Arbeids- og kompetanseområde

Mine forskningsinteresser er kommunikasjon og automasjon. Det gjeldet både grunnforskning og anvendt forskning, gjennom mange nasjonale og internasjonale prosjekter om forskjellige typer industriell kommunikasjon, Quality of Service, Service Oriented Architecture – fra real-time protokoller, Factory 4.0 til Internet of Things.

I tillegg jobber jeg med undervisnings- og formidlingsmetoder i Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (StEM) fag. Hva er viktig for studentene, hvordan ønsker de å lære, hva motiverer de til læring, hva digitale verktøy kan støtte læring, hvordan skape nysgjerrighet, osv. Jeg engasjerer meg i undervisning, veiledning (Bachelor, Master, PhD), fagutvikling, forsking, student utveksling og aktivisering, formidling.

Jeg er utdannet (MSc Eng. 1991) i Computer Science på Silesian University of Technology SUT, Polen og har jobbet nesten 30 år med undervisning: 11 år på SUT, 12 år på Høgskolen i Sogn og Fjordane - HiSF og 6 år på Høgskolen på Vestlandet - HVL. I tillegg har jeg jobbet 12 år som programmerer, forsker og utvikler med industri kommunikasjon og automasjons systemer i industri.

  • Fra 2006 høgskolelektor på HiSF, Avdeling for ingeniør- og naturfag.
  • Fra 2009 førstelektor på HiSF.
  • Fra 2017 førstelektor på HVL, Institutt for datateknologi, elektroteknologi og realfag.
  • Fra 2020 dosent i Computer Science på HVL.

Jeg (med gruppe av lærer fra Campus Førde) fikk HVL Utdanningskvalitetspris 2021 for systematisk arbeid med utdanningskvalitet, studentsenteret tilnærming og inkludering og aktivisering av studentene i undervisning og forskning.

Jeg fikk status merittert underviser i 2023.

Jeg er forfatter av 70 publikasjoner om nettverkskommunikasjon, men også om pedagogiske metoder i undervisning  ( fojcik). Jeg laget 52 reviews, og var organisator eller i programkomiteen på 24 nasjonal og internasjonal konferanser.

  • 2017– tillitsvalgt i Tekna for Førde and Sogndal på HVL
  • 2018–  i Forskings- og innovasjonsutvalget på FIN på HVL
  • 2019– medlem i UHR MNT Elektronikk
  • 2022– medlem i Utdanningsutvalet på HVL
  • 2022– medlem i fakultetsråd på FIN, HVL

 Valgte forskningsprosjekter:

