Professor II

Christian Moltu

Arbeids- og kompetanseområde

NORSE - Development of a dynamic clincial feedback system for personalized care in mental health services Leading a large scale international project on clinical feedback and improving treatment outcomes in ordinary clinical settings. Project awarded innovation funding by Helse Vest, and selected to be part of national research and innovation report to the Secretary of Health 2017. Project involves 4 PhD-students in progress and mulitple large grant proposals. The Art and Science of Conducting Psychotherapy. How collaborative action between therapist and client generates and sustains life change Alternate leader (bi-annually) of international mixed-method research project into how the personal and Professional role of therapists are integrated in working with the person of the Client to generate change. Project involves mulitsite data collection, researchers from different universities in Norway, Scotland and the US., and has 1 PhD-student in progress. Research Group leader: Strategic initiative on mental health and addiction research, Førde Health Trust, 2015-2020 One of two strategic intitiatives in Førde Health Trust in the period. Basic funding for the full period, and 7 PhD-students in progress on various issues of mental health and addictions, including 3 of the 4 NORSE PhD-students, and 4 other projects on psychotherapy microprocess research, participatory approaches, and bridging mental health knowlegde and somatic health interventions.
Forskar på
  • Psykoterapiforskning
  • Kliniske feedback-systemer og routine outcome monitoring
  • Deltakende forskningsmetoder
  • Forskning på recoveryrelaterte prosesser
  • Forskning på forbindelsen mellom psykisk og somatisk helse