Arbeids- og kompetanseområde
Underviser på bachelor, master og PhD. Han har ein PhD i sjukepleievitskap frå 2011 innan tematikken "helserelatert livskvalitet før og etter fedmekirurgi". Leiar forskingsingruppa Folkehelse, livsstil og overvekt som er ei strategisk satsing som vert driven av Helse Førde og Høgskulen på Vestlandet.
Publikasjonar (Google Scholar)
Underviser i
- Bachelor i sjukepleie
- Master i samhandling innan helse- og sosialtenester
- Diverse kliniske vidareutdanningar (vitskapsteori og metode)
- Er hovudrettleiar og medrettleiar på doktogradsprosjekt
Forskar på
- Helse og livskvalitet før og etter fedmebehandling
- Helse og livskvalitet før og etter behandling for kronisk losjesyndrom
- Helse, meistring og livskvalitet etter innlegging av stomi
- Demens og stress & mental helse hos pårørande
- Fysisk aktivitet, helse, læring og livskvalitet hos barn og ungdom
- Aktiv transport og folkehelse
- Diverse tema knytt til utdanning og sjukepleieutøving
- Kosthald og risiko for hjarte og karsjukdom
- MS1-306, Masteroppgåve i samhandling og folkehelsearbeid, Høst 2024
- MS1-306, Masteroppgåve i samhandling og folkehelsearbeid, Vår 2025
- MS1-320, Folkehelse og helsefremming , Høst 2024, emneansvarlig
- MS1-325, Samhandling, tenesteutvikling og innovasjon , Vår 2025
- MS1-328, Prosjektplan, Vår 2025
- PHDH907, Metodar for kartlegging av helse, funksjon og deltaking, Vår 2025
- PHDH909, Doktorgradsavhandling i Helse, funksjon og deltaking, Vår 2025
- PHDH909, Doktorgradsavhandling i Helse, funksjon og deltaking, Høst 2024
- SYKS250, Folkehelse i eit nasjonalt og globalt perspektiv, Vår 2025
- SYKS250, Folkehelse i eit nasjonalt og globalt perspektiv, Høst 2024
Patients' experiences with a clinical Feedback system in ostomy care
Can a clinical feedback system with a standardized definition for ostomy leakage give us accurate data about the ostomy patient's largest challenge - leakage? A clinical overview.
Effects of a staff physical activity professional development intervention on preschoolers' mental health and self-regulation: The active learning Norwegian Preschool(er)s (ACTNOW) cluster randomised controlled trial
Predictors for surgical treatment in male patients with non-neurogenic lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)
Bariatric surgery patients in AUD treatment in Norway—an exploratory cross-sectional study
Surgical Aspects of Sleeve Gastrectomy Are Related to Weight Loss and Gastro-esophageal Reflux Symptoms
Identifying possible biomarkers of lower urinary tract symptoms using metabolomics and partial least square regression
Bruk av Share-FI til å avdekke skrøpelegheit ved kognitiv svikt
Sensitivity for Change Analyses of the Patient Reported Outcomes in Obesity (PROS) Questionnaire: A Prospective Cohort Study
Patterns of physical activity over 34 years in a large sample of adults: The HUNT study, Norway
Lower levels of physical activity volume are beneficial, and it’s never too late to start: Results from the HUNT Study, Norway
Experiences and results from using a novel clinical feedback system in routine stoma care nurse follow-up of patients with an ostomy: a longitudinal study
Factors associated with leakage in patients with an ostomy: A cross-sectional study
Effect of Optimal Alcohol-Based Hand Rub among Nurse Students Compared with Everyday Practice among Random Adults; Can Water-Based Hand Rub Combined with a Hand Dryer Machine Be an Alternative to Remove E. coli Contamination from Hands?
Remission of type 2 diabetes five years after metabolic surgery
Correlated physical and mental health composite scores for the RAND-36 and RAND-12 health surveys: can we keep them simple?
Outcomes of the first global multidisciplinary consensus meeting including persons living with obesity to standardize patient-reported outcome measurement in obesity treatment research
The impact of educational concerns and satisfaction on baccalaureate nursing students’ distress and quality of life during the Covid-19 pandemic; a cross-sectional study
IPSS “bother question” score predicts health-related quality of life better than total IPSS score
Seven-year trajectories of body weight, quality of life and comorbidities following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy
Effects of a school-based intervention on levels of anxiety and depression: a cluster-randomized controlled trial of the MindPower program in ten high schools in Norway
Sykepleierstudentene oppgir lav livskvalitet under pandemien
Remisjon av Diabetes type 2 etter fedmekirurgi.
