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WSB Merito University in Wroclaw

WSB er et privat universitet som omfatter tidlegere Philological School of Higher Education in Wroclaw. Målet deres er å utdanne studenter med gode praktiske og interdisiplinære kunnskaper gjennom høy kvalitet på utdanningen.

Wroclaw er regionshovedstad med alt det innebærer av kjøpesentre, kaféer, restauranter, muséer og gallerier. Byen er eit viktig økonomisk sentrum og er en by med mange studenter.Nærregionen er naturskjønn og det er god tilgang til mange aktiviteter. I 2018 ble Wroclaw kåret til Europas beste destinasjon.

Gjeld for

Grunnskolelærer 1-7

Praktiske forberedelser

Semesteret går fra 1. oktober og varer til januar/februar. WSB er fleksible med tilpasning av eksamen for studenter som må reise hjem før semesteret er offisielt ferdig.


Dette er en Erasmus+ avtale. Som Erasmusstudent deltar du i verdens største utvekslingsprogram og kan studere på gode europeiske universiteter uten å betale skolepenger. Gjennom Erasmus+ får du ekstra stipend som gir deg mer penger til å nyte oppholdet. Les mer om hvordan du kan reise på Erasmus+ utveksling: www.hvl.no/student/utveksling/reis-med-erasmus


Det er krav om B2 i engelsk.

Alle som reiser på Erasmus+ utveksling må ta gratis språktest på nettet før dei reiser, og får tilgang til eit språkkurs gjennom denne tenesta. Avdeling for Forskning, Internasjonalisering og Innovasjon (AFII) informerer deg før testen.

Kan du dokumentere at delar av studiet vert undervist på polsk, kan du få stønad frå Lånekassen til eit fire ukers språkkurs som tas i Polen i forkant av semesteret.


Du betaler ikke skolepenger ved denne institusjonen, og får Erasmus+ stipend i tillegg til støtte fra Lånekassen.

Fra Lånekassen vil du få same støtte som når du studerer i Norge. Du må betale semesteravgift til HVL for å få lån og stipend frå Lånekassen i utvekslingsperioden.

Faglig godkjenning

For å kunne søke om utveksling må du ha fått søknaden din godkjendt av studieprogrammet ditt ved det fakultetet du hører til. En godkjendt søknad innebærer blant annet at du har fått en faglig forhåndsgodkjenning av kurs eller praksis som du skal ta i utlandet. Godkjenning av emner og praksis foregår i appen "HVL Utveksling"

Kva kan du studere?

Grunnskolelærarutdanning 1.-7. trinn

Studenter kan dra til WSB i 5. semester (Vestlandsklasse) og ta følgende emner. Det er også mulig å gjennomføre noen praksisdager ved WSB.

Culture and History of English-Speaking Countries 1 (3 ECTS)

The aim of this course is to familiarise students with the culture and history of countries belonging to the United Kingdom. The contents of the course are designed in order to develop one’s awareness of the contextual (social, cultural) factors governing the use of English; to prepare one to participate in discussions and debates concerning the topics covered; to learn about the products and traditions of English culture and the methods of their interpretation. The course comprises topics such as geography and national symbols of the United Kingdom, government and political parties, issues related to British law, Thatcherism, the Royal family, British customs and traditions, etiquette and more. Level B1 (Intermediate) is required to participate in this course. As a first-year lecture, this class may (but does not have to) be organised as an online class.

Writing/Editorial 1 (3 ECTS)

This course aims to provide students with knowledge regarding the rules of editing text in the English language as well as the standard structure of a formal text. It serves as an introduction to more complex and demanding forms of writing and provides the basis for future editorial work. In the first semester, students learn the rules governing correct English punctuation; the correct structure of a paragraph and, further, text structure and composition. Students gain skills that allow them to write their own short (and formal) texts such as messages, notes, letters and e-mails, announcements and other non-literary forms. Level B1 (Intermediate) is required to participate in this course.

