
Nina Grieg Viig

Arbeids- og kompetanseområde

Førsteamanuensis i pedagogikk

Underviser i
  • Skoleutvikling
  • Nasjonal rektorutdanning
  • Desentralisert kompetanseutvikling DeKomp
Forskar på
  • Helsefremmende arbeid i skolen
  • Skoleutvikling


  • Exploring Relational, Emotional and Affective Leadership Skills in Schools: A Participative Approach

    Lafferty, Niamh, Glosvik, Øyvind, Fimreite, Hege, Viig, Nina Grieg, Blom, Nicolaas, McNamara, Patricia Mannix (2023)
  • The Ideal Body: A Social Construct? Reflections on Body Pressure and Body Ideal Among Students in Upper Secondary School

    Sæle, Ove Olsen, Sæther, Ida Kathrine, Viig, Nina Grieg (2021)
  • Helsefremmende skoler og sosial ulikhet. Lærerveiledning. 2020

    Viig, Nina Grieg, Larsen, Ruth (2021)
  • Hvordan planlegger skoleledere å lede det tverrfaglige temaet folkehelse og livsmestring?

    Abrahamsen, Hedvig Neerland, Viig, Nina Grieg (2021)
  • Folkehelse og livsmestring - i fag, på tvers av fag og som en helhetlig tilnærming i skolen

    Viig, Nina Grieg, Resaland, Geir Kåre, Tjomsland, Hege Eikeland (2021)
  • Folkehelse og livsmestring i skolen; i fag, på tvers av fag og som en helhetlig tilnærming

    Tjomsland, Hege Eikeland, Viig, Nina Grieg, Resaland, Geir Kåre (2021)
  • Health, well-being and education. Building a sustainable future. The Moscow Statement on Health promoting schools.

    Dadaczynski, Kevin, Bruun Jensen, Bjarne, Viig, Nina Grieg, Sormunen, Marjorita, Von Seelen, Jesper, Kuchma, Vladislav (2020)
  • Health, well-being and education: building a sustainable future. The Moscow Statement on Health Promoting Schools

    Dadaczynski, Kevin, Bruun Jensen, Bjarne, Viig, Nina Grieg, Sormunen, Majorita, Von Seelen, Jesper, Kuchma, Vladislav (2019)
  • Monitoring, evaluation and research

    Viig, Nina Grieg (2019)
  • How to work with school health promotion.

    Viig, Nina Grieg (2019)
  • Opening speech. Health, wellbeing and Education: Building a sustainable future. The 5th European Conference on School Health Promotion

    Viig, Nina Grieg (2019)
  • Leading Towards the Future – “Public health and life skills” – a new cross curricular theme in the Norwegian National curriculum

    Viig, Nina Grieg, Abrahamsen, Hedvig Neerland (2019)
  • Folkehelse og livsmestring

    Viig, Nina Grieg, Tjomsland, Hege Eikeland (2019)
  • GLUT- grunnskulelærarutdanning Tilsyn

    Bakke, Bente Cathrine Janby, Fretland, Jan Olav, Sandvold, Sigurd, Viig, Nina Grieg (2019)
  • Mat og helse i grunnskolelærerutdanningene

    Holthe, Asle, Aadland, Eli Kristin, Viig, Nina Grieg (2019)
  • Skole og folkehelse

    Tjomsland, Hege Eikeland, Viig, Nina Grieg (2015)
  • Læring og trivsel i en helsefremmende skole

    Tjomsland, Hege Eikeland, Viig, Nina Grieg (2015)
  • From initiation to institutionalisation: the principals’ leadership and management in Norwegian health promoting schools

    Tjomsland, Hege Eikeland, Samdal, Oddrun, Viig, Nina Grieg, Wold, Bente (2013)
  • Health and education – common theories for a common language

    Viig, Nina Grieg (2013)
  • Helsefremmende skoler: læring og helse hånd i hånd

    Viig, Nina Grieg (2012)
  • When teaching and health promotion intersect: Insights from the Nordic countries

