Vitskaplege publikasjonar

Her finn du vitskaplege publikasjonar frå tilsette ved Senter for omsorgsforskning, vest. 


Bikova, Mariya Stoyanova, Djenana Jalovcic, Oddvar Førland et al. Does assistive technology contribute to safety among home-dwelling older adults?

Sudmann, Tobba, Munkejord Mai Camilla m.fl. Lost in Transition: Community-Dwelling Partners’ Stories of Losing a Spouse to Cognitive Decline and Long-Term Care Facilities

Wiik, Bastian, Malcolm Bray Doupe, Marit Stordal Bakken, Bård Reiakvam Kittang, Frode Fadnes Jacobsen and Oddvar Førland. Areas of consensus on unwarranted and warranted transfers between nursing homes and emergency care facilities in Norway: a Delphi study | BMC Health Services Research | Full Text (

Vike, H., Fagertun, A., & Haukelien, H. 1. Introduction: Welfare State Capitalism, Universalism, and Social Reproduction in Scandinavia. In The Political Economy of Care (pp. 9-40). Scandinavian University Press. 

Jacobsen, F. F. 4. Responsibilization of Actors in Care and Other Welfare Services: A Focus on For-Profits in Norwegian Nursing Homes. In The Political Economy of Care (pp. 93-111). Scandinavian University Press. 

Hansen, R., Fagertun, A., & Haukelien, H. 8. The Glamour and Grammar of Innovation: Notes on the Spectacular Reimagination of Municipal Care in Norway. In The Political Economy of Care (pp. 181-209). Scandinavian University Press. 

Førland, O. (2024). Conceptualizing Needs When Allocating Public Long-Term Care Services in the Welfare State. In A. Fagertun, H. Vike, & H. Haukelien (Eds.), The Political Economy of Care (pp. 231-251). Scandinavian University Press. 

Vike, H., Haukelien, H., & Fagertun, A. 11. Epilogue. In The Political Economy of Care (pp. 252-261). Scandinavian University Press. 

Anette Fagertun, Halvard Vike, Heidi Haukelien: The Political Economy of Care Welfare state capitalism, universalism, and social reproduction. Universitetsforlaget 

Reidun K. N.M. Sandvik, Bettina S. Husebo, Geir Selbaek, Gunhild Strand, Monica Patrascu, Manal Mustafa & Sverre Bergh: Oral symptoms in dying nursing home patients. Results from the prospective REDIC study, BMC Oral Health


Førland, O. (2023). Opphav, omgivelse og velferdsstat. In H. Alvsvåg & I. Hunskaar (Eds.), Fra ‘Nødvendige omveier’ til  en dag med ‘Langsomme pulsslag’. Innlegg fra Jubileumsseminar for Kari Martinsen 27.april 2023 (Vol. 2023/10, pp. 50-56). VID Rapport.

Suzan Mbatudde Skjold & Mai Camilla Munkejord (2023): Enabling Teams to Implement Innovative Personalized Activation in a Public Sector Context: Why and How Frontline Leadership Matters. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration 

Sandvik, R & Munkejord, M.C (2023): Dansk sykehjem har en annerledes tilnærming til personer med demens. Sykepleien (fagartikkel)

Bjerve, Torunn; van Poel, Esther; Willems, Sara; Jacobsen, Frode F. (2023): Changes in work tasks and organization of general practice in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from a comparative international study. BMC Primary Care 24;277

Ågotnes, Gudmund & Jacobsen, Frode F. (2023): Negotiating Internal and External Boundaries of Nursing Homes During Covid-19: A Case Study from Norway. Pat Armstrong & Susan Braedley (eds.): Nursing Homes in Turbulent Times. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Jacobsen, Frode F. & Ågotnes, Gudmund (2023): Bringing the outside in and the inside out: the role of institutional boundaries in nursing homes. In Pat Armstrong (ed.): Unpaid Work in Nursing Homes: Flexible Boundaries. Bristol University Press.

Licina, S., Kjeken, I., Førland, O., Langeland, E., & Tuntland, H. K. (2023): Exploring Goals and Functional Changes in Reablement for People with Fractures and People with Dizziness and Balance Problems. J Multidiscip Healthc, 16(1), 2323-2337. 