  • 2023–2024 «The concept of sustainable development in the innovative education of students» fra EEA Financial Mechanism - Education Programme (1,6 MNOK) som koordinator for HVL
  • 2020–2023 «Automated Guided Vehicles integrated with Collaborative Robots for Smart Industry PerspectiveCoBotAGV», fra EEA Grants, POLNOR (17 MNOK) som koordinator for HVL
  • 2020–2022 «Research on different teaching methods in Project-Based-Learning» som leder
  • 2019–2021 «Gjenkjenning av sykdomaktivitet hos pasienter med kroniske artritter fra aktivitet mønster detektert av berbære sensorer» – del 1 og 2 (270 kNOK), som partner fra HVL
  • 2019–2021 «Praktisk digitalisering av høgskuleundervisning - erfaringar frå forelesarar og studentar» som leder
  • 2019–2020 «Kartlegging og forbetring eksamensteknikkar blant studentane» som leder
  • 2016–2018 «Knowledge integrating shop floor management system supporting preventive and predictive maintenance services for automotive polymorphic production frameworkINOMOTO», fra Polish National Centre of Research and Development
  • 2016–2018 «Eldrevenleg sjukehus/sengepost» som deltaker fra HVL
  • 2014–2017 «Automotive Production Engineering Unified Perspective based on Data Mining Methods and Virtual Factory ModelAutoUniMo» fra EU Maria Curie, FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IAPP
  • 2013–2017 «Automated Assessment of Joint Synovitis Activity from Medical Ultrasound and Power Doppler Examinations Using Image Processing and Machine Learning MethodsMEDUSA», fra Polish-Norwegian Research Programme (8,5 MNOK) som WP leder
Underviser i
  • Bachelor hovedprosjekt, HO2-300, 2006-2020, veileder for 34 prosjekter
  • Prosjektstyring med prosjekt, OR2-300, 2006-2010
  • Datateknikk med programmering, DA2-100, 2006-2013, emneansvarlig
  • Industriell IKT, IN2-301, 2008-2011, emneansvarlig
  • Elektronikk og datamaskiner, EL2-203, 2008-2019
  • Målesystem og instrumentering, IN2-201, 2008-2012, emneansvarlig
  • Måleteknikk, IN2-300, 2008
  • TCP/IP kurs, 2009, emneansvarlig
  • Ingeniørfaglig innføringsemne, OR2-100, 2012-2018
  • Datamaskiner i nettverk, EL2-300, 2013-2019, emneansvarlig
  • Grunnleggende elektro 2, EL2-102, 2014-2018
  • Programmering 2, DA2-301, 2014-2018, emneansvarlig
  • Teknologi i helse og omsorg, THO-801, 2018-2020
  • Implementering av teknologi i helse og omsorgstjenestene, THO-802, 2018-2020
  • Algoritmer og datastrukturer, DAT102, 2019
  • Programmering og mikrokontrollere, ELE102, 2020-
  • Videregående programmering, ELE205, 2020- , emneansvarlig
  • Innføring i ingeniørfaglig yrkesutøvelse og arbeidsmetoder, ING104, 2020
  • Elektrofaglig basis 2, ELE142, 2020
  • Elektrofaglig basis 2 Y-veg, ELE143, 2020
  • Cyber-physical systems and IoT, ADA512, 2023-,  en av emneasvarlig
  • Sensor networks, ADA528, 2023- , en av emneasvarlig
  • Sensornettverk, PCS922, 2023-, en av emneansvarlig
Forskar på
  • Kommunikasjonssystemer (QoS, OPC UA, Internet of Things, Factory 4.0)
  • Service Oriented Architecture (ontologi, OPC UA, begrensing)
  • Autonome kjøretøy (sensorer, algoritmer, nettverk)
  • Produksjon systemer, prediktivt vedlikehold
  • Velferdsteknologi
  • Bruk av kunstig intelligens i medisinsk diagnostikk (MEDUSA prosjekt)
  • Pedagogiske metoder og forbedring av undervisning kvalitet
  • Bærekraftig utvikling


  • Reflections on didactical challenges in teaching computer programming

    Fojcik, Marcin Andrzej, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Høyland, Sven-Olai, Hoem, Jon Øivind (2023)
  • Education model for future

    Fojcik, Marcin Andrzej, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna (2023)
  • ZigBee Network for AGV Communication in Industrial Environments

    Flak, Jarosław, Skowron, Tomasz, Cupek, Rafał, Fojcik, Marcin Andrzej, Caban, Dariusz, Domanski, Adam (2023)
  • The Role of Soft Skills in Engineering Education

    Fojcik, Marcin Andrzej, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Ziebinski, Adam, Pollen, Bjarte, Kampen, Anne-Lena (2023)
  • The role of soft skills in engineering education

    Fojcik, Marcin Andrzej, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Ziebinski, Adam, Pollen, Bjarte, Kampen, Anne-Lena (2023)
  • Identification and authorization with single accelerometer data - implications from "Wearables in Arthritis" project

    Pawel, Mielnik, Hjelle, Anja Myhre, Pollen, Bjarte, Tokarz, Krzysztof, Fojcik, Marcin Andrzej (2023)
  • Implementation of OPC UA communication traffic control for analog values in an automation device with embedded OPC UA servers

    Fojcik, Marcin Andrzej (2023)
  • Implementation of OPC UA communication traffic control for analog values in an automation device with embedded OPC UA servers

    Sande, Olav, Fojcik, Marcin Andrzej, Hernes, Marcin, Cupek, Rafal, Drewniak, Marek (2023)

    Pollen, Bjarte, Kampen, Anne-Lena, Fojcik, Marcin Andrzej (2023)
  • Nyskaping gjennom bruk av roboter i undervisning

    Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Fojcik, Marcin Andrzej, Hoem, Jon Øivind, Venås, Gizem Ates (2023)
  • HTPS: Heterogeneous Transferring Prediction System for Healthcare Datasets

    Syu, Jia-Hao, Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei, Fojcik, Marcin Andrzej, Cupek, Rafal (2023)
  • Q-learning based energy management system on operating reserve and supply distribution

    Syu, Jia-Hao, Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei, Fojcik, Marcin Andrzej, Cupek, Rafał (2023)
  • Energy grid management system with anomaly detection and Q-learning decision modules

    Syu, Jia-Hao, Srivastava, Gautam, Fojcik, Marcin Andrzej, Cupek, Rafał, Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei (2023)
  • Communication between AGV and standalone station via EtherCAT using WiFi – proof of concept

    Ireneusz, Smolka, Jacek, Stoj, Gaj, Piotr, Fojcik, Marcin (2023)
  • Data gathering. Performance evaluation of industrial SOA using OPC UA as an example

    Fojcik, Marcin (2022)
  • University College Students' Perspectives and Opinions on Digital Lectures

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Kyte, Lars, Pollen, Bjarte, Mjånes, Jan Ove Rogde (2022)
  • Heuristics for shelf space allocation problem with vertical and horizontal product categorization

    Czerniachowska, Kateryna, Lutoslawski, Krzysztof, Fojcik, Marcin (2022)
  • Case Study of AGV in Industry 4.0 Environments – an Evaluation of Wireless Communication Protocols

    Kampen, Anne-Lena, Cupek, Rafal, Fojcik, Marcin, Drewniak, Marek, Øvsthus, Knut (2022)
  • Application of Software Defined Networks for Collection of Process Data in Industrial Real-Time Systems

    Smolka, Ireneusz, Stoj, Jacek, Fojcik, Marcin (2022)

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Høyland, Sven-Olai, Hoem, Jon Øivind (2022)
  • Challenges in teaching programming

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Høyland, Sven-Olai, Hoem, Jon Øivind (2022)

    Pollen, Bjarte, Fojcik, Marcin, Kampen, Anne-Lena (2022)
  • Nyskaping gjennom bruk av roboter i undervisning

    Hoem, Jon Øivind, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Ates, Gizem, Fojcik, Marcin (2022)

    Pollen, Bjarte, Fojcik, Marcin, Kampen, Anne-Lena (2022)
  • Simultaneous measurements reading from more than one MiBand 3 wristbands

    Zuzanna, Rodak, Tokarz, Krzysztof, Pawel, Mielnik, Fojcik, Marcin (2022)
  • Smart Work – Production Tasks Management System

    Chojnacki, Krzysztof, Walaszczyk, Ewa, Markowska, ALeksandra, Hernes, Marcin, Fojcik, Marcin (2021)
  • The requirements for using wireless networks with AGV communication in an industry environment

    Kampen, Anne-Lena, Fojcik, Marcin, Cupek, Rafal, Stoj, Jacek (2021)
  • Detecting of minimal changes in physical activity using one accelerometery sensor

    Mielnik, Pawel Franciszek, Fojcik, Marcin, Tokarz, Krzysztof, Rodak, Zuzanna, Pollen, Bjarte (2021)
  • Ontology based approach for Communication with Autonomous Guided Vehicles for Industry 4.0

    Cupek, Rafal, Fojcik, Marcin, Gaj, Piotr, Stoj, Jacek (2021)
  • Low-Level Wireless and Sensor Networks for Industry 4.0 Communication – Presentation

    Kampen, Anne-Lena, Fojcik, Marcin, Cupek, Rafal, Stoj, Jacek (2021)
  • Ontology-based information model for CoBotAGV dedicated for smart manufacturing environment

    Cupek, Rafal, Fojcik, Marcin, Drewniak, Marek (2021)
  • Programmering for alle?

