat Out" -A Metasynthesis of how Members,Staff and Family Experience the Clubhouse Model

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Tanaka, Kimiko, Bellay, Chyrell, Davidson, Larry (2017)
  • Who initiates and organizes situations for work-related alcohol use? The WIRUS-culture study

    Nordaune, Kristin, Skarpaas, Lisebet Skeie, Sagvaag, Hildegunn, Haveraaen, Lise, Rimstad, Silje Lill, Kinn, Liv Grethe (2017)
  • "Arbeidslivet som skøytebane"

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2016)

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Holgersen, Helge, Aas, Randi Wågø, Davidson, Larry (2016)

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Aas, Randi Wågø, Holgersen, Helge, Davidson, Larry (2016)
  • “Watch your steps” – Community mental health professionals’ perspectives on the vocational rehabilitation of people with severe mental illness

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Holgersen, Helge, Borg, Marit, Davidson, Larry (2016)
  • Arbeid –veien til «det gode liv»? Perspektiver på arbeidsinkludering for personer med alvorlige psykiske lidelse

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2016)

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Holgersen, Helge, Aas, Randi Wågø, Davidson, Larry (2015)
  • Tur-retur til arbeidslivet. Invitert plenumsforeleser

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2014)
  • Tur retur til arbeidslivet. Invitert plenums foreleser

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2014)
  • Round Trips to Work. Qualitative studies of how persons with severe mental illness experience work integration

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2014)
  • Metasynthesis and bricolage: an artistic exercise of creating a collage of meaning

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Holgersen, Helge, Ekeland, Tor-Johan, Davidson, Larry (2013)
  • ‘‘Balancing on Skates on the Icy Surface of Work’’: A Metasynthesis of Work Participation for Persons with Psychiatric Disabilities

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Holgersen, Helge, Aas, Randi Wågø, Davidson, Larry (2013)
  • Psykisk helsearbeid: konfeksjon eller skreddersøm?

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Ekeland, Tor-Johan, Byrkjeflot, Haldor (2012)
  • Bruk av meta-etnografi for å syntetisere kvalitativ forskning: Metode og resultater

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2011)
  • Implementering av IPS. Invitert plenumsforelser

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2011)
  • Modell for fagutvikling : To kliniske fagringer har vurdert aktuell forskning i relasjon til egen praksis

    Hjelle, Kari Magrethe, Søvik, Margaret, Austrheim, Gunhild, Kinn, Liv Grethe (2011)
  • Being candidates in a transitional vocational course: experiences of self, everyday life and work potentials

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Holgersen, Helge, Borg, Marit, Fjær, Svanaug (2011)
  • What it is like for people with severe mental health problems to participate in a transitional employment course?

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2010)
  • Arbeidsrettede tiltak: hva er det som virker?

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2010)
  • Occupational therapists' perception of their practice: A phenomenological study

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Aas, Randi Wågø (2009)
  • Evidensbasert ergoterapi

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2008)
  • Participation in vocational rehabilitation programs for people with severe mental health problems from consumers` perspective - a literature review

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2008)
  • Evidensbasert praksis - et tveegget sverd? En drøfting av problematiske sider ved evidensbasert ergoterapi

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2007)
  • Evidensbasert praksis - et tveegget sverd for ergoterapeuter. En drøfting av problematiske sider ved evidensbasert ergoterapi

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2006)
  • Kvalifisering til arbeidstakerollen

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2006)
  • Is evidence based practice a sufficient base for occupational therapists?

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2006)
  • Å lage et handlingsrom. Hvordan ergoterapeuter beskriver sin bruk av aktivitetet

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2004)
  • "To shape a space to act". How occupational therapists desrcibe their use of occupation

    Kinn, Liv Grethe, Aas, Randi Wågø (2004)
  • "The clients health conditions in community occupational practice. A cross sectional survey"

    Aas, Randi Wågø, Grotle, Margreth, Kinn, Liv Grethe (2004)
  • The clients health condition in community occupational therapy practice in Norway

    Aas, Randi Wågø, Grothle, M, Kinn, Liv Grethe (2004)
  • We look with other eyes : how the occupational therapists describe their field and professional identity

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2002)
  • "Vi ser med andre øyne" : Hvordan ergoterapeuter beskriver sitt fag og sin identitet

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2001)
  • Ergoterapeuter fram på scenen

    Kinn, Liv Grethe (2000)