The Norse Feedback in a population of patients undergoing bariatric surgery—Psychometric properties of a digital computer‐adaptive questionnaire assessing mental health
Associations between educational concerns and satisfaction, psychological distress and quality of life in baccalaureate nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic
Quality of life and fear of COVID-19 in 2600 baccalaureate nursing students at five universities: a cross-sectional study
Psychometric Properties of New Subscales of the Ostomy Adjustment Scale: A Cross-Sectional Study
Can adenosine triphosphate be a proxy measure in evaluation of hand disinfection effect?
Effects of hand disinfection with alcohol hand rub, ozonized water, or soap and water: time for reconsideration?
Cognitive behavioral group therapy for panic disorder in a general clinical setting: A prospective cohort study with 12 to 31-years follow-up
A novel patient-reported outcome monitoring with clinical feedback system in bariatric surgery care: study protocol, design and plan for evaluation
En evaluering av et kvalitetsforbedringsprogram for å bedre legemiddelgjennomgang på sykehjem
The association between aspects of carer distress and time until nursing home admission in persons with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies
Gastropexy predicts lower use of acid-reducing medication after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. A prospective cohort study
A new model of patient-reported outcome monitoring with a clinical feedback system in ostomy care: rationale, description and evaluation protocol
Case studiar med deltaking frå salen
Min kamp — med longitudinelle modellar av pasientrapporterte data
Experiences with longitudinal designs- presenting an example
Fysisk aktivitet i skulen – kvifor og korleis? Er uteareala viktige?
Successful weight loss and weight loss maintenance after severe obesity: A proposed model for future research
"Sunn framtid2" - Forebygge fedme hos barn gjennom tidlig foreldrestøtte. Prosjektplan for primær forebyggingsprosjekt
Changes in quality of life 5 years after sleeve gastrectomy: A prospective cohort study
An Experientially Derived Model of Flexible and Intentional Actions for Weight Loss Maintenance After Severe Obesity
Pasientrapportert livskvalitet ved fedme - Utvikling av nytt måleinstrument
Overall Treatment Satisfaction 5 Years After Bariatric Surgery
A systematic review of quality of life research in medicine and health sciences
The association between specific neuropsychiatric disturbances in people with Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies and carer distress
Living a succesful weight loss after severe obesity
Ozonized water as an alternative to alcohol-based hand disinfection
Effects of a physical activity intervention on schoolchildren's health-related quality of life: The active smarter kids (ASK) cluster-randomized controlled trial
Physical activity preferences of 10‐year‐old children and identified activities with positive and negative associations to cardiorespiratory fitness
Did executive function, behavioral self-regulation, and school related well-being mediate the effect of school-based physical activity on academic performance in numeracy in ten-year-old children? The Active Smarter Kids (ASK) study
Eating self-efficacy as predictor of long-term weight loss and obesity-specific quality of life after sleeve gastrectomy: A prospective cohort study
A systematic snapshot review of quality of life research in medicine and health science
A systematic snapshot review of quality of life research in medicine and health sciences
A review of systematic reviews on the effects of patient‐reported outcome monitoring with clinical feedback systems on health‐related quality of life—implications for a novel technology in obesity treatment
Nurse-rated quality of care in 2007 and 2017 within a Norwegian Hospital Trust
Living a successful weight loss after severe obesity
Inflammatory markers, the tryptophan-kynurenine pathway, and Vitamin B status after bariatric surgery
Self-assessed competence among nurses working in municipal health-care services in Norway
Executive Function, Behavioral Self-Regulation, and School Related Well-Being Did Not Mediate the Effect of School-Based Physical Activity on Academic Performance in Numeracy in 10-Year-Old Children : The Active Smarter Kids (ASK) Study
Frå alvorleg fedme til varig vekttap - utan kirurgi
Manglande registrering av fall i sjukeheim
Associations between health-related quality of life, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strength, physical activity and waist circumference in 10-year-old children: the ASK study
A systematic review of reviews: exploring the relationship between obesity, weight loss and health-related quality of life
Immateriell kapital - ein introduksjon
Immateriell kapital. Fjordantologien 2017
The relationship of specific items on the Neuropsychiatric Inventory to caregiver burden in dementia: a systematic review
Five-year outcomes after vertical sleeve gastrectomy for severe obesity: a prospective cohort Study
Reliability and Validity of the Norwegian Version of Impact of Weight on Qualiy of Life questionnaire
Impact of bariatric surgery and intensive lifestyle intervention on serum omega-3 profiles