    Høyland, Sven-Olai, Hoem, Jon Øivind, Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna (2021)
  • Teachers experience with introducing programming in different courses for non-computer science students

    Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Fojcik, Marcin (2021)
  • Teaching in digital surroundings – students opinion on digital tools and digital lectures

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Pollen, Bjarte, Kyte, Lars, Mjånes, Jan Ove Rogde (2021)
  • Tekniske, pedagogiske og etiske utfordringer ved digital undervisning

    Fojcik, Marcin (2021)
  • Challenges Associated with Sensors and Data Fusion for AGV-Driven Smart Manufacturing

    Ziebinski, Adam, Mrozek, Dariusz, Cupek, Rafal, Grzechca, Damian, Fojcik, Marcin, Drewniak, Marek (2021)

    Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Fojcik, Marcin (2021)

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna (2021)
  • Challenges associated with sensors and data fusion for AGV-driven smart manufacturing

    Fojcik, Marcin (2021)
  • Ocena wydajności przemysłowych SOA na przykładzie OPC UA

    Fojcik, Marcin (2021)
  • Faktorar som påverkar kvaliteten på digital undervisning

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna (2021)
  • Faktorer som påverker kvaliteten på digital undervisning

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna (2021)

    Dankiewicz, Przemyslaw, Hernes, Marcin, Walaszczyk, Ewa, Tutak, Piotr, Chomiak-Orsa, Iwona, Rot, Artur (2020)
  • The use of cognitive agent programs in management support

    Wuczynski, Maciej, Golec, Pawel, Hernes, Marcin, Rot, Artur, Grynckiewicz, Wieslawa, Fojcik, Marcin (2020)
  • A content analysis of SOLO-levels in different computer programming courses in higher education

    Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Fojcik, Marcin, Sande, Olav, Refvik, Kim Andre Stavenæs, Frantsen, Torbjørn, Bye, Hroar Saunes (2020)
  • Data Quality Management in ERP Systems – Accounting Case

    Hernes, Marcin, Bytniewski, Andrzej, Matenczuk, Karolina, Rot, Artur, Dziuba, Szymon, Fojcik, Marcin (2020)
  • Experiences in implementing the Project-Based-Learning in STEM-courses,

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Tokarz, Krzysztof, Pollen, Bjarte (2020)
  • Structuring practical educational concepts for STEM teaching

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Pollen, Bjarte, Helgesen, Carsten Gunnar, Mjånes, Jan Ove Rogde (2020)

    Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Fojcik, Marcin (2020)
  • Analyse of different computer programming courses for non-programmers using content analysis and SOLO-taxonomy

    Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Fojcik, Marcin (2020)
  • Praktisk digitalisering av høgskuleundervising – erfaringar frå forelesarar og studentar

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Hegland, Pål Andre, Kyte, Lars, Midtbø, Toril Gerd, Pollen, Bjarte (2020)

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna (2020)
  • Autonomous Guided Vehicles for Smart Industries the state of the art and research challenges

    Ziebinski, Adam, Fojcik, Marcin (2020)

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna (2020)

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna (2020)
  • Autonomous guided vehicles for smart industries - The state of the art and research challenges

    Cupek, Rafal, Drewniak, Marek, Fojcik, Marcin, Kyrkjebø, Erik, Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei, Mrozek, Dariusz (2020)

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Pollen, Bjarte (2020)

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna (2020)

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Stafsnes, June Audsdotter, Pollen, Bjarte (2020)
  • A Conceptual Framework of Intelligent System for Environmental Life Cycle Costing

    Walaszczyk, Ewa, Fojcik, Marcin, Hernes, Marcin, Dolinska, Alicja, Dudek, Andrzej, Nowosielski, Krzysztof (2020)
  • Project Based Learning in practice

    Fojcik, Marcin (2020)
  • Forskning for studenter – teori og praksis

    Fojcik, Marcin (2019)
  • “Digital Twins” for Highly Customized Electronic Devices – Case Study on a Rework Operation

    Cupek, Rafal, Drewniak, Marek, Ziebinski, Adam, Fojcik, Marcin (2019)
  • Korleis kan vi som forskings- og utdanningsinstitusjon ta vare på miljøet?

    Fojcik, Marcin (2019)
  • Praktisk digitalisering av høgskuleundervisning – erfaringar frå forelesarar og studentar

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Pollen, Bjarte, Sande, Olav (2019)
  • Digital utvikling i klasserommet? – Korleis teknologi påverkar måten vi underviser på?

