
el Houcine Messaoudi

Arbeids- og kompetanseområde

underviser i anatomi, fysiologi, farmakologi, sykdomslære og medikamentregning. Har en doktorgrad i nevrofysiologi fra det medisinske fakultet i Bergen. Har vært både post- doc og senior post -doc ved samme fakultet og jobbet i psykiatri. Er utdannet sykepleier ved HiB. Interesseområderer : læring og hukommelse langtidspotensiering (LTP). Genregulering av aldring og hukommelse. Hjerneproteiner (nevrotrofiner) og læring. Stemningslidelser og psykofarmaka.

Underviser i

Anatomi og fysiologi


Sykdomslære og farmakologi

Forskar på

Har forsket i emnet læring og hukommelse. Aldring og hukommelse.

Rollen av nevroproteiner (neurotrofiner) i hukomelsesprosesser. Startet med prosjektet: kunnskap i farmakologi hos sykepleiere ved sykehjem


  • Knowledge of pharmacology among nurses in nursing homes: a cross-sectional study

    Taasen, Siv Eriksen, Kvam, Fred-Ivan, Blytt, Kjersti Marie, Messaoudi, el Houcine (2022)
  • Identifying areas where registered nurses working in Norwegian nursing homes lack competence in pharmacology

    Taasen, Siv Eriksen, Kvam, Fred-Ivan, Blytt, Kjersti Marie, Messaoudi, el Houcine (2022)
  • Knowledge of pharmacology among nurses in nursing homes: a cross-sectional study

    Taasen, Siv Eriksen, Kvam, Fred-Ivan, Blytt, Kjersti Marie, Messaoudi, el Houcine (2022)
  • Nytt studiehefte i emne SYK140 sykdomslære og farmakologi - et fellesprosjekt

    Zablotna, Danuta Teresa, Kyte, Lars, Haug, Bente, Hakestad, Anita Moen, Messaoudi, el Houcine (2021)
  • Bruk av norsk talegjenkjenning for virtuelle besøk innen helsesektoren

    Ravndal, Andreas, Kristensen, Terje, Messaoudi, el Houcine (2016)
  • Selective survival and maturation of adult-born dentate granule cells expressing the immediate early gene Arc/Arg3.1

    Kuipers, Sjoukje, Tiron, Adrian, Soule, Jonathan, Messaoudi, Elhoucine, Trentani, Andrea, Bramham, Clive R. Evjen (2009)
  • Sustained Arc/Arg3.1 synthesis controls long-term potentiation consolidation through regulation of local actin polymerization in the dentate gyrus In vivo

    Messaoudi, Elhoucine, Kanhema, Tambudzai, Soule, Jonathan, Tiron, Adrian, Dagyte, Girstaute, da Silva, Bruno (2007)
  • Identification of genes co-upregulated with Arc during BDNF-induced long-term potentiation in adult rat dentate gyrus in vivo

    Wibrand, Karin, Messaoudi, Elhoucine, Håvik, Bjarte, Steenslid, Vibeke, Løvlie, Roger, Steen, Vidar Martin (2006)
  • Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and control of synaptic consolidation in the adult brain

    Soule, Jonathan, Messaoudi, Elhoucine, Bramham, Clive R. Evjen (2006)
  • Chronic fluoxetine induces region-specific changes in translation factor eIF4E and eEF2 activity in the rat brain

    Dagestad, Grethe, Kuipers, Sjoukje, Messaoudi, Elhoucine, Bramham, Clive R. Evjen (2006)
  • Dual regulation of translation initiation and peptide chain elongation during BDNF-induced LTP in vivo: evidence for compartment-specific translation control

    Kanhema, Tambudzai, Dagestad, Grethe, Panja, Debabrata, Tiron, Adrian, Messaoudi, Elhoucine, Håvik, Bjarte (2006)
  • BDNF function in adult synaptic plasticity: the synaptic consolidation hypothesis. Prog Neurobiol

    Bramham, Clive R. Evjen, Messaoudi, El Houcine (2005)
  • BDNF-induced LTP in dentate gyrus is impaired with age: analysis of changes in cell signalling events

    Gooney, M, Messaoudi, El Houcine, Maher, F O, Bramham, Clive R. Evjen, Lynch, M.A. (2004)
  • BDNF-LTP requires Arc protein expression in rat dentate gyrus in vivo

    Messaoudi, Elhoucine, Kanhema, Tambudzai, Bårdsen, Kjetil (2003)
  • Neurotrophins and synaptic plasticity in the adult hippocampus

    Bramham, Clive R. Evjen, Messaoudi, Elhoucine, Bårdsen, Kjetil (2002)
  • Brain-derived neurotrophic factor triggers transcription-dependent, late phase long-term potentiation in vivo

    Messaoudi, Elhoucine, Ying, Shui-Wang, Kanhema, Tambudzai, Croll, Susan D., Bramham, Clive R. Evjen (2002)
  • Effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on synaptic transmission in the adult hippocampus

    Messaoudi, Elhoucine (2002)
  • Effect of acute intrahippocampal BDNF infusion on synaptic efficacy at Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses in vivo

    Steenslid, Vibeke, Messaoudi, Elhoucine, Bramham, Clive R. Evjen (2002)
  • BDNF triggers transcription-dependent, late phase LTP in vivo

    Messaoudi, Elhoucine, Ying, Shui-Wang, Kanhema, Tambudzai, Croll, Susan D., Bramham, Clive R. Evjen (2002)
  • Characterization of BDNF-induced LTP in the dentate gyrus in vivo

    Messaoudi, Elhoucine, Bramham, Clive R. Evjen (2001)
  • Characterization of BDNF-induced long-term potentiation in the rat dentate gyrus

    Messaoudi, Elhoucine, Croll, S., Bramham, Clive R. Evjen (2000)
  • Effect of the BDNF-scavenger TrkB-IgF on LTP in the rat dentate gyrus in vivo

    Bårdsen, Kjetil, Messaoudi, El Houcine, Bramham, Clive R. Evjen (1998)