Arbeids- og kompetanseområde
Åsmund is a lecturer and researcher in music education at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL). He works as a study coordinator for the Master Program in Creative Subjects and Learning processes and has previously been employed as a project leader for the Music Teacher Bachelor Program at HVL. He is currently working on a PhD project focusing on pedagogical improvisation among teachers and student teachers. His educational background includes studies in guitar and music pedagogy as well as a master´s degree in ethnomusicology. He has previously worked as a teacher in community culture school and upper secondary school.
Underviser i
- guitar, ensemble playing, improvisation, jazz music history, music theory, ear training, music pedagogy
Forskar på
- Åsmund´s research interests are pedagogical and musical improvisation, musical performance, music teaching in community culture schools
- BND801, Innføring i bandrotasjon og bandleiing, 24/25
- LUPEM302, Workshoping og community music, 24/25
- MACREL-OPG, Masteroppgåve, 24/25
- MKUF501D, Musikkfagleg profesjonsutvikling, 24/25
- MKUF502D, Musikkdidaktiske og kunstfaglege forskingsformer, 24/25, emneansvarlig
- MKUF503, Estetikk og kreativitet , 24/25
- MKUF504, Vitskapsteori og metode, 24/25
- MKUF505, Prosjektskisse og forskingskontekst, 24/25
- MKUF550, Masteroppgåve, 24/25
- MUS101, Utøve musikk, 24/25
- MUS201, Lage musikk, 24/25
- MUS401, Sjøvvalt prosjekt, 24/25
- PPUA305, Leiing av læreprosessar - leiing av lærings- og utviklingsarbeid i eit individ- og gruppeperspektiv, 24/25
- PPUA306, Skulen i samfunnet - leiing av lærings- og utviklingsarbeid i eit organisasjons- og samfunnsperspektiv, 24/25