Intensive lifestyle intervention provides rapid reduction of serum fatty acid levels in women with severe obesity without lowering omega-3 to unhealthy levels
Micronutrient status in morbidly obese patients prior to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and micronutrient changes 5 years post-surgery
A cross-sectional study to determine whether adjustment to an ostomy can predict health-related and/or overall quality of life
Ten-year changes in health-related quality of life after biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch
Effects of physical activity on schoolchildren's academic performance: The Active Smarter Kids (ASK) cluster-randomized controlled trial
Ein ny metode for å vurdere kvalitet på sjukepleietenesta ved medisinske sengepostar
Pre-konferanse for ferske forskarar: Føredrag om vitskapleg skriving, publisering og korleis ein kan danne effektive forskarnettverk
Symposium: Translating Health-Related Quality Of Life (HRQOL) Research into Clinical Practice for Adults and Youth
Korleis ulike typar fysisk aktivitet kan ha forskjellig effekt på hjernen og den mentale helsa.
Psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the Kidscreen-27 questionnaire
Prevalence of chronic compartment syndrome of the legs: Implications for clinical diagnostic criteria and therapy
Legemiddelgjennomgang i sykehjem
Associations between cardiovascular fitness and health-related quality of life in 10-year young children
Brukarmedverknad i fedmebehandling
Developing a computer assisted clinical feedback system to improve outcomes after obesity surgery: rationale and research strategies
Psychosocial functioning before and after surgical treatment for morbid obesity: reliability and validation of the Norwegian version of obesity-related problem scale
Employment status and sick-leave following obesity surgery: a five-year prospective cohort study
Active Smarter Kids (ASK): Rationale and design of a cluster-randomized controlled trial investigating the effects of daily physical activity on children's academic performance and risk factors for non-communicable diseases
Sjukepleiestudenten forskar i sjukeheim - kartlegging av ADL hjå bebuarar i sjukeheim
Selvopplevd helse, livsstilsfaktorer og sykdom
Physical activity and patient-reported outcomes during a two-year lifestyle intervention for severely obese adults. The Haugland Obesity Study
Physical activity and quality of life in severely obese adults during a two-year lifestyle intervention programme
Health-related quality of life after bariatric surgery: a systematic review of prospective long-term studies
A multivariate approach to reveal biomarker signatures in instrumental profiles of body fluids
Turning the boat: From a treatment-oriented focus to a socio-ecological approach in a study of a lifestyle intervention for morbid obesity
Body mass index and health behaviours in adolescents living in lodgings
Body Image in a sample of Norwegian children and adolescents with obesity: a cross-sectional study
Predictors of Health-related quality of life five years after Duodenal Switch for morbid obesity
Majority of participants in lifestyle intervention for severe obesity had undergone bariatric surgery by 6 years
Reliability and validity of the Norwegian version of obesity-related problem scale
Forskingsquiz med Kahoot!
Translation, adaptation, validation and performance of the American Weight Efficacy Lifestyle Questionnaire Short Form (WEL-SF) to a Norwegian version: a cross-sectional study
A cross-sectional study of self-reported general health, lifestyle factors, and disease: the Hordaland Health Study
Work participation among the morbidly obese seeking bariatric surgery: an exploratory study from Norway
Quality of life following laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Factors and associations for physical activity in severely obese adults during a two-year lifestyle intervention
Translation into Norwegian language with validation and reliability testing
Media og folk flest får dei tyngste til å skamme seg
Leg cramps in pregnancy caused by chronic compartment syndrome and relieved by fasciotomy after childbirth
Obesity, an Overview
Changes in obesity-related diseases and biochemical variables after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: A two-year follow-up study
Sammenheng mellom predisponerende faktorer og fysisk aktivitet hos voksne med alvorlig fedme i løpet av to års livsstilsbehandling
Obesity and Its Impact Upon Quality of Life
Differences in fat loss in response to physical activity among severely obese men and women
Predictors of weight loss are different in men and women after sleeve gastrectomy
Physical activity versus sedentary behavior: associations with lipoprotein particle subclass concentrations in healthy adults
Impact of physical activity and diet on lipoprotein particle concentrations in severely obese women participating in a 1-year lifestyle intervention
Associations between physical activity and quality of life outcomes in adults with severe obesity: a cross-sectional study prior to the beginning of a lifestyle intervention
Increased physical activity improves aerobic fitness, but not functional walking capacity, in severely obese subjects participating in a lifestyle intervention
Kva veit me i dag om fys ak-skuleintervensjonar og trivsel?
