BRP302 6. kliniske praksis - radiologisk og stråleterapeutisk avdeling
Emneplan for studieåret 2017/2018
Innhold og oppbygning
This practical study-period is organised in connection with the ERASMUS program: 'Behavioural and professional aspects of patient care in radiography' (see BRA320), the international exchange program in the Bachelor education in radiography. During this period of eight weeks practice will be organised so that the students have the opportunity to experience one or two of the following modalities; conventional radiography, computed tomography (CT), intervention, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear medicine and/or radiotherapy. The modalities´ special imaging methods and experience of the radiographers´ function will be prioritised. The Bachelor education in radiography has specific learning goals for the individual type of practice described in the "Plan for Practice".
A student who has completed the course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:
The student...
- can describe how the professional and behaviour aspects of patient care can be used in different situations
- can explain different models of communication with patients and other health personnel
- can describe how to behave and use necessary equipment in emergency situations
- can describe quality improvement methods
- is knowledgeable about the departments security processes
The student...
- can prepare patients to various examination
- is able to complete the most common examinations
- make use of actual equipment in a correct way
- can demonstrate technical knowledge
- is able to observe the patient
- can collect information about quality improvement tools
General competence:
The student:
- can document her/his product
- is aware of her/his strengths and limitations
- can reflect on her/his vocational competence relative to the departments current guidelines
- can observe and assess the department`s normative working routines
- is able to cooperate with others in the performance of work
- can utilise relevant skills and knowledge in unexpected situations
2D Communication, interaction and conflict resolution
2E Psychological and pedagogical aspects
2F Professional ethics and foundation
3A Patient care and nursing
3G Quality development and documentation
Clincical practice
Each student shall have a 30 hours week in practice exclusive of lunch. The practice period is divided into two parts and the student usually complete practice at two different modalities.
A radiographer will supervise the student. Contact teacher is the representative from the Bachelor education in radiography and is responsible for the student's completion of the practice periods.
All practice is mandatory and absence over 10 % will lead to a "fail". Learning acquired in the respective practical placement areas is directly related to professional radiography and is therefore difficult to obtain elsewhere.
Practice is assessed to pass/fail
The supervisor and the contact teacher will evaluate the practice. The contact teacher is responsible for ensuring that the assessment is carried out.
Repetition of practice if failed
The actual part has to be repeated
Kari Fredheim