Andersson, I. O., Kjeken, I., Førland, O., Langeland, E., & Tuntland, H. (2023): Endringer i daglige aktiviteter, fysisk funksjon og livskvalitet etter hverdagsrehabilitering for voksne i yrkesaktiv alder: en oppfølgingsstudie [Vitenskapelig artikkel]. Ergoterapeuten, 66(22), 50-59. 

Fagertun (2023): Epistemologisk grunnarbeid i forsking om velferdsstatens tenester: å konstruere forskingsobjektet, Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning (

Bjerk, M., Førland, O., Moldøen, H.,., Langøien, L. J., & Sevild, C. (2023): «Mot et kunnskapsstøttesystem for kommunene». Beskrivelse og erfaringer med modellutprøvninger. Folkehelseinstituttet.

Puaschitz, Nathalie G.S.; Jacobsen, Frode F.; Berge, Line I.; Husebø, Bettina S. (2023): Access to, use of, and experiences with social alarms in home-living people with dementia: results from the Live@Home.Path trial. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 15:1167616

Tingvold, L., Moholt, J.-M., Førland, O., Jacobsen, F. F., & Tranvåg, O. (2023): Intended, Unintended, Unanticipated? Consequences of Social Distancing Measures for Nursing Home Residents During the Covid-19 PandemicGlobal Qualitative Nursing Research, 10, 23333936231176204. 

Munkejord (2023): Så er det sant at alt kan snu, Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid: Vol 20, No 2

Puaschitz, Nathalie G.S.; Jacobsen, Frode F.; Berge, Line I.; Husebø, Bettina S. (2023): Access to, use of, and experiences with social alarms in home-living people with dementia: results from the Live@Home.Path trial. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 15:1167616

Holster, T., Munkejord, M..C (2023): How can we foster caring meals? Findings from an ethnographic study in day care centers for older adults in Sápmi, NorwayHumanit Soc Sci Commun 10, 214

Sundsbø, Fagertun & Førland (2023): Contested care: gendered renegotiations of care needs for the frail elderly population in Norway, European Journal of Politics and Gender, 1-17.

M. Feiring, O. Førland, F. Aspinal & T. Rostgaard (2023): The travels of ideas of active ageing and reablement within and between three regions: United Kingdom, Australasia, and Scandinavia. In Reablement in Long-term Care for Older People. International Perspectives and Future Directions (pp. 248), Policy Press.

Silan & Munkejord (2023): Pinhkngyan: paths taken to recognizing, doing and developing Indigenous methodologies, Saga Journal

Førland (2023): Resultatløs sykepleie og velferdsstat. In I. Hunskår & H. Alvsvåg (Eds.), Sykepleie – engasjement og identitet. Faglige innlegg fra et seminar relatert til Herdis Alvsvåg sitt sykepleiefaglige virke (Vol. VID Rapport; 2023/4), VID vitenskapelige høgskole.

R. M. Olsen, N. B. Andfossen, S. A. Devik, T. E.Fredwall, O.Førland & J.-M. Moholt (2023): Ufullstendig helse-og omsorgshjelp og kompetansebehov i sykehjem (Vol. 1-2023). Senter for omsorgsforskning - Rapportserie. 

P. G. Disch , T. E. Fredwall, O. Førland, K. Cappelen & H. M. Rostad (2023): Veiviser for forskning i helse- og omsorgstjenestene i kommunen Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review. Omsorgsbiblioteket, 1-54. 

Frode F. Jacobsen, Stinne Glasdam, Limke M. Schopman, Morten Sodemann, Maria E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh, Gudmund Ågotnes (2023): Migration and health: exploring healthy ageing of immigrants in European societies, Cambridge University Press


Oddvar Førland og Kristin Thuve Dahm (2022): Forskningsomtale: Fellestrekk for virksomme tiltak mot ensomhet blant eldre.

Tuija Mikkola, Minna Mänty, Hannu Kautiainen, Mikaela von Bonsdorff, , Hannu KoponenTeppo Kröger & Johan Eriksson (2022): Use of Prescription Benzodiazepines and Related Drugs in Family Caregivers: A Nation-wide Register-based StudyAge and Ageing 51 (12)

Yngvild Brandser Alvsåker, Gudmund Ågotnes(2022): Technology as ‘time saver’ and the ‘saviour’ of older adult care, Praxeologi

Halvard Vike Halvard, Anette Fagertun, Heidi Haukelien (2022): Reconceptualizing States and Welfare in the North of Europe and Beyond, Nordic Journal of Wellbeing and Sustainable Welfare Development