Phonetics 1 (3 ECTS)

During this course, students learn the English Phonetic System and the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). The course is practical, placing emphasis on correct English pronunciation and perceptual (hearing) skills. The aim of the classes is also to introduce students to selected issues related to the phonetics and phonology of English as well as applied terminology. The course ends with both written (phonetic transcription) and oral exam. Level B1 (Intermediate) is required to participate in this course.

Practical Grammar 1 (3 ECTS)

This course aims to introduce students to the issue of the structure of the English language, develop their skills in applying those structures and provide them with the terminology necessary to participate in other linguistic courses and practical classes. The topics covered in the first semester include elements of grammar (parts of a sentence, verb categories, adverbials, parts of speech), simple and complex sentences (clause patterns, types of clauses) as well as the noun phrase (gender, number, case, articles, determiners and pronouns). The grade from the course is based on the exam and graded tasks (quizzes, exercises). Level B1 (Intermediate) is required to participate in this course.

Conversation 1 (3 ECTS)

This course is designed to support students in improving their speaking skills in the English language, including working on their fluency, consolidating key grammatical structure and improving vocabulary used in speaking. The aim of this course is to allow students to speak freely on various common knowledge topics as well as to learn about different sets of cultural and social norms and behaviours appropriate to various communicative circumstances. The first semester serves to break any barriers that may impede a student’s performance and focuses mostly on encouraging students to talk and express their views in a safe environment. The topics discussed are common knowledge and do not require specialised knowledge, e.g. work, everyday activities, fashion and clothes, appearance, emotions, weather, or sport. The course is completed based on an oral graded activity (e.g. debate, discussion, presentation). Level B1 (Intermediate) is required to participate in this course.

Integrated Skills 1 (3 ECTS)

The purpose of this course is to develop for main skills in students: listening, speaking, reading and writing in various contexts. The coursebook serving as the basis for the classes is Headway Upper-Intermediate. The first semester involves discussing four units (Unit 1. Home and away; Unit 2. The ends of the Earth; Unit 3. The kindness of strangers; Unit 4. A pack of lies). The course is supplemented with numerous vocabulary exercises and tasks developing general use-of-English skills. Level B1 (Intermediate) is required to participate in this course. Finishing the first part of this course (Integrated Skills 1, 2, 3), students gain the necessary knowledge and skills to pass the First Certificate Exam (FCE).

Introduction to Linguistics (3 ECTS)

The course aims to provide students with the conceptual apparatus concerning the structure of a language and the functioning of a language on various levels. It also introduces terminology used in the field of linguistics (both Polish and English). Students learn about the main issues in the selected branches of linguistics as well as linguistic methodologies. They recognise numerous relationships between linguistics and other scientific disciplines. Some of the topics include phonetics and phonology, morphology, semantics, discourse, variations of language, cognitive linguistics, language evolution and more. The lecture ends with a written exam. Level B1 (Intermediate) is required to participate in this course. As a first-year lecture, this class may (but does not have to) be organised as an online class.

Introduction to Literary Studies (3 ECTS)

This course serves to introduce terminology used in the field of literary studies as well as provide tools and methodologies for the analysis of literary works. During the lectures, students learn about the notion of literature and its medium; the criteria of literature and its division; genres, and subgenres. What is more, students are taught how to examine in detail fictional literary works in prose (the world presented, the narrative voice and tone, means of artistic expression, etc.), poetry (figures of speech, poetic imagery and various forms of comparison, poetic symbol and allegory, prosody, rhyme and metre, etc.) and drama (the components of drama, tragedy and comedy as subgenres to drama). Selected critical approaches to literature are also discussed. The lecture ends with a written exam. Level B1 (Intermediate) is required to participate in this course. As a first-year lecture, this class may (but does not have to) be organised as an online class.

After your arrival, there will be the possibility of adding extra courses from other years

Extra credits may be granted for the didactics courses that are not on the list as well as traineeship at school.

Grunnskolelærarutdanning 1.-7. trinn