    Viig, Nina Grieg (2012)
  • Helse møter læring

    Viig, Nina Grieg (2012)
  • Når skole og helsefremming møtes

    Viig, Nina Grieg (2012)
  • Helsefremming i skolen

    Viig, Nina Grieg (2012)
  • Leading and Supporting the Implementation of the Norwegian Network of Health Promoting Schools

    Viig, Nina Grieg, Fosse, Elisabeth, Samdal, Oddrun, Wold, Bente (2012)
  • Schools for Health in Europe (SHE) - et europeisk nettverk av helsefremmende skoler

    Viig, Nina Grieg, Samdal, Oddrun, Wold, Bente (2011)
  • Health promotion integrated into school policy and practice: experiences of implementation in the Norwegian network of health promoting schools

    Samdal, Oddrun, Viig, Nina Grieg, Wold, Bente (2010)
  • HEPS Tools for Schools. A Guide for School Policy Development on Healthy Eating and Physical Activity

    Simovska, Venka, Dadaczynski, Kevin, Viig, Nina Grieg, Tjomsland, Hege, Bowker, Sue, Woynarowska, Barbara (2010)
  • Health promoting schools

    Viig, Nina Grieg (2010)
  • ?På hvilken måte går læring og helse hånd i hånd. Hvordan influerer lærings- og helseteorier på hverandre?? Prøveforelesning til disputas ved Det psykologiske fakultet, Universitetet i Bergen

    Viig, Nina Grieg (2010)
  • Tilrettelegging for læreres deltakelse i helsefremmende arbeid. En kvalitativ og kvantitativ analyse av sammenhengen mellom organisatoriske forhold og læreres deltakelse i utvikling og implementering av Europeisk Nettverk av Helsefremmende Skoler i Norge

    Viig, Nina Grieg (2010)
  • Health Promotion Integrated Into School Policy And Practice: Experiences from the implementation of the Norwegian Network of Health Promoting Schools

    Samdal, Oddrun, Viig, Nina Grieg, Wold, Bente (2010)
  • Program and school characteristics related to teacher participation in school health promotion

    Viig, Nina Grieg, Tjomsland, Hege Eikeland, Wold, Bente (2010)
  • Supporting the development and implementation of the health promoting school project

    Viig, Nina Grieg (2009)
  • A Fourteen Year Follow-Up Study of Health Promoting Schools in Norway: Principals` Perceptions of Conditions Influencing Sustainability

    Tjomsland, Hege, Larsen, Torill M.B., Viig, Nina Grieg, Wold, Bente (2009)
  • A fifteen year follow-up study of Health Promoting Schools in Norway: School leaders’ perceptions of conditions influencing sustainability

    Tjomsland, Hege Eikeland, Viig, Nina Grieg, Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes, Wold, Bente (2009)
  • Health education reform from the Finnish secondary school : teachers' perspective in the light of interviews

    Paakkari, Leena, Viig, Nina Grieg (2006)
  • Knowledge, nursing and culture challenges tied to preparations for elective placement at Yirgalem Hospital, Ethiopia

    Mortensen, Solvor, Viig, Nina Grieg (2006)
  • Facilitating Teachers’ Participation in School-Based Health Promotion—A Qualitative Study

    Viig, Nina Grieg, Wold, Bente (2005)
  • PIFT - A DENTAL HEALTH CARE PREVENTION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. The quantitative part of a process evaluation

    Johansson, Zoe, Iversen, Anette Christine, Viig, Nina Grieg (2005)
  • Does a positive psychosocial work environment encourage teachers to participate in school-based health promotion ?

    Viig, Nina Grieg, Wold, Bente (2005)
  • Initiating organisational change: enabling tachers for school-based health promotion - experiences from the Norwegian Network of Health Promoting Schools

    Viig, Nina Grieg (2002)
  • Helse- og trivselsefremmende arbeid i skolen : Hvorfor og hvordan

    Samdal, Oddrun, Wold, Bente, Viig, Nina Grieg (2001)
  • Teachers in Health Promotion - Enabling teachers to participate in school-based health promotion

    Viig, Nina Grieg (2000)
  • Teachers in Health Promotion - enabling teachers to participate in school-based health promotion

    Viig, Nina Grieg (1999)