Stinne Glasdam, Frode F. Jacobsen, Sigrid Stjernswärd (2022): Practices and Strategies of Health Professionals during the COVID-19 Pandemic—Between Limitations and Opportunities, Healthcare 

Anthea Van Parys, Jostein Sæle, Nathalie G Puaschitz, Åslaug Matre Anfinsen, Therese Karlsson, Thomas Olsen, Teresa R Haugsgjerd, Kathrine J Vinknes, Kirsten B Holven, Jutta Dierkes, Ottar K Nygård, Vegard Lysne (2022): The association between dairy intake and risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in patients with stable angina pectoris, European Journal of Preventive Cardiology

Mai Camilla Munkejord, Laila Tingvold (2022): Challenging Behaviors as a Relational Phenomenon: Findings From a Qualitative Study in a Nursing Home in Norway, Saga Journals 

Bodil H. Blix,  Mai-Camilla Munkejord (2022): Indigenous Sami Family Caregivers’ Experiences With Accessing and Collaborating With Municipal Health and Care Services, Saga Journals 

Laila Tingvold, Anette Fagertun (2022): Bilder av omsorg: tause normer for arbeid i flerkulturelle stabsfellesskap i norske sykehjem, Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, vol. 8, nr. 2

Astrid Sundsbø, Anette Fagertun (2022): Innvandrerkvinners arbeid og velferdsstatens motstridende dobbelthet, Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning, vol. 8, nr. 2

Ya-Li Sung, Huei-Ling Huang, Chung-Chih Lin, Teppo Kröger, Wen-Chuin Hsu, Jung-Lung Hsu, Yueh-E. Lin & Yea-Ing L. Shyu (2022): Experiences of family caregivers of persons living with dementia with and without a smart- clothes assisted home nursing program during the heightened COVID-19 alert, BMC Geriatrics

Gudmund Ågotnes og Frode F. Jacobsen (2022): Negotiating Internal and External Boundaries of Nursing Homes During Covid-19: A Case Study from Norway. Pat Armstrong & Susan Braedley (eds.): Nursing Homes in Turbulent Times. Edward Elgar Publishing. In print.

 Frode F. Jacobsen og Gudmund Ågotnes (2022): Bringing the outside in and the inside out: the role of institutional boundaries in nursing homes. In Pat Armstrong (ed.): Unpaid Work in Nursing Homes: Flexible Boundaries. Bristol University Press. In print.

S. Glasdam, F.F Jacobsen, L. Hybholt, S. Stjernswärd (2022): Scandinavian Nurses’ Use of Social Media during the COVID-19 Pandemic—A Berger and Luckman Inspired Analysis of a Qualitative Interview Study, Healthcare

Tove Mentsen Nessa og Mai Camilla Munkejord (2022): “All I expect is that they accept that I am a Sami” an analysis of experiences of healthcare encounters and expectations for future care services among older South Sami in Norway, International Journal of Circumpolar Health

 Tine Rostgaard, Frode F. Jacobsen, Teppo Kröger, Elin Peterson (2022):  Revisiting the Nordic long‑term care model for older people—still equal?,  European Journal of Ageing. Published online 

Beate André, Frode F. Jacobsen, Gørill Haugan (2022): How is leadership experienced in joy-of-life-nursing-homes compared to ordinary nursing homes: a qualitative study, BMC Nursing 

Tatiana Wara og Mai Camilla Munkejord (2022): Female Russian migrants in Norway and their stories about International Women’s Day, Journal of Peace Education 

Stinne Glasdam, Helena Sandberg, Sigrid Stjernswärd, Frode F. Jacobsen,   Anette H. Grønning,  Lisbeth Hybholt (2022): Nurses’ use of social media during the COVID-19 pandemic—A scoping review, PLOS ONE 17 (2)

Eliva Atieno Ambugo, Imran Dar, Mariya S. Bikova, Oddvar Førland og Trond Tjerbo (2022): A qualitative study on promoting reablement among older people living at home in Norway: opportunities and constraints. BMC Health Services Research

Trond Tjerbo, Oddvar Førland, Jardar Sørvoll, Terje P Hagen, Rina Moe Fosse, Eliva A Ambugo, Heidi Gautun & Marya Bikova (2022): Resultatevaluering av Omsorg 2020 – regjeringens plan for omsorgsfeltet 2015–2020, rapport 