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna (2019)
  • Maskinlæring som verktøy for betre diagnostisering - døme frå eigne forskingsprosjekt

    Pawel, Mielnik, Fojcik, Marcin (2019)
  • Some Solutions for Improving OPC UA Performance

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna (2019)
  • Some Solutions for Improving OPC UA Performance

    Fojcik, Marcin, Sande, Olav, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Bødal, Are Sjåstad, Haavik, Tor Erik, Kalstad, Kristoffer Hjartholm (2019)
  • Quality of Service in Real-Time OPC UA Applications

    Fojcik, Marcin (2019)
  • Quality of Service in Real-Time OPC UA Applications

    Fojcik, Marcin, Cupek, Rafal, Ziebinski, Adam, Sande, Olav, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna (2019)
  • Monitoring of Chronic Arthritis Patients with Wearables - A Report from the Concept Phase

    Fojcik, Marcin (2019)
  • Monitoring of Chronic Arthritis Patients with Wearables - A Report from the Concept Phase

    Pawel, Mielnik, Tokarz, Krzysztof, Mrozek, Dariusz, Czekalski, Piotr, Fojcik, Marcin, Hjelle, Anja Myhre (2019)
  • Identification of school depended factors which can affect students' perfromance on assessmets

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna (2019)
  • Identification of school depended factors, which can affect students’ performance on assessments

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Stafsnes, June Audsdotter, Pollen, Bjarte (2019)
  • Studentar og eksamensvurderingar: ein identifikasjonsstudie av kva faktorar som påverkar studentar sine presentasjonar på eksamen.

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Stafsnes, June Audsdotter, Pollen, Bjarte (2019)
  • Sustainable Development in industry and education

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna (2019)
  • Studentar og eksamensvurderingar: erfaringar frå forelesarar og studentar

    Fojcik, Marcin (2019)
  • Praktisk digitalisering av høgskuleundervising

    Fojcik, Marcin, Pollen, Bjarte, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Sande, Olav (2019)
  • Knowledge integration via the fusion of the data models used in automotive production systems

    Cupek, Rafał, Ziebinski, Adam, Drewniak, Marek, Fojcik, Marcin (2018)
  • Internet of Things

    Fojcik, Marcin (2018)
  • A CANoe-based approach for receiving XML data over the Ethernet

    Fojcik, Marcin (2018)
  • A CANoe-Based Approach for Receiving XML Data over the Ethernet

    Drewniak, Marek, Fojcik, Marcin, Grzechca, Damian, Kruk, Michal (2018)
  • OPC UA communication traffic control for analogue values in an automation device with embedded OPC UA servers

    Sande, Olav, Fojcik, Marcin (2018)
  • Estimation of the Number of Energy Consumption Profiles in the Case of Discreet Multi-variant Production

    Fojcik, Marcin (2018)
  • Improving KPI Based Performance Analysis in Discrete, Multi-variant Production

    Fojcik, Marcin (2018)
  • Improving KPI Based Performance Analysis in Discrete, Multi-variant Production

    Cupek, Rafal, Ziebinski, Adam, Drewniak, Marek, Fojcik, Marcin (2018)
  • Estimation of the Number of Energy Consumption Profiles in the Case of Discreet Multi-variant Production

    Cupek, Rafal, Ziebinski, Adam, Drewniak, Marek, Fojcik, Marcin (2018)
  • Detection of linear features including bone and skin areas in ultrasound images of joints.

    Bak, Artur, Segen, Jakub, Wereszczynski, Kamil, Pawel, Mielnik, Fojcik, Marcin, Kulbacki, Marek (2018)
  • A Novel Method of Synovitis Stratification in Ultrasound Using Machine Learning Algorithms: Results From Clinical Validation of the MEDUSA Project

    Mielnik, Pawel Franciszek, Fojcik, Marcin, Segen, Jakub, Kulbacki, Marek (2018)
  • IKT kompetanse blant studenter.