Livskvalitet før og etter fedmekirurgi
Dyrare chips og brus
Relationship between physical activity and lipoprotein subclass changes in severely obese women
Quality of life outcomes and obesity surgery: A systematic review of prospective long term studies
Five-year changes in health-related quality of life after biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch
Livsstilsbehandling i institusjon – oppfølging seks år etter
Changes in leg pain after bilateral fasciotomy to treat chronic compartment syndrome: a case series study
Vekt, fysisk form og helserelatert livskvalitet hos svært overvektige individer i livsstilsbehandling: 1-års oppfølging
Examining behaviour change in morbidly obese people participating in a lifestyle modification programme using the Precede-Proceed model
Examining behaviour change in morbidly obese people participating in a lifestyle modification programme using the Precede-Proceed model
Weight, aerobic fitness and health related quality of life in morbidly obese patients changing their lifestyle: a 1-year follow-up
Intervju om fedme, livstilsbehandling og fedmeoeprasjonar
- Livsstilendring for sjukleg overvektige har liten effekt
Validering av eit måleinstrument for jobbtilfredsheit
Physical activity and weight loss after a lifestyle intervention for severe obesity - The Haugland obesity study
Weight, aerobic fitness and health related quality of life in morbidly obese patients changing their lifestyle: a 1-year follow-up
Predictors of Health related quality of life five years after Duodenal switch
Physical inactivity is a risk factor for unhappiness in Norwegian adolescents
Physical inactivity is a risk factor for reduced self-rated academic performance in Norwegian adolescents
Health Related Quality of Life in in-patients undergoing lifestyle treatment for morbid obesity
The Biliopancreatic Diversion with a Duodenal Switch (BPDDS): How Is It Optimally Performed?
Multivariate partial least square regression in obesity research: an example
Health-related quality of life before and after duodenal switch: a five-year follow-up
Health Related Quality of Life in in-patients undergoing lifestyle treatment for morbid obesity
Underernæring og overvekt
Kosthald og trening
Health-related quality of life before and after duodenal switch for morbid obesity
Health-related quality of life before and after duedonal switch for mordid obesity: a five-year follow-up
Quality of life and bariatric surgery - a long term study
Anxiety and depression in association with morbid obesity: changes with improved physical health after duodenal switch
Health-related quality of life and paid work participation after duodenal switch
Self-percived mental health before and one year after starting lifestyle modification for morbid obesity
Bothering Defecation, Mental Well-Being and Social Functioning after Duodenal Switch
Self-perceived mental health before and after starting lifestyle modification for morbid obesity
Musculoskeletal pain in patients undergoing duodenal switch: 2-years follow-up
Predictors for health-related quality of life in patients accepted for bariatric surgery
Predictors for health-related quality of life in patients accepted for bariatric surgery
Health-Related Quality of Life and Paid Work Participation after Duodenal Switch
Helserelatert livskvalitet før og eit år etter operasjon for sjukleg overvekt
Helserelatert livskvalitet før og eit år etter operasjon for sjukleg overvekt
Health related quality of life in morbidly obese Norwegians
Health related quality of life before and after biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch: Two years follow up study
«Fem om dagen» - ein utopi?
Diet quality in 116 Norwegian men and women with coronary heart disease
Hud og ernæring
Myter og fakta om hjartesjukdom og kosthald
Overvekt, sukkerinntak og hjartesjukdom
Betennelsereaksjon,sukkeromsetning og kosthold for fotballspillere
Er det farlig å ete brød og poteter- spøk eller alvor?
Jakta på den optimale behandling
Diett med dokumentert effekt
Saturated fat does not cause stroke
Kven skal pleie dei sjuke?
Kjønn og koronar hjertesykdom
Forsking, helse og omega-3 fettsyrer