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ING3052UTV Bachelor Thesis Engineering

Emneplan for studieåret 2020/2021

Innhold og oppbygning

The thesis shall deal with issues connected to one or more engineering courses the student has previously studied and should involve a company or public agency in the region. The practical application of philosophy of science is also part of the course.



The student

  • Can use acquired knowledge in a chosen part of the engineering field.
  • Has broad knowledge of key issues in the area of study.
  • Can understand methodical work, has the ability to reflect and the ability of systematic/scientific review.
  • Has received a better understanding of the processes and methods used in business and public sectors.


- Skills

The student

  • Can, under guidance, develop a concrete problem of social interest in the field chosen.
  • Can, under guidance, identify, choose and asses literature relevant to the issues and develop concrete solutions.
  • Has the skills to go in depth in specific issues and develop alternative solutions to a problem.
  • Has skills in documenting and conveying the results of his/her work in a systematic/scientific way.


-General qualification:

The student:

  • Has knowledge of scientific integrity and understands ethical issues that are of relevance to the issue(s) of the bachelor thesis.
  • Knows the consequences for individuals, companies and society when it comes to the issue of the bachelor thesis and work related to this issue.
  • Knows how to plan and perform an independent task, formulate and analyse issues based on theoretical and empirical material and can carry out tasks in a sufficient way.
  • Can present the results of his/her work, verbally and written.

Krav til forkunnskaper

120 ECTS from an engineering programme.

Anbefalte forkunnskaper


Undervisnings- og læringsformer

Project in group (1-3 students), seminars, tutorials

Obligatorisk læringsaktivitet

Project application


Bachelor thesis with oral presentation/examination.

The bachelor thesis consists of a technical report, a poster and a product which can be, for example, a popular science article, a prototype or a multimedia product.

The oral presentation lasts for 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of oral examination.

The mark is an overall assessment of the bachelor thesis and the oral presentation/examination. The examination result will be released the day after the oral presentation/examination.

If several students deliver a bachelor thesis together, all the students must attend the presentation/examination. They get a common overall mark.

It is possible to complain about the mark. For a bachelor thesis written by a group of students, all the students involved have to sign the complaint. The bachelor thesis will be assessed again and the students will have to give the oral presentation again.

Grade: A - E / passed; F / failed.

Hjelpemidler ved eksamen

All written support material is permitted.

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