    Fojcik, Marcin, Galek, Joanna, Fojcik, Martyna (2017)
  • Monitoring and controlling speed for an autonomous mobile platform based on the Hall sensor

    Fojcik, Marcin (2017)
  • Feasibility Study of the application of OPC UA Protocol for the Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication

    Fojcik, Marcin (2017)
  • Application of OPC UA Protocol for the Internet of Vehicles

    Fojcik, Marcin (2017)
  • Feasibility Study of the Application of OPC UA Protocol for the Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication

    Cupek, Rafal, Ziebinski, Adam, Drewniak, Marek, Fojcik, Marcin (2017)
  • Monitoring and Controlling Speed for an Autonomous Mobile Platform Based on the Hall Sensor

    Ziebinski, Adam, Bregulla, Markus, Fojcik, Marcin, Klak, Sebastian (2017)
  • Application of OPC UA Protocol for the Internet of Vehicles

    Cupek, Rafal, Ziebinski, Adam, Drewniak, Marek, Fojcik, Marcin (2017)
  • An Ontology Model for Communicating with an Autonomous Mobile Platform

    Fojcik, Marcin (2017)
  • An ontology model for communicating with an autonomous mobile platform

    Cupek, Rafal, Ziebinski, Adam, Fojcik, Marcin (2017)
  • IKT kompetanse blant studenter. Er vi klar for framtiden?

    Fojcik, Marcin, Galek, Joanna, Fojcik, Martyna (2017)
  • Automatisert gradering av synovitt med maskinlæring teknologi. MEDUSA prosjekt.

    Mielnik, Pawel Franciszek, Fojcik, Marcin (2017)
  • Computer systems in medicine and health. Post-conference proceedings. Part II

    Wojciechowski, Konrad, Smolka, Bogdan, Fojcik, Marcin, Cupek, Rafal, Ziebinski, Adam (2016)
  • Computer systems in medicine and health. Post-conference proceedings. part I

    Wojciechowski, Konrad, Smolka, Bogdan, Fojcik, Marcin, Cupek, Rafal, Ziebinski, Adam (2016)
  • Data mining and artificial intelligence methods for automotive systems - DMAIMAS 2016 : post-conference proceedings

    Wojciechowski, Konrad, Smolka, Bogdan, Fojcik, Marcin, Cupek, Rafal, Ziebinski, Adam (2016)
  • Medusa project: The objectives and initial results

    Wojciechowski, Konrad, Smolka, Bogdan, Kulbacki, Marek, Fojcik, Marcin, Mielnik, Pawel Franciszek, Hein, Sebastian (2016)
  • Some challenges in implementation of ICT in medicines

    Fojcik, Marcin, Galek, Joanna (2016)
  • A metamorphic controller for plant control system design

    Klopot, Tomasz, Skupin, Piotr, Choinski, Dariusz, Cupek, Rafal, Fojcik, Marcin (2016)
  • Challenges in introduction of artificial intelligence in medical practice – a review of clinical trials concerning adaptation of artificial intelligence in medicine

    Mielnik, Pawel Franciszek, Fojcik, Marcin, Kulbacki, Marek, Segen, Jakub (2016)
  • A Machine-Learning Approach to the Automated Assessment of Joint Synovitis Activity

    Fojcik, Marcin (2016)
  • A machine-learning approach to the automated assessment of joint synovitis activity

    Wojciechowski, Konrad, Smolka, Bogdan, Cupek, Rafal, Ziebinski, Adam, Nurzynska, Karolina, Kulbacki, Marek (2016)
  • IKT-kompetanse blant sykepleie- og ingeniørstudenter

    Galek, Joanna, Fojcik, Marcin (2016)
  • Optimization of Joint Detector for Ultrasound Images Using Mixtures of Image Feature Descriptors

    Wereszczynski, Kamil, Segen, Jakub, Kulbacki, Marek, Wojciechowski, Konrad, Mielnik, Pawel Franciszek, Fojcik, Marcin (2015)
  • Integration of robotic arm manipulator with computer vision in a project-based learning environment

    Radlak, Krystian, Fojcik, Marcin (2015)
  • Interface between nursing and computer science based on chosen examples

    Fojcik, Marcin, Galek, Joanna (2015)
  • Performance evaluation of redundant OPC UA architecture for process control

    Cupek, Rafal, Folkert, Kamil, Fojcik, Marcin, Klopot, Tomasz, Polakow, Grzegorz (2015)
  • Ontology-Based Integrated Monitoring of Hadoop Clusters in Industrial Environments with OPC UA and RESTful Web Services

