
Nina Dalen Seime

Underviser i
  • Radiografi - generelle undersøkelser rtg og CT
  • Akademisk skriving/oppgaveskriving
  • Forskningsmetode/kvalitativ forskning
  • Sykepleierprosedyrer
Forskar på
  • MR-undersøkelse av L-S columna - "low back pain" sammenligner ulike pasientleier og sammeligner res av MR-undersøkelse og kliniske funn utført av manuell fysioterapeut.
  • Psykososiale uttfordringer blant foreldreløse (grunnet HIV/ADIS) barn i Ugandaa
  • Studenter underviser studenter på tvers av landegrenser - Norge/Hong Kong
  • Effekt av bruk av interaktive læringsformer/videoer
  • Utdanningsforskning


  • Evaluation of case simulations for radiographer education within FORCE project

    Seime, Nina Dalen, Matthews, Kate, Aarhus, Gerda, Strudwick, Ruth, Kraus, Barbara, Christoph, Kamp (2022)
  • Disc and nerve root findings on lumbar MRI with straightened v s flexed hips and knees - pilot study

    Espeland, Ansgar, Seime, Nina Dalen (2019)
  • The Growing Importance of Internationalisation in Radiography Education

    Lai, Christopher, Shiu, Bobby, Seime, Nina Dalen (2019)
  • Lumbar MRI with straightened versus flexed hips and knees. Disc and nerve root findings. A pilot study. Muntlig presentasjon av E-poster

    Seime, Nina Dalen, Espeland, Ansgar (2019)
  • Disc and nerve root findings on lumbar MRI with straightened vs flexed hips and knees—pilot study

    Espeland, Ansgar, Seime, Nina Dalen (2019)
  • Improving livelihoods among orphans in siblingheaded households in Rakai District, Uganda

    Seime, Nina Dalen, Dalen, Nina (2017)
  • Action Research to improve the situation of orphans heading households in Rakai District, Uganda

    Dalen, Nina (2009)
  • Challenges for orphans in sibling headed households. Assessments of intervention to reduce stigma in Rakai District, Uganda

    Dalen, Nina (2009)
  • Challenges for orphans in sibling headed households. Assessment of interventions to reduce stigma in Rakai District, Uganda

    Dalen, Nina (2009)
  • "They don't care what happens to us." The situation of double orphans heading households in Rakai District, Uganda

    Dalen, Nina, Nakitende, Ann Jacqueline, Musisi, Seggane (2009)
  • Challenges for orphans in sibling headed households. Assessment of interventions to reduce stigme in Rakai District, Uganda

    Dalen, Nina (2009)
  • Action Research to improve the situation of orphans heading households in Rakai District, Uganda

    Dalen, Nina (2009)
  • Challenges for orphans in sibling headed households. Assessment of interventions to reduce stigma in Rakai District, Uganda

    Dalen, Nina (2009)
  • "They don't care what happens to us." The situation of double orphans heading households in Rakai District, Uganda

    Dalen, Nina, Nakitende, Ann Jacqueline, Musisi, Seggane (2009)
  • Workshop on improving the psychosocial situation of child headed households in Rakai District, Uganda

    Dalen, Nina (2008)
  • Action Research to improve the situation of orphans heading households in Rakai District, Uganda

    Dalen, Nina (2008)
  • Action Research to improve the situation of orphans heading households in Rakai District, Uganda

    Dalen, Nina, Oleke, Christopher (2007)
  • Action Research to improve the situation of orphans heading households in Rakai District, Uganda

    Dalen, Nina, Oleke, Christopher (2007)
  • Håp for foreldreløse barn i Uganda Action Research to improve the situation of orphans heading households in Rakai District, Uganda

    Dalen, Nina, Oleke, Christopher (2007)
  • Forberedelseskurs : praksisstudier i Sør

    Dalen, Nina (2006)
  • Fra Bergen til Tanzania, Fagartikkel; Komplekse problem og sterke inntrykk: Pedagogiske og personlige utfordringer knyttet til praksis i Sør

    Graue, Marit, Moland, Karen Marie, Magnus, Peter, Miljeteig, Gunlaug, Dalen, Nina (2006)
  • Psychosocial needs faced by heads of sibling-headed households. A study in Rakai District, Uganda

    Dalen, Nina (2005)
  • Socialization, choice and good action related to children in difficult circumstances. Vitenskapsteoretisk fremlegg, Vestnorsk Nettverk, Forskarutdanninga, Høgskolen i Bergen, Universitetet i Bergen

    Dalen, Nina (2004)
  • Socialization, choice and good action related to children in difficult circumstances. Essay on theory of social science. Essay i vitenskapsteori, Vestnorsk Nettverk Forskarutdanninga, Høgskolen i Bergen, Universitetet i Bergen

    Dalen, Nina (2004)
  • Psychosocial challenges faced by heads of sibling-headed households A pilot study in Rakai District in Uganda September 2004 Theoretical framework, results and the way forward…

    Dalen, Nina (2004)
  • Psychosocial challenges faced by children in Child Headed Households in Uganda

    Dalen, Nina (2002)
  • Helsearbeid på tvers av kulturer. En studie fra et helseprosjekt i rurale strøk i Zimbabwe. Cross cultural health work. A study from a health project in rural districts in Zimbabwe

    Dalen, Nina (2002)