MUNDD4B113 Engelsk fagdidaktikk - del 1
Emneplan for studieåret 2017/2018
Innhold og oppbygning
Module 4 English Didactics is offered as one of four specialized modules in the course leading to a Masters level degree in Education. Module 4 English didactics, part 1 focuses on the topic:
From principles to practice in the English as a Foreign language (EFL) classroom.
This module will be taken both by students specializing in English, and by students specializing in Pedagogy, with the English option. The module is scheduled for second semester of the masters programme for full time students, and fourth semester for part time students.
On completion of the module, students should have acquired
- knowledge of central theories and principles of SLA (Second Language Acquisition)
- knowledge of theory and principles relating to central areas of English teaching and learning in the Norwegian school curriculum
- critical insight into research carried out within a range of aspects of English teaching and learning.
On completion of the module, students should be able to
- reflect on current principles and theories of SLA in their own English teaching.
- put into practice basic principles relating to a range of aspects of language learning, teaching and assessment
- put into practice basic principles relating to using literature in the EFL classroom
- put into practice basic principles relating to intercultural communication in the EFL classroom
- critically analyse research carried out within a range of aspects of English teaching and learning
- consider the potential of examples of EFL research as models for research in the Norwegian school classroom.
On completion of the module, students should
- be able to base their EFL teaching on accepted principles and practice in the field
- be able to evaluate a range of aspects of EFL, such a curricula, teaching material and assessment tools, on accepted principles and practice in the field
- be a resource person in their future schools, to help ensure that the EFL teaching in the school is founded on accepted principles and practice in the field.
The content will be selected from the following areas:
- Theory and principles of SLA
- Aspects of language learning, teaching and assessment
- Children's/adolescent' literature in the EFL classroom.
- Culture and/or intercultural competence in the EFL classroom.
Work on the module will take the form of group work, lectures and seminars.
As a prerequisite for taking the exam, students must have documented participation in at least 80% of the classes.
Two-week take home exam. The examination will take the form of a 2000-2300 word essay.
Guidelines for the essay will be provided at the beginning of the module.
Grades A to F are used in assessment.
The possibility exists for students to take part of Module 4 in an English-speaking country.
Zoltan Varga