    Fojcik, Marcin (2015)
  • Ontology-Based Integrated Monitoring of Hadoop Clusters in Industrial Environments with OPC UA and RESTful Web Services

    Folkert, Kamil, Fojcik, Marcin (2015)
  • Kvifor er nasjonale pasientjournalar vanskeleg å få til? Flaskehalsar i kommunikasjon forklart med matematikk

    Fojcik, Marcin (2014)
  • MEDUSA, WP5: Clinical Data Annotation

    Fojcik, Marcin (2014)
  • Identifying a Joint in Medical Ultrasound Images Using Trained Classifiers

    Wereszczynski, Kamil, Segen, Jakub, Kulbacki, Marek, Mielnik, Pawel Franciszek, Fojcik, Marcin, Wojciechowski, Konrad (2014)
  • Collaborative tool for annotation of synovitis and assessment in ultrasound images

    Kulbacki, Marek, Segen, Jakub, Habela, Piotr, Janiak, Mateusz, Kniec, Wojciech, Fojcik, Marcin (2014)
  • Some Problems of Integrating Industrial Network Control Systems Using Service Oriented Architecture

    Fojcik, Marcin (2013)
  • MEDUSA- et tverrfaglig prosjekt i artritt ultralyddiagnostikk

    Fojcik, Marcin (2013)
  • Some Problems of Integrating Industrial Network Control Systems Using Service Oriented Architecture

    Fojcik, Marcin, Sande, Joar (2013)
  • Introduction to OPC UA Performance

    Fojcik, Marcin (2012)
  • Introduction to OPC UA Performance

    Fojcik, Marcin, Folkert, Kamil (2012)
  • OPC Historical Data Access – OPC Foundation Toolkit Improvement Suggestions

    Bochenek, Michał, Fojcik, Marcin, Cupek, Rafał (2011)
  • Efficiency of OPC UA Communication in Java-Based Implementations

    Folkert, Kamil, Fojcik, Marcin, Cupek, Rafał (2011)
  • OPC UA Based Solutions for Integrated Operations

    Sande, Olav, Fojcik, Marcin, Cupek, Rafal (2010)
  • OPC UA - vegen vidare - oppsummering

    Sande, Joar, Fojcik, Marcin (2010)
  • Intelligent overvåking av demente personer

    Fojcik, Marcin (2010)
  • OPC UA i IKT-system

    Fojcik, Marcin (2010)
  • Geology and Information Technology. Background Information on the Seminar Project

    Cupek, Rafal, Fojcik, Marcin (2009)
  • Geology and Information Technology. Background Information on the Seminar Project

    Fojcik, Marcin, Cupek, Rafal (2009)
  • Overview of GPS based techniques in monitoring of geological phenomena

    Fojcik, Marcin (2009)
  • Overview of GPS based techniques in monitoring of geological phenomena

    Fojcik, Marcin, Indrehus, Oddny (2009)
  • Object Oriented Vertical Communication in Distributed Industrial Systems

    Cupek, Rafal, Fojcik, Marcin, Sande, Olav (2009)
  • Worldwide componet based automation systems on Profinet CBA network example

    Bregulla, Markus, Cupek, Rafal, Fojcik, Marcin (2008)
  • Computer Networks

    Fojcik, Marcin (2008)
  • Presentation of Sogn og Fjordane University College

    Fojcik, Marcin (2008)
  • Computer Networks

    Fojcik, Marcin (2008)
  • Profinet CBA via Internet

    Fojcik, Marcin, Bregulla, Markus, Cupek, Rafal (2008)
  • PROFINET CBA via Internet

    Fojcik, Marcin, Bregulla, Markus, Cupek, Rafal (2008)
  • The methods for measurement of contaminant levels in oil

    Fojcik, Marcin, Sande, Joar (2007)
  • Presentation of Sogn og Fjordane University College

    Moxnes, Leda Pires, Fojcik, Marcin (2006)
  • Software: styringssystem for fiskeanlegg : regulering av vann-nivå med sms-varsling

    Fojcik, Marcin (2006)