Sjå oversikt frå Cristin


Nathalie Genevieve Puaschitz, Frode Fadnes Jacobsen, Janne Mannseth, Renira Corinne Angeles, Line Iden Berge, Marie Hidle Gedde, Bettina Sandgathe Husebo (2021): Factors associated with access to assistive technology and telecare in home‑dwelling people with dementia: baseline data from the LIVE@Home.Path trial , BMC Medical Informatics and Decicion Making 

Laila Tingvold, Oddvar Førland (2021): Does context matter? Voluntary work in long-term care, Nordic Journal of Social Research

Ann-Kristin Fjørtoft, Trine Oksholm,Oddvar Førland,Charlotte Delmar, Herdis Alvsvåg (2021): The position of home‐care nursing in primary health care: A critical analysis of contemporary policy documents, Nursing Inquiry 

Anette Fagertun (2021): Absorbing care through precarious labour - The shifting boundaries of politics in Norwegian healthcare, Manchester Hive, online publication 

Frode F. Jacobsen, Cathrine Arntzen, Siri A. Devik, Oddvar Førland, Martin S. Krane, Linda Madsen, Jill-Marit Moholt, Rose Mari Olsen, Laila Tingvold, Oscar Tranvåg, Gudmund Ågotnes, Irene Aasmul (2021): Koronarapporten: Erfaringer med COVID-19 i norske sykehjem, underlagstrapport til Koronakommisjonen

Marie H. Gedde, Bettina S. Husebo, Ane Erdal, Nathalie G. Puaschitz, Maarja Vislapuu, Renira C. Angeles, Line I. Berge (2021): Access to and interest in assistive technology for home-dwelling people with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic (PAN.DEM), International Review of Psychiatry


Nathalie Genevieve Puaschitz, Frode Fadnes Jacobsen, Janne Mannseth, Renira Corinne Angeles, Line Iden Berge, Marie Hidle Gedde, Bettina Sandgathe Husebo (2021): Factors associated with access to assistive technology and telecare in home‑dwelling people with dementia: baseline data from the LIVE@Home.Path trial , BMC Medical Informatics and Decicion Making 

Laila Tingvold, Oddvar Førland (2021): Does context matter? Voluntary work in long-term care, Nordic Journal of Social Research

Ann-Kristin Fjørtoft, Trine Oksholm,Oddvar Førland,Charlotte Delmar, Herdis Alvsvåg (2021): The position of home‐care nursing in primary health care: A critical analysis of contemporary policy documents, Nursing Inquiry 

Anette Fagertun (2021): Absorbing care through precarious labour - The shifting boundaries of politics in Norwegian healthcare, Manchester Hive, online publication 

Frode F. Jacobsen, Cathrine Arntzen, Siri A. Devik, Oddvar Førland, Martin S. Krane, Linda Madsen, Jill-Marit Moholt, Rose Mari Olsen, Laila Tingvold, Oscar Tranvåg, Gudmund Ågotnes, Irene Aasmul (2021): Koronarapporten: Erfaringer med COVID-19 i norske sykehjem, underlagstrapport til Koronakommisjonen

Marie H. Gedde, Bettina S. Husebo, Ane Erdal, Nathalie G. Puaschitz, Maarja Vislapuu, Renira C. Angeles, Line I. Berge (2021): Access to and interest in assistive technology for home-dwelling people with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic (PAN.DEM), International Review of Psychiatry


Laila Tingvold og Anette Fagertun (2020): Between Privileged and Oppressed? Immigrant Labor Trajectories in Norwegian Long-Term Care, Sustainability, MDPI

Bettina Sandgathe Husebø, Heather Allore, Wilco Achterberg, Renira Corinne Angeles, Clive Ballard, Frøydis Kristine Bruvik, Stein Erik Fæø, Marie Hidle Gedde, Eirin Hillestad, Frode Fadnes Jacobsen, Øyvind Kirkevold, Egil Kjerstad, Reidun Lisbeth Skeide Kjome, Janne Mannseth, Mala Naik, Rui Nouchi, Nathalie Puaschitz, Rune Samdal, Oscar Tranvåg, Charalampos Tzoulis, Ipsit Vihang Vahia, Maarja Vislapuu og Line Iden Berge (2020): LIVE@Home.Path—innovating the clinical pathway for home-dwelling people with dementia and their caregivers: study protocol for a mixed-method, stepped-wedge, randomized controlled trial, Trials 21.1